74. New Adventure 2

They quickly a city with high walls and covered in dense foliage to hide it from plain sight. Alex marvelled at the beauty.

It was surrounded by forest on all sides and had a wooden wall that looked like steel itself. 'Probable some mutated tree wood'.

Alex looked around at the huge city wall with curiosity. The Base City that he lived in had a normal Grey City wall made of special concrete that was quite tough.

The base city here though looked extremely foreign and Alex saw some beastkin or beast people walking in and out of the gate freely.

"Aren't you guys afraid of being attacked?" Alex asked as he was a bit puzzled. He was sure that the world hadn't changed but the situation looked quite different to him.

"No, we have our own way of keeping beasts and other monsters away from the City Wall". Felicia replied as she explained patiently with a smile.

"Let's go in". Selina hugged Alex's arm and led him towards the city.

After paying an entry charge for Alex, they stepped in the city without any problems. The city was built mostly with the same wood that Alex saw on the wall.

It had a medieval style feeling to it but there was plenty of technology in the city. Surveillance, small amount of cars etc.

"This is our Base City. Most people here are beastkin with a small amount of Humans that come around for some specialties". Felicia said while towards different things.

"Well, let's try the food here". Alex said as he was quite pushy with his words and it felt like he was ordering them.

Felicia and Selina smiled as they liked the pushy feeling and led him towards a local restaurant that didn't look expensive from the first look.

"You know money is not a problem for me". Alex said as he raised an eyebrow when he looked at the restaurant.

"Don't worry, the taste of the dishes in this restaurant is very good". Selina shook Alex's arm as she said coquettishly.

"Boss, a table for three!" Felicia shouted as she motioned 3 with her hand.

The boss of the restaurant was bearkin with muscular arms and bear ears on his head. He looked good as the combination somehow mixed comfortably.

"Hoho, a fellow man of might". The bear boss nodded as he looked over to Alex's muscular body.

"Your muscles are okay". Alex said as he gave the bear boss a haughty evaluation.

"Thanks, now step this way". The boss led them towards a corner that was less rowdy and more peaceful.

"What do you guys want to eat?" He asked as he saw them settle down in the chairs comfortably.

"Umm, I would like some fish specials and I think Selina would too. The rest, you can ask him". Felicia answered with a smile and pointed towards Alex.

"Bring me some beef steak and the fish special that they asked. Make the order double". Alex said as he sat down while crossing his arms.

"So, Handsome. You never told us your name". Selina asked as she touched his arm lightly.

"I am Alexander The Great". Alex said as he looked at them without changing his like he was just stating a fact.

"Quite a mighty name for a mighty man like you". Felicia said as she touched the crotch part of his armour. He couldn't feel the touch but he was sure as hell aroused.

'These two are testing my patience. Looks like we know what dessert we are eating'. Alex thought as he looked at the girl's curves.

"Let's sit comfortably". Alex stretched out his arms and bought the both of them on his lap as he surrounded their waists with his arms.

They were in a relatively secluded corner. So no one paid attention to them and Alex took the chance to take advantage of these two succubus.

The boss bought the food over one by one and didn't even bat an eye on their posture. He just gave a quick smile and backed off.

"Let's enjoy the food". Selina purred and started to eat the food while feeding Alex and herself. Felicia was also doing the same from the side.

They ate for about an hour and finished their meal leisurely. 'Now it's time for some dessert'.

"Any good inn or hotel in the city". Alex asked as he held them to his chest.

"We can go to our house~". Felicia said in Alex ear like a purr and licked his ear a bit.

"Alright then let's get going". Alex said as he paid the bill and started walking to the direction they said.

In about 15 minutes, they were in front of a small house that looked cozy and neat without any gaudy decorations.

"Lets go in". Selina quickly opened the door and Felicia led him in by the arm.

They led him to a bedroom and quickly scurried out of the room without even listening to his voice or opinion.

"Guess dessert will have to be scrapped". Alex said and went to lye down on the bed for a rest.

Before he fell asleep. The door opened and two beauties in tight leather clothes came into the room.

They were looked stunning as the tight clothes hugged their bodies and accentuated their curves. Adding more charm and sex appeal than just being naked.

Alex got up from the bed and quickly took their waists in his arms. "Thanks for the meal". Alex said as he looked at Felicia and started kissing her soft lips that had a bright red lipstick on them.

After kissing her for a while, he let go and immediately kissed Selina lips that were covered with a black lipstick.

He kissed them for a while and even mixed Hamon on his tongue. This move made them moan in his mouth as their pleasure got heightened with a large amount.

Alex kissed them for a while and finally let go when they were fully aroused and had a mini orgasm just from the kiss itself.