41. Inter-school competition 6

They got back to the seats as the last match for today was concluded and the competition for today came to a close.

"Let's go and find a gift for Ye Lian". Alex cheered as the others also followed him enthusiastically.

"Oh, I forgot. How are we going to dot hat though. We have to first go back with the school". Alex suddenly halted in his steps as he remembered.

They have to go back with the school and then they will be picked by their parents today. Who had come to watch their battles.

"Dear!" Just then, came a black blur as it crashed into Alex's chest.

"Yo Hancock, You had a nice fight". Alex complimented her as he stroked her head.

Hancock gave a silly smile as she covered her cheeks with her small hands and giggled cutely. She turned to the side and continued on with her fantasies.

"Well now we have to go". Alex said as he patted her head to get Hancock's attention back.

"Can't you stay?" Hancock asked with a pitiful expression on her face.

"You know that's not possible. You can always visit us in Hyuga Martial Dojo. We all hangout there often". Alex smiled as he told her. He was quite fond of this silly and lovely girl. It didn't help that she was his favourite character in his previous life.

"Mmhmm, I will definitely come". Hancock said as she clenched her fists. She was determined to meet-up with her dear Alex.

"You too Saeko, see you at the dojo". Alex also greeted Saeko, who had come to talk with them and ask about Ye Lian.

They had recovered easier from their injuries but Ye Lian was too sad to meet with them at the moment.

She needed some alone time as Alex had already consoled her plenty. All of them then separated as they went back to their groups.

(A/N: it's not my fetish or anything but I just like to do it. Ahem, if you know. You know.)

"Sir, you are advised to take the children and wait in the shelter". A soldier came as he got in front of the teacher and said.

"Why?" The teacher asked with astonishment as this was unprecedented.

"Because we are facing an insect and undead wave on her heads". The soldier replied with a grimace and helplessness but he could only follow orders and it was not a time to panic.

And cue it on time, there were shouts and panic in the whole stadium. You would think that living 20 years in the Apocalypse, people would be more calm about this.

But the recent stability and peace in the base city had made them forget about all this. People were like this and would often forget their circumstances if they got stability again.

"How did this happen! Don't patrols go out everyday?!" The teacher was a bit hysterical and worried by this point.

His voice was raised a few decibels and he was questioning the guy like it was his fault. Truly pathetic for a Tier 3 evolver.

Though, you can't blame this guy. He just awakened a physical strengthening ability that made him a bit stronger than what he already has.

At higher realms, it could be useful but in such a low tier 3 realm. It hardly made any difference whatsoever.

He had been stumped by the bottleneck on figuring out and comprehending his ability further. He got from Tier 2 to Tier 3 but it wasn't helping anymore.

"Sir, you are advised to stay calm and follow protocol". The soldier said calmly that made the teacher flinch and calm down a little as he sighed to keep his nervousness down.

Alex was utterly worried behind when he heard that there was an insect and undead wave suddenly heading for the base city.

The girls around him were on the verge of tears except Robin, who was worried and kept herself calm forcefully.

"Don't worry, everything will be alright". Alex patted their heads to calm them down while he started looking for his mothers and the other two girls.

He cannot deny that over the years, he had been getting dependent on them. Since he received so much love and care from them and he was utterly spoiled till now.

But today, reality hit him hard when he saw the panic around him and even his teacher, a tier 3 evolver was panicking like a sissy.

He just felt that it was peaceful and he could just keep powering up at a constant pace and make a name for himself when his powers unlocked.

While Alex was comforting the girls and thinking about all this. They had made their way from an underground tunnel to a shelter used in this kind of situation.

As flying insects and undeads could not be stopped if they came in massive hordes and may slip through the net and cause havoc.

*sniff* *sniff*

The girls were just kids and because of the others around them. They had started to cry as well. Alex snapped out of his musing and self pity when he heard them crying.

"Why are you crying? Look, I am here, aren't I?" He hugged them with his small arms into a tight hug.

Although childish but it still worked a little as they stopped sobbing and it also helped that the parents had arrived in the shelter as well.

"Dear". Well, this also helped as this girl just knew how to distract them jealousy.

Although, she had no regards for the upcoming pandemonium on their heads at all. She just held onto him tightly like a koala. Hancock and Alex were completely disregarding the deadly glares that her mother was giving Alex.

"Alex!" Raikou shouted as she caught Alex and lifted him into her arms.

The rest of the parents also held their children against them in worry. They could perceive that there was a very strong presence outside the city.

Well, some of them could as not all of them were evolvers or fighters with particularly strong tiers. Raikou could perceive it fluidly as she was the strongest among the people here.