89. Succubus

The girl stood in front of Alex with her hands folded in front of her navel. She was smiling ever so slightly and it made her look more beautiful.

The girls looked at her vigilantly except Chiyo as they thought that she could pose a threat. They just found her that beautiful.

"Let's give you a taste of my power. So any unnecessary thoughts stay away from your brains". Alex said as he made his pressure descend on them.

Both slave girls immediately kneeled their knees buckled from the pressure being applied on their beings.

Alex wasn't even using his whole power but they were already down on their knees. They were sweating profusely.

Alex nodded his head and lifted the pressure. "This should keep you guys in check". Alex said as he looked at both of them passively.

'Albedo is sucker for powerful people. Ainz was respected because of the program and his power. Since I can't have program, I can have the power at least'. Alex thought as he looked at Albedo.

Albedo's smile was more genuine now and she was looking at Alex with a gleam in her eyes like she had just found a treasure.

"Introduce yourself". Alex said as he leaned back in the sofa and looked at the girl.

"Ufufu, certainly master. I am Albedo, a Succubus". Albedo bowed her upper body as she introduced herself dutifully.

"How many master have you had?" Alex asked.

"None, you are my first, haaa". Albedo looked at Alex with a very big smile and sighed seductively.

Alex didn't mind her behaviour as it was standard since she was succubus and it was to be expected of one.

"What is your Tier?" Alex asked as he quirked up his brow.

"I am Tier 6 and currently sealed to Tier 5". Albedo bowed very lightly as she squeezed her boobs between her arms to emphasise the valley in between.

"Very good". Alex nodded his head in satisfaction. Although he was just acting.

"I am Alexander Oosuki. You can address me as you like as I only demand loyalty and not formality". Alex said as he got up to leave with the others.

"Very well, Alexander-sama". Albedo said as she licked her lips seductively.

"Keep it short, just Alex is fine". Alex said as he continued on his way with the girls and the other two following behind them.

They left the Auction among the hustle and bustle from the others there and Alex was very content with the rewards from this trip.

"We are being followed". Alex whispered to the others and kept a stoic face.

"Don't look, Onee-chan. Get them here". Alex said as they made their way towards a hotel.

They booked a presidential suite. The suite had multiple rooms inside and was more of an apartment than suite in the hotel.

Alex was quite satisfied with it and immediately booked it for a week. He paid a couple hundred thousand credits and were led to the suite by a perky lady.

She was swaying her big hips as she led the way in front of Alex. All of these were just looking for a way to climb up to these powerful and rich people to receive some benefits.

They quickly arrived in the room and the feeling of being spied didn't let up at all. 'This is annoying'. Alex thought.

He quickly went inside as he sat down on the couch and signalled to Chiyo. She waved her hand and two figured emerged in the room.

"What do we have here?" Alex said as he looked at them with a smile.

The two men were astonished as they looked around confused on how they suddenly appeared in their target's room.

They quickly snapped out of it and tried to commit suicide but found out that they can't move at all. They were quickly distressed and started sweating.

"I have a very good idea on who sent you here but just in case, Onee-chan". Alex looked at Chiyo as he demanded.

Chiyo smiled as she obscured other's vision from her actions and the two were quickly to her shadow by some goat like shadowy figures.

The two screamed but were quickly swallowed by the goats whole. Alex looked at this without blinking an eye. He knew about her powers and wasn't disgusted by it one bit.

Chiyo perceived this and was immediately happy. She felt happy that Alex wasn't averse to her powers. She was his Onee-chana and him hating her would be the last thing that she wants.

'I have to be the best Onee-chan for Alex-kun'. Chiyo thought in her mind as she puffed up her chest.

"They were sent by that fat Noble to know our whereabouts". Chiyo said as she looked disgusted when she mentioned him.

Zest and Albedo weren't any better. There was a frightening aura around them. No one could harm their master under their watch.

"Alex-sama, shall I slaughter the pig?" Albedo said with a dangerous smile as she looked ready to kill that guy.

"Kill". Zest also fully supported the notion as she was ready to move.

"Onee-chan, free their powers". Alex said and Chiyo acted as she removed the seal on their powers.

"Thank you Master/Alex-sama". Both of them bowed and disappeared from the room.

"They didn't even ask his location". Felicia pointed out when she saw them leave like gust.

"Hahahaha". All of them looked at each other and laughed out loud. The gap between their serious attitude and clumsiness was cute.

They waited for an hour and the two returned with a bloody head in their hands. There were a lot of cuts and bruises on their bodies but they were smiling from ear to ear.

"Good job". Alex smiled as he patted their heads as a reward. There was an imperceptible smile on Zest's face while Albedo's face was melting and her wings were flapping rapidly.

They didn't even mind about their serious injuries and were more immersed the head pats. 'My Head Ptas have reached the divine realm'. Alex thought and moved him Hamon as he healed them both up.