Arriving at the private parlour of King Matthias IV, Duke Hugh entered and bowed to him.

"Head of Naville household of the North, Greets His Majesty, the King. The Ortis symbol of Strength, Prosperity and Luck."


King Matthias IV recognized Duke Hugh's greeting.

Duke Hugh's raven eyes saw that the Chancellor was already in the room and was standing behind the King.

"Sit." King Matthias IV beckoned.

The silent atmosphere inside the parlour makes one think that the half-brother's have a bad relationship besides the intense stillness inside made Duke Hugh believe that there's more to this meeting than what Chancellor Norhas informed him.

So, for now, Duke Hugh sat opposite to the King and as the yeoman servant silently entered the lounge with a cart and a tray of refreshments.

When the door closed and the three people were left to discuss important matters, Chancellor Norhas was the one to speak first.

"Duke Hugh, I might need to apologize in advance…" Chancellor Norhas said as he leaned his body and put his hand across his chest towards Duke Hugh.

Chancellor Norhas opened his amber eyes and an apologetic emotion was seen reflected in those crystal eyes accompanied by a smile that Chancellor Norhas shows whenever he and the King would order Duke Hugh to do something for the Kingdom.

"It seems that the agenda change part ways… So, what is the task?"

King Matthias IV and Chancellor Norhas glanced at each other and sighed as they knew that it was too much of a request to ask for him.

So, this time, King Matthias IV decided to explain the situation to his younger brother.

"Hugh, we have received a report from the South gate that the situation seems to be escalating much earlier than we anticipated."

"The South border? Do you mean the report that the Gloakman Kingdom will have a civil war between the crown prince and the third prince because of the throne?" Duke Hugh asked as he recalled the news that his vice-leader, Austin said before they got to the Capital.

"Yes… It seems that King Alfred died two days ago. And the sparks of civil war are starting to happen at the border of the South." King Matthias IV confirmed Duke Hugh's speculation.

Duke Hugh observe the faces of the two people in the parlour, the intense gaze that they gave towards him made Duke Hugh believe that it needs to resolve quickly.

"There were sightings of bandits wandering the border of the South and causing terror to the people. It also seems that they are taking tributes in exchange for not harassing the people. If ever they resist they will assault the elderly and the children causing the young ones to tuck their tail and accept their demands."

Chancellor Norhas explained. When he saw that Duke Hugh seems to be in deep thought, he saw it as an opportunity to give the scroll tucked inside his sleeves that contained the reports that he had obtained by the intelligence knights.

"But this is what is interesting…"

Duke Hugh received and opened the scroll that contained information about the bandits.

"It seems that they are the knights of the third prince of the Gloakman Kingdom disguised as bandits to get free supplies from the villagers as they are preparing for a war."

"How grave is the damage and are they camping in our land?" Duke Hugh questioned.

Hugh was asking if he could kill the knights of the neighboring kingdom who are causing damage to the villagers near the without damaging the reputations of the Otis Kingdom as well as justifying their actions if something occurred in the middle.

Well, if anything happens, the lies are with the Third prince of the Gloakman Kingdom for not managing his men.

"Alright, I'll leave right away..."

Duke Hugh stands and is about to leave when he hears the voice of his brother, King Matthias IV.

"I'll leave this to you, Hugh."

Duke Hugh nodded his head. When he was about to really leave this time, he then heard the Chancellor speak.

"Duke Hugh…" The Chancellor called.

"About what the Queen said… this is also an opportunity to make counter plans about the Queen's scheme while you are away. I will also do something on my end and will relay her plans to you…"

"Then I'll expect the Chancellor to keep me updated on that."

Chancellor Norhas smiled as a response and saw Duke Hugh excuse himself from His Majesty, the King.


"He's getting colder by the day…" King Matthias said as he looked at the closed door.

"What do you mean cold…? Ahh! He's demeanor… I guess the North is getting to him."

"That's not what I mean Norhas so shut up."

King Matthias, who knew Hugh since he was a child, recalled how he used to smile at him and called him . But since that day, King Matthias never saw that bright, innocent smile in his younger brother's face.


Leticia heard a knock from her front door. The supposed dark night was lightened with torches that came from the men in the village patrolling the area.


