23 . Saeko Busujima

(A/N: Thank you for your support guys but I still don't like you for robbing my chapters, hmph.)

Alex just sat down beside the girl as they both recovered from the damage and the stamina they used in the duel.

Even though it was short but it was intense. They just swung and confronted each other relentlessly without giving any breathing room.

Mamako was worried as she looked at Alex having his duel with the other girl but she didn't stop him as it was his consent. She knew that it could provide him valuable experience that was much needed.

"Alex!" Mamako said a bit worried and made her way over with Hinata and Robin who had joined them.

Mamako came with teary eyes as she picked Alex up and started to check him all over the body. "We are going back". Mamako said with an unquestionable tone. She was worried about Alex's bruise.

"Wait Ka-chan, I still have to introduce my self at least". Alex said as he turned over in Mamako's arms.

"Hey, that was a good match. Too bad you lost". Alex said as he smirked at the girl.

The girl looked over at Alex without any annoyance and just smiled back. She was the calm type and only became a bit of a sadist when she fought with someone.

"I will win next time. I am Saeko Busujima and you are not getting away from me". saeko said as she introduced herself. Her pride was hit a bit by losing to Alex but that didn't mean she couldn't win it back.

"I am Alexander Oosuki and we'll see if you can". 'I don't wanna get away either'. Alex smiled as he introduced himself but the thoughts in his mind weren't the same.

"Alex-kun, are you okay?" Hinata asked as she fiddled with her fingers as she was a bit shy.

"I'm okay. Hmm, oh yeah Hinata, you still have some medicine at home. Can you get me some of that. I want to learn on my first day and not just go back like this". Alex smiled but then he remembered the medicine salve that Hinata applied to him last time. That thing works like a charm.

He is sure that they have some at home as well but he doesn't want to just go back without learning anything. And he was still in Mamako's arms.

"No, we are going back". Mamako shook her head resolutely and denied.

"But Mom, if I apply medicine. It'll get better in no time". Alex pleaded as he looked over at Mamako.

Both Robin and Saeko giggled at Alex's predicament from the side as he looked cute while pleading with a puppy face. 'Laugh all you want now. I'll see who has the last laugh'.

Both girls felt a bit wrong and looked around themselves but found nothing unusual. So they just shrugged and Didn't pay it any attention any more.

Seeing Alex's cute and puppy dog eyes Mamako faltered a bit. "Only if I see that your injury is healed". Mamako groaned and said.

"Thank you mom". Alex thanked her with a smile but didn't leave her arms as standing was a bit hard for him at the moment.

"Miss, if you are not a student then I would like to request of you to wait in the private room while your child gets his training". An instructor who was quiet until now because of the duel looked at Mamako as he said.

Mamako looked at the instructor as the silence and tense atmosphere in the room got palpitating. "Who gives you the right to separate me from Alex-kun". Mamako had a dangerous aura around her as she said to the instructor.

The instructor wiped the sweat on his face and a voice came to save him just in time. "She doesn't have to leave the room. I give the permission but madam, you have to stay still and silent during the lesson". Hiashi came to save the poor guy when he knew that the great demo- Ahem, the woman from the other day was here.

He quickly made his way here and just stayed in a corner when he saw the duel happening and only now came forward when he saw that the instructor was in a dilemma.

Hearing Hiashi's words, Mamako gave a sweet smile and nodded at Hiashi. Hiashi just gulped as he didn't feel that the smile was sweet at all.

"Alright then". Instructor nodded to Hiashi's words and then looked towards Alex.

"After you get the medicine and take care of your injuries. I will do an assessment and gauge your skills in hand to hand combat for which you have applied". The instructor said as he looked towards Alex.

Alex just cheerfully nodded at his words and waited for Hinata to come back and saw Robin and Saeko concentrating on their lessons while he just silently looked at them in Mamako's arms.

Saeko was hit hard but Alex made sure to not hit her with the sharp side of the axe. So she just stuck in the back like being hit with a palm. It was just harder than a palm.

So after resting for a bit, Saeko gained back her mobility and looked at Alex in appreciation as he could've hit her with the blade side of the axe. His favourability had went up a notch in her books.

After a little wait, Hinata bought back the medicine and tried to apply it on Alex herself but Mamako took the opportunity in her hands.

After getting the medicine applied and waiting for a while to let the wound heal. Alex was ready and roaring to go. He wanted to up his technique in handling his body.

He was a bodybuilder in his previous life but he was no martial artist. So he needed techniques to control his body and strength, starting from when it was low before it went to a point, where he would be like Superman and just hit and take hits.

(A/N: after this the interclass and inter school competition then we will have another time skip.)