Chapter 2 Missed love

I didn't know what to expect in High school, no one is really ready for grade 7. Some people already have so many friends since daycare or kindergarten except me. I had to start fresh every year. Did I mention I didn't wear brands and when I talked I was nervous. I managed to make some friends but they weren't close friends and I only talked to them at school.

Everything seem to be going well and I got into a volleyball team with my friend Rayna. I went to more parties with my sister and Rayna. I didn't see Rayna for a while and then my sister told me that Rayna got pregnant with my sister's guy friend. I saw this girl fighting with Rayna and it was the guy's girlfriend. It was very violent and I didn't know what to do. I saw her working at a clothing store a few years after and I asked her if she was with the same guy and she said no. She didn't look like she didn't want to talk about it so I just said "I will see you again".

Grade eight I met some Spanish guys because I hanged out with Claudia and 2 Spanish girls, it was the best year for me. First time I felt like I was part of a group.

One of the guys knew Miguel and I told him. Give this Valentine bear to Miguel, coloured by me. Tell him I like him and then I forgot about it. That day I decided to walk home and I didn't notice that Miguel was following me. I was checking to see if the bus was coming and he said "Hey, come here." I didn't like how he said that, so I ranned away, he surprised me too.

Another thing that happened to me, Claudia's friends wanted to set me up with Logan this tall and skinny guy from our ESL class. They kept asking me questions about Logan, "Don't you think Logan is one of the cutest guys in our group?" I knew right away something was going on. I thought she liked him so I said "yes he is" but it backfired on me. Because they kept asking me questions.

I decided to go to a dance and during one of my sister's parties I invited this guy that seemed interested in me. I didn't really feel anything about him but that year I was confident on asking a guy to the dance and I did. My sister convinced me to invite another guy and I had to cancel with the other guy. My sister helped me get ready and I wore a dress, first time in a long time. Since I wore uniforms at school every weekday.

I got there with this guy that I couldn't dance with and I kept stepping on his toes. My sister came with him and this girl that liked him. I didn't know what was going on, why was she there?

Anyways I had nothing to talk about with this guy. I went to talk to the girls that were all in a circle and they were probably talking about me. The guys were in a circle too. A guy tapped my shoulder and as I turned. I realized I was surrounded by guys. Very creepy. The guys asked me "Do you like Logan, if you want to date him, he wants to date you? I ranned away and joined the circle of girls "It turns out that Miguel was friends with Logan. How does this happen to me?

Then I remembered I had a date. Where did he go? I asked my friends if they saw him and then I heard someone say, they saw my sister around. I went outside and I saw some people sitting a bit further down on the hills, I couldn't make out who they were until I got close. Yup it was my sister Caroline, with my date Jhonny and the other girl, Jenny. I wasn't mad because I was in shock about the guys and I realized that Jhonny was for the other girl, not for me. He was cute but why would my sister do this to me? I found out that he was leaving to his country and not coming back but why would they let him come with me to a high school dance. I took it as practice and I was glad not to be alone with him.

Back then, I would forget about guys that liked me. I had another Spanish guy, George, that I met at Ranya's party. He kept staring at me and this other guy, all of a sudden asked him "why are you staring at me". He answered " I am looking at Maria not you" and then he wanted my picture. I said " sure, I will send you one" I never did. He gave me his phone number. I lost his phone number and I forgot about him. Oops.

It was summer after that party and I went on trips with my dad. That made me forget about guys too.

I didn't have classes with Miguel but I did bump into him a lot. It was a small school and he was helping in assemblies and I had him in gym class. I was also late for class and my bag just happened to fall, making my stuff inside, fall all over. At same time. At that moment I saw Miguel coming from the stairwell and he tripped and we locked eyes. Then we both hurried to our classrooms.

We also took the school bus together because we lived one door away from eachother. I saw him hurrying to get the bus a couple of times and locked eyes, again. When I missed the bus I walked and it was a long walk about 6-8 blocks away.

I would roller skate in front of my house and I said to myself, I should invite Miguel's sister to skate with me. I ranged the bell. I had a big shock when Miguel opened the door, I quickly said " Is Rose there?" He said "no" and I said "ok" and started to walk home but I looked back and he was still looking at me. I quickly realized that he might be watching me skate so I went to the park after.

