65. Excursion 2

It's been a week and Alex has made all the preparations for the Excursion. His inventory has finally been unlocked and he put a lot of things in there.

From daily necessities to food that could last a hundred people a full month. He did this just out of caution's sake.

You never know what could happen outside of these city walls. So he wanted to be as cautious as possible.

{Master, you are so strong and you still need to take these precautions?} Kurumi asked as she was puzzled by his actions.

'It never hurts to be cautious'. Alex smiled as he explained.

He was able to make a stand for himself and now Kurumi was able to interact with the material world and get out of his inner world.

She came out as she looked over Alex and the room before finally sitting down on the bed. "Master, do you want me to show myself to your family, kyu~n". Kurumi asked cutely as she used her verbal tick at the end.

"Definitely". Alex answered as he wore his clothes and started to fluff with Kurumi's tails.

"Ahhh, your tails are so soft". Alex said as he rubbed his face with her tail on both sides and felt really relaxed.

"Glad you like them master". Kurumi smiled but there was a blush on her face as her tails were one of her sensitive spots. Although, she didn't intend to stop Alex.

After cuddling with her tails for a while, Alex got down from bis room and greeted all the girls in the dining room.

Raikou and Mamako had already gone to hunt some beasts. They were eager to get stronger and make sure that what last time, doesn't happen again.

"Let's go, we need to meet them at the City Gates". Alex said as he started to lead them out of the villa.

All of them chatted happily as they walked over to the City gates amidst laughter and chatter of the girls.

"Oi Zoro!" Alex shouted as he spotted Zoro close to his house.

"Hmm, Alex, What are you doing here?" Zoro asked as he walked over to Alex with a smile.

"I should be asking you. You are miles away from the city gate". Alex looked at Zoro exasperated.

"Oh, I am sure, I was going the right way". Zoro scratched the back of his head and laughed.

"Haaa, alright, just follow us". Alex sighed as he continued on his way to the gate.

"Oi, where are you going?!" Alex just took off his eyes for five minutes and saw Zoro already moving in another direction.

"Hmm". Zoro looked over to Alex and then back at his and then back at Alex before shrugging his shoulder and coming back to him.

'Have to keep an eye on this guy'. Alex decided to make sure that Zoro doesn't miss the direction again.

Rest of the way, Alex called Zoro two more times and continued on his way. After finally reaching the City Gate, he heaved a sigh of relief.

'Finally reached without getting lost'. Alex then took his group and joined the crowd of students at the gate.

"Master, you know I can control him with gravity". Kurumi quipped from the side as she smiled at Alex's helpless expression.

Kurumi's stand ability was to manipulate Gravity. She could increase the gravity of a certain area or of an individual if she touched him once.

Depending on Alex's strength, that gravity could be strengthened infinitely.

Alex was quite pleased with the ability and even praised her by patting her head and cuddling with her on the bed as she requested.

'Aaaah, I forgot'. Alex shouted kn his mind and slumped his shoulders.

"What's wrong Danna-sama/Dear/Alex-kun/Alex/Darling". The girls asked quickly as they were quite sensitive to Alex's mood changes after being with him all these years.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about something". Alex said as he smiled at them lovingly.

The girls nodded their heads reluctantly and got back to chatting with each other. Alex heaved a sigh and looked to the front.

"How do you even handle them. I wouldn't even bother". Zoro said as he picked his ear with his pinky.

"You don't understand, I feel happy being with them". Alex smiled as he explained.

Zoro didn't care and just shrugged his shoulders like it's none of his business and got back to sleeping while standing there.

"Since everyone is here, let me start giving the rules and instructions". A strong looking guy in a military uniform said as he looked everyone over.

"First of all, you cannot kill your fellow students. Stealing of loot is allowed because that can happen when you go out hunting. So it will be valuable experience and we don't restrict.

This allows you to respond and act calmly in those kind of situations. We don't advise such behaviour but preparing for this kind of situation is also in your studies.

You cannot leave the monitored zone by any chance. As it will put you in danger and your party. So make sure you follow this strictly.

In case of emergency, a teacher or a guard will always monitor you closely but you will also be given devices that can call for help immediately". The guy spoke the rules and then coughed to gain everyone's attention back to him.

"Now why would you need to steal since you are just going for combat experience?!

Well the answer is simple because it will affect the amount of resources and rewards you get from this exercise.

Each team has to hunt at least ten beasts or they will be taken out of their special class. The more you hunt, the better the rewards you get.

There are some treasures that can help you with your cultivation. If you are able to kill for the required amount of points then you can redeem these rewards.

More points can also help you buy better equipment and techniques from the Guard Mansion and other guilds. So cherish this opportunity and try to get as many points as possible.

This is done to nurture you guys as the next pillars of humanity. So make sure that you guys gain as much as you can from this excursion.

Also, if you are helped by the teacher or use the emergency device then you will he disqualified along with your entire team. So tread calmly and carefully.

The whole excursion will last for 7 days, you will be given supplies for 10 days that you have to manage yourself". With that he ended the explanation and prepared the convoy for transporting the students.