
His soft words as he whispered her name makes Leticia smile sweetly. If only that was the usual day and routine that has been going on for years when they have been together.

Letica decided to ignore the low voice that she heard, the tone that is so familiar to her, and has been listening for a couple of years as she continued to clutch the luggage tightly.


This time, the voice that rangs was louder and clear and had a hint of anxiousness and anger. The man whose strides are longer than her, quickly followed Leticia and snatched her hand, resulting in her spinning around as she faced him.

The suitcase that she held on the other hand dropped to the snowy ground because of the sudden gesture the man did.

Hugh was still wearing his armor that was tainted with blood, indicating that Hugh only came back from his expedition.

His disheveled black hair caused by the cool breeze of the snowy North makes it look like he was someone from the fairy tales that were always told to the children in the orphanage. The snow prince.

The white smoke coming from his red luscious lips makes Leticia believe that he ran just to catch up to her.

"... Hugh… What a surprise. W-what is it?"

However, as she saw him, Leticia could not dare smile and only stuttered the words because she saw the man in front of her with a frown and his jet black eyes that were as cold as the North kept looking at her as if it was searching for something.

"Where are you going?"

Duke Hugh's eyes focused on the luggage that Leticia was holding in her arms and the other one that was dropped on the ground. His steps further close the gap between him and her.

Unconsciously, Leticia's feet step back as if she feels the presence of a predator ready to hunt her down.


"Are you not going to answer?"

Clearly, the man in front of her, Duke Hugh known as the reaper of the North was making Leticia tremble in fear, for the first time, she could see why he was called the reaper.

'This is the third time that I see him this angry with me…' Leticia thought.

She would gladly reminisce about the two times that she made him displeased and laugh about how pissed off he was but for now the situation doesn't seem to have the luxury to do those things.

"Don't you need some explaining to do? What are those luggages that you're holding? Where are you going?"

Leticia heard Duke Hugh's voice again and this time it seems he was more eager to find answers from her.

"... Hugh. I-I"

Letica was not ready to tell him that she now wants her freedom back and to settle down at some rural village and live quietly again.

As she tried to avoid confronting him, her head that was bowed down saw a piece of brown paper that was crumpled in his palm.


That piece of paper was familiar to Leticia because it was the contract that they had signed together three years ago. She also placed it in her room with a note accompanied by it saying that she had completed the end of the bargain and would leave the North quietly.

"You're just going to leave? Who said you could decide how this contract will end?" Hugh asked.

"I've done my part… so I presumed that I'm not needed anymore… the contract also stated that I could leave after I've done my part." said Leticia as she picked her suitcase on the snowy pavement and brushed the ice that clung into her bag.

"... not needed anymore? Who said that?!"

Hugh placed his hand on her shoulder which made Leticia look up to him and saw how hurt he was.

"I need you! I can't put how many words I need to say to convey how much I need you. So, I promise to myself that I won't let you leave my side, Leticia!"

Leticia's golden orbs shook as she was stunned at the sudden burst of emotion that Hugh confessed.

Instinctively, she knew that Hugh would not let her go like what he said if this chance would slip by. This man was one to carry out his promise until the end.

'Wait… I just want to go home and live peacefully after I get the money from the contract! I never agree with this! I only did my best for the job!' Leticia cried out in her mind as she thought that her narrowed escape was obstructed by the one she would need to avoid the most.