As her door opened, a tall tan man with muscles that almost popped from his sleeve shirt, ash-brown hair, and a scar on his forehead welcomed Leticia.

"Sir Lucio… what happened?"

Leticia was wondering as the night in this town was supposed to be quiet. You can only hear the whispers of the trees and wind.

But tonight was different. Leticia could see behind the backs of the men who visited her that there were also some people knocking on the houses of others.

"We were checking the houses with a single occupant…"

Sir Lucio, who is in charge of patrolling in the town said.

"There was news from the other towns that some villages in the South borderline had been attacked by a group of bandits. And those bastards are targeting ladies that live alone, that was why we were worried about you when the report came and also decided that we will patrol the town more frequently at night"

"Goodness! But where did those bandits come from?"

Leticia wondered as the town of the South was always known for its peace. And there was no known bandit in the area ever since Baron Silbanious strengthened his defense against them.

But after the recent events that were happening and the tension that she noticed whenever the guards patrolled the town, Leticia could guess that something was happening.

"We're not sure where they came from but they've been staying near the border until recently when they attacked the villages and snatched their food saying that they'll kill them all if they don't give the things that the bandits want…"

"Then what did the guards do?"

"They said that they're always one step late whenever they received the report and that's why the men in the town decided to suggest that we will patrol the area near the lodging and the houses that were far from downtown."

Sir Lucio gave information to Leticia and explained what she would do if something happened during the night.

"Of course we're not saying that something will happen to you… but because you're a young lady alone in a house with a neighbor that was five houses away from each other. We are worried."

Some of the old men in the back nodded.

"Thank you, Sir Lucio… and everyone."

Leticia smiled at them. And when Sir Lucio was about to leave with his men and the torches that were lighting up the surrounding area, Sir Lucio gave Letica something.

"What's this?"

Leticia was handed out a small tube with two openings, a cut in the middle with two different colors on each part, red and blue.

It was the first time that she saw such a thing. And as if Sir Lucio understood her blank face, he explained what it was for.

"It's a two way whistle… If something happened to you like an accident or your loss and you needed rescue then you could blow in that red part of the whistle, it's the normal one where the sound will alarm people near you…"

Letia nodded her head and Sir Lucio continued to explain.

"The blue part is a silent one… the frequency will alarm us if there's an invasion so that the enemy will not be alarmed and we can ambush them. You will only use this when you see bandits or suspicious people. Alright?"

"Okay… I'll do as you say. Thank you Sir Lucio and have a goodnight!

"You too…"

Letica closed the door and wore the two way whistle that the patrols were handing out to everyone.

She was scared when she learned that bandits are attacking the villages and the town that she's in could be ambushed silently and so she was relieved when she heard that Sir Lucio and his men will patrol the town every night.

Plus, she was given a whistle that could save her life in case of emergency.

"I didn't know that something like this existed… This is a great invention!"

After praising the whistle that she got, Leticia locked all the doors and windows and proceeded to eat the food that she left on the table.


As the door opened and closed, vice leader Austin was waiting for Duke Hugh. Austin saw the look on his Lord and can tell that something must have ordered again to him.

Austin wants to ask what the King talks about with the Duke that he called him privately even though the celebration and the star of the show is Duke Hugh.

He believed that the King made a request again that Duke Hugh can't say no.

An errand that only Duke Hugh could accomplish and that would mean slaughtering enemies.

One look and Austin could notice that his Lord has been pushed with an annoying task again. His face, although not so different to his neutral look, Austin can see a small crease in Duke Hugh's forehead.

"What are you doing here?" Duke Hugh asked as they started to walk away from the parlour of His Majesty.

"Well, I'm getting bored with all the stares that I'm getting from the nobles. All of us feel like we're in a cage."

Austin just nonchalantly said.

"Just enjoy the banquet and don't mind the nobles."

"How could I possibly do that… they basically saw us as if we're a rare breed of animals."

Duke Hugh stopped his tracks and turned to his back where Austin became flustered at the sudden moves.

"I'm going to rest… so don't find me if it's not important. And tell the others to come to my place, we have something to discuss."

Austin saw Duke Hugh walk away and sigh.

"Hayys! He's like that again…"

He put his right hand in his head and disheveled his green hair that was styled in gel.

"I should also take a rest… It seems that we will leave the Capital early."