34. Giving Gifts

(A/N: So, I was reading a Naruto novel the other day. And here is some food for thought. If the Uchihas were slaughtered. You know, a whole clan was wiped out.

Konoha's strength would've dropped massively even if they had the Hyuga still. Like the Uzumaki are gone, Uchihas are gone, Senjus were already gone as well.

Then why didn't the other shinobi Villages start oppressing Konoha for more resources. I mean Sand was ready even if manipulated by Orochimaru. I would deginitely show these if I made a novel on it.

Anyways, you extra chapter for them power stones)

Alex noticed the change in her form of addressing but point it out as that's how the world works. Money talk everywhere.

"These are the gun toys made with exquisite metals. All modelled after the guns used before the Apocalypse. Please see the one you like". The girl explained and showed Alex all the guns in display.

Alex chose an MP5 and an MP7 for Alice as she like to dual wield them and they look quite good to be honest.

He looked around the store and found some claw like toys that weren't sharp but could adjust the size and looked really good. He bought those for Ye Lian and looked to see if he can find a bokken here.

"Do you sell some bokkens here?" Alex asked as he couldn't really see it here.

"Yes, we do a lot of things here. You can also see some jewellery on the upper floors if you would like". The girl answered politely and led him upstairs to look for what he asked.

He went up and looked at the Bokkens made from different types of wood here. Some were made from Bamboo, Sandalwood and other exquisite woods here. He found a good sturdy one with exquisite Craftsmanship and got it packed.

"Let's go get some jewellery". Alex jumped as he said cheerfully like a child his age. Except, he was buying things that a child shouldn't be buying.

"Please come with me". The girl led Alex to a higher floor with a lot of jewellery inside.

Alex looked around and found a pair of crystal earrings that would suit a young girl around his age. They were round and small but looked very good and he was sure that it would suit her.

Then he looked some more and bought three necklaces. A Purple gem necklace for Raikou, A red gem one for Mamako and a Silver gem necklace for Grayfia.

He didn't forget to buy one for Merlin as well. He was sure that he could it to her in his dreams and she would be able to take it. So he took a necklace with a black gem for her.

Each jewellery was very expensive with earrings being the least expensive and the Necklaces being the most expensive. His bill totalled to a full 52 million credits.

He had a card of his own that he could use and he paid the bill. His mothers were rich and didn't bat an eye at this small amount of money. The mansion was more than billions in value. So this was just a small amount to them.

After packing everything in his space ting with the teddy taking the mist space. He got out of the store and came back to the Villa area.

'First, I will visit Hinata'. He thought and immediately went to her Family's Dojo.

He slipped in and went to the inner compounds. Suddenly, he saw as a dark blue blur collided with him. "Alex-kun, why are you here?" Hinata asked with happiness as a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.

"I'm here to give you a present". Alex said as he stroked Hinata's hairs with a smile.

"Show me, show me". Hinata acted a little spoilt as she caught the cuff of his shirt and said.

"Alright, first let's go to your room". Alex said as he smiled helplessly at Hinata's cute act.

"O…okay, Follow me". Hinata blushed as she thought of bringing Alex to her room.

After walking for a few minutes, they came to a big room that was as simple as it could be. There was no girly stuff and just a table in the corner with the rest of the room empty.

"Hmm, you don't sleep on bed?" Alex asked, a bit puzzled. Even though, it was a traditional Japanese mansion. It didn't mean that you can't have beds inside.

"No, I sleep on a Futon". Hinata said as she showed Alex her futon.

"Oh, okay". Alex nodded and just looked at the simple room.

"A…Alex-Kun, M-My G-Gift". Hinata asked with a blush when she mentioned it again.

"Here you go, do you like it?" Alex waved his hand a big Panda plushie appeared in the center of the room.

Hinata looked a bit stunned at first but then pounced on the Bear without a care in the world. She held it tightly as she rubbed her face against it.

"Oh sorry, I think you don't like it since you didn't say anything till now. Should I take it back?" Alex smiled internally as he thought of bullying her a little. His face was totally serious when he said that.

"No!" Hinata exclaimed and held the Panda even tighter to herself with slight tears in her eyes. She finally got a toy and a big bear at that. She didn't want it to be taken away.

"Alright, you can keep it then but you have to take care of it". Alex patted Hinata's head as he said to her with a tender smile.

"I will!" Hinata exclaimed but didn't leave the Panda.

"Alright and here, your reward for going all out in The match". Alex said and kissed Hinata on the cheek.

Hinata had a beet red face as smoke came out of her head and she fainted with the Panda tight in her grasp.

Alex just shook his head as he left the room and got back to the Dojo. There he saw his Rival and the stubborn Saeko.

"Saeko!" Alex shouted to get her attention and started walking towards her.

"Hmm, Alex, need something?" Saeko spoke to the point without beating around the bush.

Alex smiled at Saeko's straightforward attitude and went close to her. "Here, I bought you a gift". He said as he took out an exquisite Bokken with a very good workmanship.

Saeko had a faint blush when she saw Alex giving her a sword. She felt a bit complicated in her mind and received it with a bit of hesitation.

"O-okay, I will take good care of it". Saeko stuttered a bit as she received the Bokken.

"Glad you like it". Alex smiled as he gave her a pat. His favourite thing to do and left the Dojo.

Saeko just looked at Alex's departing back with a blush and a smile on her face. She then looked at Bokken and stored it in her space ring.

'Now I need to give the gifts to Ye Lian and Alice. Then to Ka-chan after I go home'. Alex thought as he started to make his way towards Ye Lian's house.

He never actually went to her house but he knew where it is as he picked her up for school once near it. Although, he didn't see her mother or father at that time.