Chapter 14

We went down to the hall, where there was already a fair amount of rabble, that is, I wanted to tell the honorable audience. There were many: bankers, businessmen, gangsters, government officials, reporters and many others.

Catherine and I were left alone in the corner. They didn't really strive for the light, so they talked nicely, relatively nicely. She sulked at me about Pamela. And why should I be jealous of her?

By the way, it would be necessary to visit her in the near future.

- Mr. Dinklage? - a little bass, but still surprisingly pleasant voice turned to me.

I turned around and saw a tall wardrobe with a human face that was pulling all 32. Dark-haired and blue-eyed. Very interesting appearance. Next to him stood a young, dark-haired and brown-eyed boy, looking at me with an interested expression.

- Mr. Wayne? What are you obliged to do? Kat asked.

- I wanted to meet the "hero of the cinema" - then my eyebrow twitched. - I beg your pardon for tearing you off. But I couldn't resist. I, as you already understood Bruce Wayne, and this is my pupil - Jason Todd. The boy just nodded.

- Nice to meet you. I'm Isaac Dinklage. But you probably already know that. It is an honor for me to meet you. You are a very famous figure in Gotham, as soon as I arrived, I was the first to hear about you.

- Well, my family is one of the four founders. No wonder. Although I don't really like that kind of attention.

- Yes. - Kat stretched out with malicious notes. "You seem to be the most eligible groom in town. Young ladies are running after you in droves, and not only young ladies, but you are cold to them. Although it is understandable, your wonderful pupils are with you: Jason and I think Richard? - Kat, and you are a dangerous troll, to accuse Wayne / Batman of pedophilia, it's worth a lot. - Where should they compete with them. Baby Jason, what's wrong with your face? My head hurts? Umm! Not good, it looks like you Bruce have to spend one evening tonight ... in this place.

Kat, you are my idol. Todd is already seething with rage and anger. Bruce didn't raise an eyebrow, though.

"Jason, you should get some air. Well, and you're right, Kat, my pupils are dear to me, but not in the way some people think. - it seems to me, or did she manage to unbalance him?

Although still Betts, even though Betts, but he is also a man. So, as they say, and princesses go to the restroom.

- What do I think, I will not bother you, enjoy the evening. I hope we will see you again.

- I, too.

We shook hands and Wayne went his own way.

- Ks! How he pisses me off. Growled Kat. - I have known him for a long time ... Okay, do not pay attention.

- Can you bang shampoo? - I suggested.

- And can you bang on the head?

- I understood the hint, not a fool, a fool would not understand.

- That's good. Let's go to the parking lot. I want to take you to one place.

- What? And Penguin will not be offended that we are leaving him? - I asked, glancing sideways at the owner of the establishment, who was chatting with some model.

"He's going to have a pretty busy night tonight. - Kat giggled and pulled me by the hand to the exit.

And we went to the center of Gotham. In a very rich and elite area, I would even say. All the stars and the rich lived here. As it turned out, we went up to one of the upper floors in the penthouse.

- Come in, make yourself at home. - Kat said going to the mini-bar.

- And what kind of apartments are they and whose?

- If Mister nedo-Holmes has not guessed, then mine. I rarely come here. Mostly I live with my sister. But sometimes, when I need to hold a meeting or just be alone, I go here.

- Hmm. Night. I, you. Alcohol. Domineering woman. Honest naive guy. Why does it seem to me that I will not be taken as a husband with such a tarnished reputation? - and made innocent eyes.

Attention! You have increased the skill level "Casanova"

Hey! What the fuck? I didn't say anything like that!

- Hmm. We'll see. If they hurt you. You can safely complain to me, I will put them behind bars for a long time. Hee hee.

- Even so? Exceeding your official authority?

I walked over to the mini-bar and caught up with her, and when I looked at her face, I realized something.

- Perhaps ... hic!

- You're drunk!

- Chu-little! Hic! Ik-hik ...

She got stuck in one glass of whiskey. Damn, in my past life I would have such women who would get drunk from one glass and would be ready already. And here once on you. And after all, in "Trout" she did not drink a single gram. Or maybe this is because she did not drink there, that she knows her weak side? And why didn't I come across such girls in my student years before? It would make my life so much easier ...

- You're drunk! To the trash!

- Well! - and fell into my arms.

- Eh!

- Isaac! Tell me ... hic ... do you like me?

Damn, what are the questions? All the more so stupid.

- Of course. You are a very sexy, young, and bossy woman that anyone would love. I am more than sure that every man I meet, and perhaps even a certain category of women, would not mind dragging you into bed.

Attention! You have increased the skill level "Casanova"

Attention! You have increased the skill level "Casanova"

Attention! You have increased the skill level "Casanova"

Yes! She drank heavily.

- I think you ...

But then they shut me up with a kiss.

"You are… hic… too talkative as… a sexually mature man. And given the fact that this very ... hic. the woman about whom you spoke so flatteringly lives next to you, then you are either blind or gay. You can't pull on a blind person - there are eyes and those who can see. Hic! I saw you staring at my tits and ass. Hic! Then only gay remains.

- Hey Hey! I am straight. The most natural naturalist of naturalism, a natural city in a natural country, the natural world of naturals!

- Hmm. Prove ...

What can I say. I had to prove it.

(Attention! Next comes the Hentai 18+ scene)