Chapter 115

- The story lies in the fact that the ambassador of your country who came to us then came to the official meeting drunk as a lord. As we later found out, he got so drunk in one tavern in the port. By the way, he was a highly respected diplomat who had served in different countries for more than twenty years before us. We still do not know what exactly prompted him to get drunk that day, but the fact is that during the conversation that Beatrice's grandfather decided to start despite the defiant behavior of the ambassador, the ambassador began to insult His Majesty and his family. This he could not stand and simply ordered to throw the ambassador out of the palace. And he ordered him not to appear until he repented and apologized for what he had done. In my opinion, he acted too softly. But this was not even the reason. Two days later, the ambassador's right hand was asked for a new audience. The king accepted him and this idiot also screwed up in every sense, both diplomatically and even purely moral.

- Even so? My country, that wanted to start a war? - I was surprised sincerely.

- No. But she sent messengers for this mission really incompetent. Moreover, the establishment then of official relations between our countries was really required, but not to us, but to the United States of America. Since we had the opportunity to help them with the Great Depression. Our economy allowed us to do this. But after a series of unsuccessful attempts at negotiations, they removed their mission. And two weeks later, an article was published by a well-known newspaper "Daily News" that the head of our Foreign Ministry had drunk their ambassador with some rubbish in order to discredit the US government. And as they said, it was all under the dictation of the Soviet Union. At the same time, we "beat" the ambassador, and two days later, when the "good" envoy of the states still wanted to hush up this matter "in the name of the future of both nations," he sent his assistant so that he could already settle the conflict.

- And I guess you've become "evil barbarians"?

- This edition wrote approximately in this spirit. After that, the king was declared a "dictator", for some reason we were racists like the Nazis and so on. Then came the Second World War and Europe and the United States in particular needed our connections. And we helped them, but not because of a desire to improve relations with them, but because of an even greater hatred of Germany than of the Americans. After that, our relationship became a little warmer. But still not perfect.

Here I was not weakly surprised. Of course, I already understood from what the clones told me when exploring this country and what I heard before, Bealia is not a poor country that is in the top ten of the world. But what kind of connections was needed then by Europe and the United States in particular, I did not know.

- I see you're surprised. However, I will explain to you the reason for our "importance" - Here he already smiled smugly. In other matters, I did not mind hearing what I have been interested in for several weeks. - Bealia is a country with a history of three thousand years of its statehood. Our homeland can rightfully be called one of the most tolerant in the world. And I'm not talking about the sex minorities and other American nonsense, although we are also tolerant of them. The fact is that we welcome any religion other than the traditional belief in the Mother Bee. In our twelfth century, the king married a Jewess - But this is unexpected, you need to find out how it happened? - and since then we have a large diaspora of Jews, and Judaism is the second largest denomination in the country. In addition, we have Muslims, Christians and Buddhists. As well as small sects. Thanks to the connection with the first aforementioned diaspora, we have connections with most of the major banks and conglomerates in the world. We also maintain relations with the League of Arab Countries, countries that are developing in the Asian part of the world. We also have a number of agreements with major countries on non-aggression and non-interference in each other's affairs. We do not have such an agreement only with your Motherland. In addition, we have always patronized scientists. And we are rightfully recognized as the second country in the world in terms of the number of Nobel laureates. And many of them are quite successful in the field of military development, which gives us the opportunity not to worry about the invasion of another country or nuclear weapons. After all, a sledgehammer is heavier than a hammer. Ha ha ha ...

It seems I'm starting to understand what's the matter. This country owns something that can not only effectively fight others, but also knock on the head of the "Most Powerful Country in the World", judging by what I heard in school about America.

- ... I see you begin to understand me. And also there is much more that gives us unique opportunities to influence politics in the world. But the main thing is economics and science. Especially economic leverage. Indeed, our country supplies huge quantities of: oil, metals, precious stones and machinery. Although the list goes on and on. And tourism ... - he dismissed it dismissively - it's just a small item of income. Although from her we also have an income of hundreds of millions.

- Have fun here. - I nodded, calculating how rich the kings and queens of Bealia should be.

- In general, you can talk about this for a long time. But the fact is that even now the United States needs us, because because of our disputes, they cannot calmly trade with half of the countries of Africa and Asia. And the Middle East and Arabia are tightly closed for them.

Somewhere in the distance, fireworks began. Apparently someone has a Name Day or some kind of holiday.

"There's something else you need to talk to Beatrice about.

- Why? And why exactly did you decide that it was me who needed to talk to her?

- Believe me, I have lived in this world for a long time. And I understand a lot. And I also have information about your "exploits" in Gotham City. So you're a pretty great "negotiator" like me.

Harton stood up slowly and turned to leave, adding lastly:

- Trust me, you should talk. Eh, youth!

And I stayed to ponder his words. And what do we need to talk to her about? What topic?

To be continued...