104. Visit

Alex woke up the next with a bit of content expression as he saw a curtain of maroon and black hair on either of his eyes.

Last night was intense. He went to get Scathach and she woke up halfway in between. So another session had to start.

The alternated and got knocked out after the second round of beatings. Alex was triumphant once again and he didn't even use Sunshine.

After thinking about last night. Alex yawned as he patted their silky and smooth heads with his big hands.

'Cute little creatures'. He thought as he looked at their cute smiles when he stroked their heads.

They snuggled even closer to him as he patted their heads. They were sleeping contently without a single plan to get up anytime soon.

"Wake up lazy bums. I have work to do as well". Alex said as he patted their buttocks to wake them up.

Both of them squirmed for a while and stood up while stretching their limbs. Their hands were in front of Alex's face as they stretched them.

Alex smiled and kissed their soft palms one by one and waited for them to get up slowly. He had a wide smiled on his face.

"Good Morning/*nod*". Both of them greeted him with a quick kiss and stood up from the bed.

"Good morning". Alex greeted back as he stood up as well.

"Let's go take a bath". He took the lead and started walking towards the bath.

After a good long session inside the bath. They came out fully refreshed and ready to start the day with vigour.

"What's the time?" Alex asked as he looked at the two.

"Hmm, it's about 2pm". Merlin replied as she thought about something probably using magic.

"What! Oh Shit!" Alex exclaimed as he quickly put on his trousers while jumping one leg then the other in a hurry.

"I gotta go or Hanbi-chan will chew me out". Alex said as he hurried out of the room and bolted out of the castle.

He was looking the same as he looked in the projection when he announced it to the citizens.

People were looking at him as he quickly walked towards the school. They quickly halted their steps and bowed as a show of respect when he was passing through.

Alex didn't pay it any mind as he quickly passed through the streets to get to Hanabi's school or he will be in for a pouting face.

"Thank god". Alex patted his chest as he looked at the students leaving the grounds. He was just on time for the break.

"Onii-chan". A sweet and cheerful voice came as two hands hugged his neck from behind.

Alex quickly grabbed the arms around his neck with his hands. The smile on his face widened unknowingly.

"Hanabi-chan, I came to pick you up like I promised". Alex said as he held Hanabi on his arms as she latched onto his back.

"Hmm hmm, Onii-chan is the best". Hanabi cheered happily as she snugly stayed on Alex's back.

"Wanna go to the beach?" Alex asked as he smiled at the cutie.

"Yes, let's go home first and changed clothes. This is my exclusive Date with Onii-chan". Hanabi said as she pointed forward with her hand.

The students were looking at them while whispering to each other. The usually cold and indifferent Hanabi Hyuga was being chummy with another guy and they could clearly see that it was the guy on the projection the other day.

They quickly bowed as they saw him and scurried off like someone stepped on their tails. They didn't even dare to stay and look at them.

Alex just hosted Hanabi on his back and walked towards the Castle in the center of the city. It was quite far as the school was in Wall Sina.

They quickly arrived back to the castle as Hanabi quickly sprinted to a room of her own. All the girls had a room in the castle and a personal maid with them.

Their families were also staying in villas close to the castle. This made it a tight net that Alex could protect easily in the future.

Hanabi and Alex quickly packed separate clothes in a bag and got ready to leave for the beach. Just as they reached the hall. They were stopped by someone.

"Alex-kun". Hinata came running as she hugged Alex shyly and kissed his cheek.

"Hey Hinata-chan. You still not calling hubby yet?" Alex asked as he teased her while smirking.

Hinata's face went red and she hid her face in Alex's chest hut her Byakugan was active and she was looking at some good things down there.

She was using the byakugan more like an X-ray machine than a proper tool for combat. This only Hinata could do effectively.

"Where are you gojng?" Hinata asked as she looked back up at him.

"I am taking Hanabi-chan to the beach". Alex smiled as he replied.

Hanabi on the other hand was squinting her eyes at Hinata. Who completely ignored and just kept on hugging Alex.

"Can I come as well?" Hinata asked with cute and expectant eyes.

"Sure". Alex smiled as he pinched her cheeks and agreed.

'Do you want me to handle the feud between you sisters? Spare me from it'. Alex smiled outwardly but his inner thoughts were something else.

"Okay, let me get some clothes as well". Hinata quickly ran to the room to get her clothes before setting off with them.

'Onee-chan always butts in my time with Onii-chan'. Hanabi thought very dissatisfied with Hinata's behaviour.

Alex didn't mind her pouting face and acted like nothing happened. 'Ignore it and life will be a fantasy'. He thought and kept his expression straight.

Hinata quickly came back with a light dress as she wore a T-short and Shorts with sandals on her feet. She looked refreshing and cute.

"Alright let's go". Alex said as Kurumi made everyone float and fly off to the beach city in Europe.

They were going to spend their time on that beach as it was quite popular and nice there.