39. Inter-school competition 4

"The competition is about to start. Let's get back to our seats". Alex said as he tried to get out of Hancock's grasp.

"Hancock, you need to go back as well". Alex stroked her soft black hair as he said.

"No". Hancock denied adamantly as she hugged him tighter.

"Look, the competition is about to start. So go back for now. We will meet up later". Alex said one more time patiently explaining.

"I forgot to tell you my name again. I am Alex Oosuki". Alex said with a smile as he took his hand out of Hancock's grasp.

"Dear". Hancock still reluctantly let go of his arm but her face was depressed.

"Now now, don't be like this. We will meet after the competition anyway. So be good and also call me Alex not dear". Alex patted her small head to fix her mood but she just wasn't recovering from her sadness.

"Alright, tell you what. I bought a gift for you". Alex said with a smile but he somehow felt like an uncle trying to deceive little girls with a candy.

"Really?!" Hancock's eyes shone as there were stars flickering in her eyes.

'Anime logic'. "Here, see if you like it". Alex took out a small exquisite box as he presented it to Hancock.

Hancock took the box out of Alex's hands very carefully as she opened it like a treasure with anticipation. She saw the small crystal earrings and immediately fell in love with them.

"I love it, Thank you, dear". Hancock closed the box as she held tightly.

"Haaaa, you're welcome". Alex sighed at first since Hancock didn't change her form of address and just smiled at her thanks.

"Alright, bye Saeko, Hancock. We'll meet after or during the Competition". Alex waved his hand as he got ready to leave with the girls.

Alice on the way was pouting while Hinata had her head down. Robin and Ye Lian were also frowning while looking at Alex.

"You guys don't need to be like this. She is a good girl, so try to get along okay". Alex said softly as he stroked their heads one by one.

"But". Alice still tried to protest, even though her face was currently blissful.

"Look, you got along with Ye Lian, Hinata, Robin and Saeko, right. So what's wrong with her. Just give her a chance as well". Alex explained patiently as he didn't want them to fight.

"Let's go quickly, it's about to start". Alex quickened his pace as he got back to the seats as soon as he can.

The others also followed him in haste when they realised that they were getting late and the teacher might yell at them for it.

Getting back, they quietly sat down in their seats without letting the teacher know but who were they kidding. After settling down, they looked at the massive billboard above the stadium.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to this year's inter-school competition. You will see the new generation to get the crown of number 1 in their year. Now! let's Begin!" Came a loud voice as a man presented himself in the billboard.

The matches began as the first match was Saeko against someone from Hancock's school. Alex was given a free pass for this round as he got lucky on the draw.

Saeko's opponent was using a wooden sword while Saeko was using a Bokken to fight. They clashed for a couple of rounds and as Saeko got used to the guy's rhythm, it was games over.

She won by knocking the wooden sword out of the guy's hand and putting her sword on the guy's neck thus officially winning the match.

She had sweat trickling down her face as she left the ring as the guy wasn't easy to contend with and she had to use a bit of effort.

Next round was Alice on stage, she had fire blazing in her eyes and she clenched her fists. She probably wanted to take out her anger on someone.

She faced a person from Saeko's school. The guy had a small, round shield on his left forearm with a wooden sword in his right hand.

The match started and Alice didn't say anything to the guy and just dashed at him. The guy prepared his shield and sword in a stance as he got ready for the attack.

Alice delivered a roundhouse kick to the shield that made him stagger from the momentum and power behind the strike.

The guy used the sword to stabilise himself and quickly bashed the shield at the oncoming Alice. Alice dodged the attack and backed off.

The guy ran at her and swung his sword in a diagonal way that made it quite difficult to dodge upfront.

Alice joined the guns behind her in an X and took the slash head on. After taking the slash, she rammed her foot into the guy's abdomen.

The kick made him wince and back off. Alice took this chance as she delivered an uppercut to his chin and rattled his brain, making him drop on his ass.

She put the muzzle of her gun on his head and ended the match officially.

Hancock was up in the next match as she came on stage while looking in Alex's direction without even looking at her opponent.

Her opponent was a girl using a Sledgehammer that looked ridiculous and cute for her small size but she had met her match as Hancock was using bow and arrows.

She didn't want to waste her breath on the girl and just started to kite her with her bow and arrows as the girl tried to narrow the gap but she would just back off every time.

After fighting for a couple rounds, the girl just decided to admit defeat as she couldn't really catch up to Hancock's agility and get up close with her.

Next match was Ye Lian vs Liam Fox, the shield guy. Who got his shit handed to him by Alex before in the previous competition.