81. Shorty Get

"Then who did?" Alex asked as he was a bit astonished that the Vampires acted on their own as he could see the fear in their eyes.

"They acted on their own but I didn't stop them". She said as she kept looking at his arm like a delicacy.

"Well, you have to keep a strict leash on your dogs". He patted her head as he said.

The Vampires went red with anger when they heard his words. They were shaking while looking at him. It was like they want to eat him alive.

"You can take your leave. We don't need a master like you!" Some of them shouted as they looked at her.

There was a middle aged looking Vampire that was equally as strong as the girl. "Yes, we only allowed you to be the master because you are immortal. Not because of your strength". The man said confidently as he looked at her with disdain.

The girl just shrugged her shoulder like it was none of her business. She wasn't very willing to do it in the first place. She was just fulfilling the promise to her late parents.

"Uncle". She looked at the man with a bit of complicated eyes. She was a bit sad as he was her only relative alive right now.

"What? We do not welcome an incompetent master. Please leave". The guy spread his arms like he was helpless in this matter.

"Hey shorty, don't worry. It's their loss if they don't want you". Alex patted her head as he consoled her.

"Also, you attacked me and I certainly can't just let you go right?" Alex said as he looked at the other with disdain.

"What do you want to do?" The Uncle staggered as he looked at Alex's eyes.

"Nothing much. If you can survive this then you are free to go". Alex said as his body started to bulk up. Wins howled as temperature rose close to him.

Steam covered his surroundings as the air started to boil. Alex pointed his finger up as a massive Sphere of Flames started to grow.

"Cruel Sun". A voice boomed as a Sun as big as the castle was erected on Alex's finger. The Gravity around it was being controlled by Kurumi to keep it under control.

The Sun was blue in colour and the amount of heat and power that radiated from it was intense. The Castle was built on a rocky area and the rocks were melting from the sheer heat.

With Alex's booming and Loud voice. The sun got launched from his finger and started to travel at an astonishing pace as it let off Sonic booms.

It quickly covered the castle and the Vampires inside of it. Everything was burnt and Lava flowed like a river with how high the temperature was after that launch.

The Vampires were completely wiped out with nary a chance for survival. Bot even stragglers were left in the castle.

Only those that maybe out for something could be left or the whole Vampire race would be wiped out except the girl beside him.

"So shorty, I don't see the point of killing you since you weren't involved. What you think of doing now?" Alex asked as he looked at the girl.

"Food". She looked at him as she licked her lips.

"I am not food". Alex said as he looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you have a name? I can't keep calling you shorty. Although, I don't mind either way. HaHaHa". Alex laughed as he asked.

The girl shook her head as she just looked at him blankly.

"So no name huh". Alex rubbed his chin as he mused to himself.

"How about Yue". He asked with a smile as he looked at the cute girl. 'She is definitely from Arifureta'.

"Hmm". She hummed her cute little mouth and quickly climbed up his neck and just hanged there like a baggage with her arms around his neck.

"You coming along?" He asked in a puzzled manner.

"Hmm, tasty food". She said as she licked his neck with her small tongue.

"Haaaa, I am not food. How many times is it going to take for you to understand?" Alex sighed as he prepared to head back.

"Kurumi, show me the way". He said as Kurumi floated beside him and pointed towards a direction.

"Hey, now that I think about it. Can't you help me with flying using Gravity?" Alex asked as he looked over to Kurumi.

"I can". Kurumi nodded her head in affirmation.

"Then why didn't you?" He asked as he was baffled.

"Cus you are fast enough and didn't need to". She shrugged her shoulders in reply.

Alex just shook his head and prepared to dash back by following Kurumi's instructions. He left with a sonic boom as the lava and magma splashed everywhere.

In a few minutes, Alex was back to the City and all the undead were cleared out. He hadn't been gone for long anyway.

He stepped back as everyone greeted him enthusiastically. He was practically the hero of this city after all. They had seen his power and how effortlessly he defeated those undead.

Alex gave all of them a wave of his hand as he walked over to the City Lord's building. He stopped inside without being stopped by anyone.

"Welcome saviour, please sit down". The City Lord greeted courteously as he asked Alex to sit down on a chair beside him.

Yue quickly shifted her position as she sat in his lap and clutched his neck and buried her head in his neck.

He wasn't wearing his armour at the moment. So she was comfortable while sitting in his lap. He didn't mind and just let her what she wanted.

'Am I too indulgent with girls?' He mused to himself as he rubbed his chin.

'Nah, it's fun to spoilt them anyway'. He quickly shook his head as he patted her beautiful blonde hair.

"Saviour, I promised you a condition. What would you like?" The City Master said as he looked at Alex with a smile.

"I want-