Redwood Hill House

Kyla: I can't see anyone inside are you sure it's the right address?

Storm: Yea it's the right address and this is the only house in Red Hill.

Kyla: Storm do you still have your knife?

Storm: Yes you know it's always with me. Let's go inside and check what is going on. Let's go through that door. *As we entered the light went off*

Kyla: Oh god. Storm I think we might get murdered here.

Storm: Shut up let me just turn on the torch.


Storm: Kade?

Kade: Storm? Kyla?

Kyla: Hey Kade do you know why the light went off?

Kade: I don't know. Let's go to the living room and figure out where the light switches are?

Grace: Someone turn the lights on I might trip on my heels.

Kyla: Thank God. The light are on. Wait What is this place? This doesn't seem like a party house.

Storm: It seems more like a haunted house.

Kade: Why there are only 10 of us?

Max: 10 who?

Kade: Storm the badass girl, Kyla the wallflower, Me the basketball player, Max my friend also basketball player, Grace the mean, popular girl, Adrien the captain of the basketball team, Leonardo the new kid, Fleur the nerd, Cory the gay weirdo and who are you girl?

Emily: I am Emily.

Kade: Yea do you need anymore information Max?


Kyla: Why you're laughing?

Max: Notice how most of us rivals and we could never stand each other in a room but today we did.

Grace: I don't want to stay near this Harry Potter nerd.

Max: Let's get the party started but who invited us here?

Kyla: Me and Storm found a note with invitation in our lockers.

Everyone: Me too

Fleur: Guys this is a party?

Grace: Umm... What else its supposed to be nerd?

Fleur: In my note it was written that this was a study session.

Grace: Haha nice joke. WHAT THE HELL IS ACTUALLY GOING ON? Leonardo let's go I am bored here... The door is locked.

Kyla: Are you serious?

Storm: Guys wait we all got notes and an invitation to this party, we don't know who organised this and the. door is locked-

Grace: No shit sherlock.

Storm: Then there must be a note here too right? or maybe someone.

Leonardo: She's right we should look everywhere.

Cory: GUYS! What's this note on the fridge?

Storm: When did he reach the kitchen?

Kyla: Who knows? Let's just check out what the note says.

Leo: What does the note say?

Cory: It says "Welcome to Red Hill House Pals, today all of you might've been tricked into coming here. From Today Y'all will be playing "𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐄 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄" You can't escape it nor ignore it. There is only one way you can end this game right now. Escape this house in an hour or play this game."

Kyla: What I don't wanna play this game let's

just get out of this house.

Grace: I agree with you for the first time ever. The front door is locked let's try the back door.

Kade: Yea.

Emily: The back door is locked too.

Kyla: Oh god! How are we going to escape this house?

Grace: Let's try breaking the windows.

Max: You're right.

*Few Minutes Later*

Max: We tried breaking all the windows but they're all sealed.

Kyla: Storm, Leonardo why are you both of you sitting on the couch and not doing anything

Both of them: Its of no use the stranger don't want to us to escape this house.

Storm: Stop coping me

Leo: You're the one coping ME.

Grace: How are both of so sure that the "stranger" won't let us escape he has given us an hour. And it's not even 20 minutes yet.

Storm: Can't you already figure it out, Locked doors, sealed windows.

Grace: But everything was open when we came here.

Leo: Someone or Some people might have shut everything when the lights turned off and we started discussing "important" matters here.

Max: what do we do? Just sit here?

Storm: Is there anything else we can do here?

Fleur: Why don't we all introduce and get to know each other better.

Everyone: NO.

*An hour later*

Storm: We've literally roamed the whole house there's no escape.

Max: Why don't we play truth and dare?

Kade: That's a great idea to cut time. Let's spin the bottle. EMILY it's your turn truth or dare?

Emily: Truth.

Kade: I've heard that you used to live somewhere else but few years back you moved here why?

Emily: Haha! That's easy. I used to live with my mom and dad in Australia but after my mom stabbed my dad and went to jail, my uncle bought me here. Haha totally hilarious can't forget that day.

Grace: Umm...Well I'll spin the bottle next. Storm truth or dare.

Storm: Dare.

Grace: I want you to kiss-


Grace: Wait- What no.

Kade: You can't change what you've said.

Adrien: That's not fair.

Grace: I didn't even say his name...

Everyone: KISS! KISS! KISS!

Leo: Don't be too happy that you get to kiss ME.

Storm: My worst nightmare. *I kissed him but I felt something I don't know what it is. He definitely is a good kisser.*

Leo: *I never thought this but this was definitely the best kiss ever but that doesn't mean I'll admit it*

Storm: I'll spin the bottle next. Cory truth or dare.

Cory: Dare.

Storm: Spend seven minutes in heaven with kade.

Kade: Storm you're not serious are you. I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND.

Cory: Let's go kady boy.

Kade: I'll definitely get revenge from you.

Storm: SURE!

Max: The light went off again.

*Leonardo sneaks behind Storm and sneaks her away*

Storm: Are you gonna tell me why you kidnapped and bought me in this wierd room.

Leo: Remember the last time light went off someone sealed the windows and locked the doors. That person might've come from this room because the glue of this window is still fresh.

Storm: You're right.