In grade 9, it was a bigger school and new people, I got to do some computer courses that I was great at, they were my highest marks. Once in a while I would see Miguel, he seem to be doing well and of course he was very athletic, he had a six pack and had to show them off in the field. I just happened to pass by the football field and there he was, shirtless. Too bad I wasn't closer. OMG.

Just thinking about it, I stop breathing. Just picturing it. I need a few minutes to compose myself.

Ok, I am back to earth again. I had him in gym class too. We were playing Dodge ball and my cut on my knee had to break open with the ball. Turns out that my cut got infected and burst open. Yuck. I had to put alcohol and ointment and I went to find a band-aid. When I went back I had to tie my shoes and I turned my eyes and turned my head slowly to the right getting a feeling that someone is watching me. That moment went really slow. Guess who happened to be seating on the floor staring at me? No other than Miguel himself and I locked eyes with him. Shoot, I have to hide that, I reminded myself and ran away again to play.

I had ESL in grade 9 because when a teacher came to meet or interviewed me for High school I didn't talk much.

I had George in my ESL class but didn't talk to me. Then we had some volunteers from grade 11 helping around and that's where I met Eli. He was tall, black hair with beautiful dark brown eyes asking me many questions and I didn't ask him any. He ended up knowing everything about me and I barely knew anything about him. Every time he came to my class he would promise me a ring for my birthday.

He wanted to buy me popcorn and flowers but I told him my dad doesn't let me date. I could get in trouble. He skipped 5 days of my ESL class and I was nervous because I didn't want to see him and upset because I thought I was going to see him more and I never had someone come after me.

When he showed up I ranned away and he caught up to me and gave me a letter explaining why he was absent with his phone number. He had a family emergency with his sister. I talked to him for awhile each night and one day my dad told me not to talk to guys so late at night. We ended up walking together everyday until I found my new best friend Ella and all we did was sit with 3 other girls, not popular but were very intelligent, nerdy and they didn't like me.

I was bored from sitting around so I tried learning how to dance and tutoring this girl that was new to Canada but didn't work out. She barely understood me and it was too much for me.

In grade 10, Eli graduated early so I didn't see him after, but saw him on my way home. That's when I went to Blockbuster and he learned I loved movies. He wanted to buy me popcorn and a bunch of other things.

Eli eventually asked me out to the movies and I was scared to be alone with him, so I invited my best friend Ella. She was skinnier and taller than me. She liked my date and she was jealous too. She was acting weird, walking faster. I asked her what's wrong and she felt uncomfortable and wanted to give us some room. I told her that he was weird.

Unfortunately, it ruined my date because I didn't feel comfortable and every time I saw him, he was weird. Eventually Eli met my future husband and he was still weird. I saw him in college also. He let me see movies beside him, on his laptop but he couldn't study with me there. Oops. It turns out that he had a learning disability and eventually he stopped calling me because his sister didn't like me selling him stuff. Oh, well.

While I was in High School my dad started dating this older lady. Me and my sister started jobs and my dad worked 3 jobs. We also had to move to a one bedroom apartment. My aunts and uncles helped us move because we didn't pack anything. We thought my dad was joking. It took me 40 mins to get to school and transfer downtown.

All of a sudden my dad started dating another girl 10 years younger than him. At first everything went well but when they decided to get married so fast, Me and my sister didn't like her anymore. She lived on the second floor of our apartment building, she had a little girl and she always had make up and big curly black hair.

My dad seemed happy with her and for the first time my dad went on vacation. We went to Niagara Falls and wonderland with her new girlfriend and her daughter. She also really wanted to have another baby.

She asked us if we wanted another brother or sister. Me and my sister said "no" and she was disappointed.

It lasted 1 year and then my poor dad found out she cheated on him and she married him only to live in Canada. My dad was so angry when the lady's brother told him. I'm glad she was gone from our lives.

My dad got really sick right after and didn't want to go to the hospital until my sister saw that he got bruises all over and managed to get him to the hospital. When he got to the hospital he had two white platelets. The hospital kept him for awhile until he had more platelets.

My poor dad, what a tough life he lived.