43. Danger

The insects started to tear down people as they munched on the hearts, brains and other parts of the body.

The adults were being quickly killed as the children were at the back of the shelter. So they were safe for now but it wouldn't last long.

'Is this all I can do even after reincarnating and getting those wishes'. Alex had his hands clenched while looking at the massacre happening in front of him.

Just then the shelter door opened with a bang and a purple blur appeared in the middle of the insects that were rampaging in the shelter.

Insects started to die like cutting wheat and the intelligent insect looked at this with astonishment. "How are you here?" The insect yelled as he confronted the purple blur.

"I felt something dangerous close to Alex-kun". Raikou said with a dangerous glint in her eyes as she looked at the insect.

'Good thing I didn't let Mamako come with me. We need her to tell the party and also inform the Guard Mansion'. Raikou thought as she prepared her Katana in front of the Insect.

"Heh, even if you defeat me then what. We have a Tier 8 powerhouse with multiple Tier 6 in the tide. You guys will not leave here alive". The insect sneered as he revealed information like a typical villain.

Alex heard his words and his mind blanked as his worries started growing and he started to loathe his own powerlessness.

'I have my Pride even if I die. I will die before any of my woman'. A dangerous glint passed through his eyes as he thought about this.


Suddenly, Alex heard a voice inside his mind that was feminine and sounded really seductive.

'Who!' Alex yelled in his mind.

{I am your Blue Sun that King Yama gave you. You didn't specify it so he could've just put it in and let you burn for all he cares but he made me into a sentient being for your good.}

'Why are you contacting me now'. Alex asked as hope grew in his heart.

{I heard your distress and self loathing and decided to give you a proposition.} The voice continued to say in a seductive voice.

'What is it?' Alex was now sure that he could do something about this crisis.

{I can unlock your powers-} The voice continued to say but couldn't finish as Alex exclaimed in his mind.

'What! do it then!' Alex shouted eagerly and in haste.

{let me finish first Master. There is a price to pay as your small body cannot handle that amount of power. Your powers will unlock at Tier 1 but if you use them now, they will be pushed back to Tier 2 and you won't be able to move for a month after this use.

But it doesn't end there. You have to finish the fighting in 5 minutes as that's how much time I can keep you safe from the backlash and consuming your lifeforce.} The voice said in a bit of pleading tone to Alex.

'I understand. Let me give you the signal then do it'. Alex said as he grew determined to finish this but he had to hide his face.

{Don't worry master, I can use the light to obscure your face.} the voice said as she got ready for activation.

'Good but You never told me your name though'. Alex thought suddenly as he asked.

{You will only know it when you unlock your powers for good.} The voice replied back and then went silent.

Alex wriggled out of Grayfia's embrace as he looked at her seriously. "Ka-chan, I have to go". Alex said as he ran towards the insect horde.

"No!" Grayfia yelled as she ran behind to catch him.

'Now!' Alex yelled in his mind and an intense light flooded into the room that obscured everyone's vision.

As the light cleared, there was a tall muscular man standing in the middle of the room with a Lion tattoo on his back.

He was 6 feet tall with a golden armour surrounding his body and a giant one handed axe on his shoulder.

The aura radiating from his body was intense and the insects felt their scalp numb from the sheer power oozing from this man.

"Who are you?" The humanoid insect asked as he looked on in fear.

"Hmm, Me, I am Alexander The Great". Alex pointed one finger up as he walked over to the insect.

Just as the insect was about to back off. An axe fell on his body and chopped him in half. The insect was bisected into two pieces diagonally from the shoulder to the waist.

The girls looked at the man in a daze but they couldn't see his face as it was obscured by a white light. But they could feel that they knew him somehow.

'Alex-kun'. Grayfia and Raikou thought as they looked at him and their intuition started ringing.

(A/N: he only expanded to six feet because his original body is very small and this already is the limit of expansion for him.)

Alex looked at the rest of the insects in the room and waved his Axe. A massive amount of flames were sent in an arc that annihilated the insects without giving them a chance to retreat.

"You guys stay safe. I'll deal with this". Alex tensed his legs as he squatted down and let the heat radiate from his body.

He jumped and instantly got midway to the surface in one jump as the path around him got made into a new tunnel.

"Wai-". Raikou wanted to say something but didn't get the time as Alex was already gone.

Alex felt a weak heartbeat around the place where he was. This got him confused as how could there be a living creature here.

'I have plenty of time, five minutes are more than enough'. He looked towards the direction and jumped one more time as he drilled through the crust like a missile.

He suddenly stopped as got to an empty area and looked around. The things that he saw inside made him nauseous. 'Fuck! Some fucking Psycho's lab'.

He cursed inwardly as made his way towards the heartbeat while keeping the nauseousness inside himself.

It was a lab that had glass containers with a lot of dismembered body parts and dead children bodies inside those container filled with liquid.