Chapter 30

"Of course she's one of us, she made her way into our territory, that means something doesn't it?" she whispered.

"Surely it means something, but we still don't know who she is. There's no trace to her parents, although she has few human relatives" he replied letting the conversation between both of them continue in whispers.

"At least she made her way in here, precisely in the medic area".

"Tell me Percy" she uttered still whispering, "Do you think she's one of those?" she asked.

"One of what?"

"One of those with a special bloodline".

"Do you mind if we collect a sample from her blood to experiment on?" he said.

"Bloody you Percy, not without her permission of course".

She moaned right after she had replied to Percy turning her head sideways with her eyes closed. She continued, and soon enough she stopped moving. She gasped in for air and jumped right out of the bed sheets layed down on.