Chapter 17 Francois or the second path

I was very depressed and for the first time ever I was wondering why I didn't find a guy yet. I was 19 years old, still a virgin and didn't even date officially. There was a lot of guys that showed their interest but no one that I felt to be true and that didn't want sex right away. I didn't care anymore what my dad would say, so I told my sister that I liked Miguel and that I had one day with Luke and it wasn't what I wanted. She told me that she wanted to set me up on a blind date with a French guy and that he was very respectful, goes to church and likes theatre plays.

Turns out he was really respectful and having an ex nun mom, he believed in having sex after marriage. I was very comfortable with Francois. We talked a lot about what we wanted in life and I told him I wanted to finish school and eventually get a job and have kids . Somehow I felt we were each others soulmates, it must be because we thought the same about dating and marriage. His mom didn't like me because I wasn't French and it almost caused us to split up twice. One time she called her niece to come see the kids to see if I was abusing or mistreating my kids. The other time she kept telling me what to do with my kids. Every time during events I had to put my kids to sleep and they wouldn't.

Also, we didn't really have the same upbringings and culture and me and his mom had arguments. After my sister got engaged and married the same year. Francois and I got engaged the next year. I moved in with him with his roommates. They were older than me and had to follow their rules. It didn't work out because I was busy with school 3 days a week. 2 days at school and French for 2 nights.

My dad was so sad the day I moved, he didn't want to even look at me. "Spanish girls get married before moving out" he always told me and those words echoed in my head for a long time. Francois was 4 years older than me and he was always in plays and going to school. I thought he was a social butterfly and he always wanted to go places with me. He got many burn outs and I pulled him away from his studies just by being with him. He didn't need to finish school, he would find a job really easy and it would pay way better than the jobs I had. It was just a coincidence that he went back to Walmart and my sister was his friend. He almost said no to the blind date that my sister set us up with and then a few months later he had a director job. We could have missed each other. He was always helping me find jobs, help me find my 101 missing scarfs and we got along well. Relationships were new to us and we learned a lot from each other. Sometimes I didn't mind going with what he wanted to do but then I was tired of him getting his whims and I was never satisfied with his decisions. I started putting my foot down and I learned that sometimes I needed my needs met. Family was my priority and he didn't like seeing my family after a while. Of course when you are in the honeymoon face it is all fun and games until you start seeing what you are giving up.

My dad started calling me and I went to see him a couple of times. My sister was in good terms with my dad finally and we had some family times. My sister had a baby girl and she almost lost her. The baby swallowed amniotic fluid and had an emergency C-section to retrieve her. She stayed in the hospital for 3 months and I visited her a few times.

I was working and going to school and that was really hard for me because I didn't get to go to family events often. Then me and Francois invited my family to my house. It was fun for 3 years but we didn't have enough money to do events at our house after that. We tried cheaper houses and roommates but it didn't last long. It was getting better between me and Francois but there was still things Francois took over like financial stuff and I didn't see any money. Taxes were done late and we got in financial debt all the time.

I started to tell him that I will help him and he was so stubborn on things that are the man of the house jobs. He got a burn out working and he started to talk to me very rough and that is the first time that he did that. I wanted to go back home or find somebody else for me. It was a hot and cold 4 years of engagement with a lot of ups and downs. On the 3 rd year, everything seem to settled and Francois had a good job and I finished my last course and I had a Diploma in Administration. I got a new job that paid better. He said "let's get married next year " and it was all fun and games and we were madly in love and happy again, we made it out of the storm. We went everywhere together and planned everything for our futures. We were also looking for our first house. When I had the invitations, I invited some people from our work and all of a sudden I see Miguel talking to one of my Walmart friends that I was about to invite and I hid away and waited for them to finish. "Why now" I said to myself. My heart was crushed and a lot of memories and embarrassing moments with him came to my head. Even when I tried to talk to him when I was single, he never called me back and it was because he had a jealous girlfriend, I found out later. He sent me an email saying that he can't be my friend. It was very embarrassing and I sent him a friend's poem and that was the end of it.

I really loved Francois and I wasn't able to hurt him, my thousands thoughts were spiralling down on me. I couldn't think and it was not like I have to choose between them right now but my mind always looked at the chances and possibilities. It turns out that my friend told Miguel all about what I told him and he came back to Walmart to find me. I found out that he got a divorce already and when he took my hands into his I knew he was ready to try and date me, finally. I saw him again and I knew I had to choose between Francois and Miguel. I knew that as soon as Miguel gave me all his attention, I will choose Miguel or get confused.

I saw me and Miguel's life together in a flash and I thought about it so much that I saw the future that night in my dreams.

The next day, Miguel was waiting for me after work. He said "Hi" and asked me to go for coffee. We went to Timmies because it was the only place open. We chatted for a while and realized he really liked me for a long time and I liked him too. We exchanged our life stories and I told him that I really liked Francois and couldn't undo everything. We still had one kiss because we both had waited for this moment. It was hard after that, not talking to him again after our first kiss. Instead of my own heart breaking, three hearts were broken when everything came out that I left Francois and I moved in with Miguel. My family, Francois and Francois' family were mad at me. Even Miguel's family knew what had happened and gave me the disapproving faces and comments.

I saw My family and his family arguing over me leaving Francois. Cancelling last minute just like a rom-com and why is this happening 1 months before my wedding. Miguel eventually was embarrassed about choosing me and he wasn't happy. He went from the envy of all his friends to a lonely guy with me because everyone we knew had something to say about our marriage. Miguel wasn't perfect either, he has so many friends that are girls. We stayed together alone and moved somewhere no one knew us. We took many dancing classes and won many contests while Miguel got into the government. I opened a dancing studio and I started ranking in the money. We were both equally financially stable and we eventually bought a house and we wanted kids. I never had kids and adopted 3 kids with Miguel. We went back to see our families and realized we missed a lot of time with them. I had to choose. Which path did I want in that moment?