63. Bride

Alex woke up from his daze as he thought about the past. He shook his head with a smile and walked over to the girls with Hanabi in his arms, accompanied by Hitomi.

"Hey Robin, Ready for the day?" Alex smiled as he got near Robin and gave her a peck on the lips.

"Hmm, I am Alex". Tobin smiled back as she replied.

"Hi, Hanabi-chan". Robin smiled as she pinched the cute Hanabi's cheeks.

"Hi nee-chan, you know Alex-nii chan is very naughty. He didn't come to train with me yesterday. You should scold him". Hanabi looked at Robin with her big eyes and started complaining about Alex.

"Hehehe, I will make sure that your Nii-chan doesn't do that again". Robin giggled with her hand on her mouth at Hanabi's cuteness.

All of them them went inside the school as Hitomi just left from the gate after saying goodbye. She was here to drop off Hanabi today as she was a bit late and Hinata came out before her.

Hancock had also transferred school as soon as the incident had happened. She didn't even wait a day before she moved from her previous school to this one.

Saeko has also transferred over. Since everyone is in this school, she didn't want to be left behind as she can practice with the other girls and the one who proposed to her was in this school.

"Where's Saeko? Have you guys seen her?" Alex turned to the girls as he asked. They were walking to drop Hanabi off to her classroom before going to their own.

"You know that she can be in only one place at this moment right?" Alice quipped rhetorically from the side as she happily swung around her hands.

"Saeko-nee chan, I also want to see Saeko-nee chan. She is very good". Hanabi cheered with her hands in the air when she heard about Saeko.

"Haha, you little cutie, you sure have plenty of energy. Alright, let's go get Saeko and continue on our way". Alex laughed as he pinched Hanabi's cheeks and continued on his way to the training rooms to fetch Saeko.

They came upon the simulated training rooms and saw Saeko training against human holograms with grace and finesse.

"Uwaaah, Saeko-nee chan is so good!" Hanabi cheered as she saw Saeko fighting so gracefully.

Saeko had a sadistic smile on her face as she chopped the heads off from her opponents. Although, there were just Holograms but it didn't stop her from feeling good.

Alex waited for the round to finish and rang the bell to get her attention. "Saeko-chan it's time for class, get out now". All of them were used to her sadistic tendencies and Hanabi was too young to understand.

"Hai Danna-sama". Saeko replied respectfully as she got out of the training room after deactivating the illusions.

"Haaa, I told you that you don't need to say it in school but whatever". Alex sighed when he heard her form of address and gave up.

——Flashback no Jutsu——

Master Busujima was currently sitting in a seiza as he saw his daughter sitting in front of his in a similar fashion.

"So, when were you going to tell us that a boy gave you a Bokken?" There was authority and majesty in his voice.

"Father, he just gave it to me not long ago and he might not even know about the significance". Saeko replied in a serious but a bit sad tone.

"That's no excuse. You should've told us or rejected it at that time. Now that you have taken the Bokken that means you accept him". Master Busujima didn't allow any objection as he looked at Saeko.

"Call him and make him visit the house today". He ended the conversation with this sentence and closed his eyes.

"Yes Father". Saeko bowed her head a little as she prepared to use the communicator and call Alex.

——scene change——

"What's up Saeko". Alex picked up the communicator and asked in a cheerful tone.

"Umm, Alex, can you visit our house?" Saeko said in a rare meek voice.

"Sure why not but what's the matter, your voice doesn't sound right". Alex agreed and asked with worry.

"Just come over, you'll know". Saeko said with a sigh. She knew that there was no escaping from this one.

——scene change——

Alex quickly came to Saeko's mansion and rang the bell. Saeko quickly opened the door and guided him towards her Father's room.

Now, Alex was sitting face to face with a middle aged man that had brown hairs with locks of white mixed in.

"Young man, you gave my daughter a Bokken. Do you know what that means?" Master Busujima asked and there was no particular emotions that you could make out in his voice. It was all serene.

"Okay, let me guess. You guys are an ancient warrior clan and that is a tradition of Groom giving a sword or Bokken to his wife as a form of proposal". Alex quickly interjected as he deadpanned and said.

"Young man, don't mock out traditions. They have been guiding us for centuries". This time the voice of Master Busujima wasn't as serene as before.

"I'm sorry but I was just trying to state a conjecture". Alex apologised perfunctorily as he said.

"Let's stop it right there. Now that you know of it. What are your thought then?" Master Busujima asked strictly as he peered into Alex's soul with his piercing sight.

"I am willing to take responsibility for my actions". Alex straightened his chest as he replied. 'Do you think mental to deny a freebie'. His thoughts were something else though.

"Very well, I can see that you are saying this sincerely. From this day forth, you two will be engaged and marry when you reach the marriageable age". Master Busujima nodded and Saeko smiled like a flower from the side.

She grateful and happy that Alex didn't betray her trust. Although, they haven't known each other for long but she accepted the Bokken because won in their matches and he was stronger than her.

She would never accept a weakling as her mate and husband. She had her motives but Love truly came when she saw Alex taking a stand for their safety and getting knocked out as a result.