Chapter-1.3 ~ Funeral of our father

"Ohh Lord, how it would have came here, and how it died", said Granny with hesitation. "It didn't died, but brutally killed", mom argued. It was a dead cat, with half of it's neck separated from its lower body, as if someone had tried to bite it, there was blood all over, it seemed to be killed recently as the blood hasn't dried up it was all flowing on the floor. "Ohh it's tail is also not there, poor kitty", said uncle John.

"John could you please help us with this, we need to bury it in our backyard", mom said. "We can also perform the funeral of Jacob", Granny whispered in mom's ear", Mom suddenly ran upstairs, Granny went too with her. "It seems like some vampire has killed the cat, and taken its tail to increase his/her youth and power", said Uncle John. "What ???", Ana and I said surprisingly. "Just kidding, to scare you both", said uncle John. "But I think you aren't kidding, do vampires do such things or do they even exists??", I asked him. "Ofcourse they do, I mean I don't know, I have heard from your father, he used to tell me a lot about vampires, but I don't believe", uncle John hesitated. "Tell us more, he never told us such things", asked Ana. "He will tell you also, when he will complete his book", said uncle John. I again had the curiousity, so I asked, "But Dad once told us, your Granny's sister was a vampire, and she has done something wrong because of which you are a dwarf, is it true ??", "Indeed it is, but it was time of 80s, old thing you know", said Uncle John. "Jane and Ana, come get your dinner", it was mom. So we rushed upstairs, "I am not going to burry Jacob like this, and with that cat, never", mom was arguing with Granny, we suddenly appeared before her, "come come girls, I was waiting for you", mom hesitated. Phone rang, Ana ran to pick it up, it was some women named Julia, sounded old and wanted to talk to Granny. Granny got the phone hastily and spoke, "No she is not ready, I will do everything to make her understand that it is so important for our community, don't worry she has to do it, otherwise I will do it", " you are talking to her again, you promised me not that you will talk to her and I don't want to understand things from you and your this aunt Julia" mom said angrily. "Mom when are we going to bury dad, is his coffin ready", asked Ana, mom didn't answer.

Uncle John left, he would be coming tomorrow and everyone else went to sleep. Mom called me to help her in the kitchen. "I need you to help me to hide your father's body, without letting anyone know about it", "But mom, but why and what about the rituals, you can't keep his body like this, it might decay", "It won't decay, come here help me". She took it to the guest room where she had kept Dad's body, she sprayed some water with some hairs in it, "ohh wait, are these same hair, from that cat", I asked anxiously, she didn't answer and said, "I am doing to as this for the good of everyone, trust me, my girl. Do you trust me?" She asked. "Ofcourse I do, mom". Then do as I say. "Oh God and other powers present here, I keep my husband in your aegis, protect him from all the bad, Amen". She then covered his body in the same blood red coloured cloth, and kept it in a box, not coffin, covered with feathers, it was something unusual, made of same wood, which uncle John was carrying for making library shelves. "Is this the end of my father, IS HIS FUNERAL COMPLETED??, is this the end??, will he come back as mom claimed, what is this going on??, because normal human beings don't do so", my mind flooded with questions. "Tomorrow morning, when I will be in the kitchen making breakfast you have to tell Granny and Ana, that I buried your father with the cat in the backyard, and you saw me secretly", she told me. "Alright mom, but what about that cat", I asked. She opened the curtain, and I saw uncle John burying it in the backyard, "but he was gone early", I asked, "No he didn't", he was there in the basement, "but I saw him going", I asked, "now you are arguing, go to your bed and sleep", she said.

Everyone was called for breakfast, I did exactly mom told me to do so, Granny seemed to be happy, she ran to mom in the kitchen and hugged her, "I am proud of you", she told mom. "Can I see how you buried him?" mom shivered and said no, but I will, she ran to the backyard, mom ran behind her.