The clattering sound that came from the utensils touching the plate stopped once the food was swept clean.

Leticia glances at Hugh with a satisfied look. She became proud of herself that although it's just a simple meal, the savory taste always lingered in the mouth. Besides, the plate of the man sitting opposite her was clean.

'Wow~ he's really handsome…' Leticia thought as she followed the angle of his face, then all of a sudden they met each other's gaze.

Leticia became conscious that she was staring too much.



"Now that we are full, let's introduce ourselves." Leticia put her hands together to hide her embarrassment as she was caught staring at his face.

"I'm Leticia… I live in this house as you can see… hmm? What else?"

She scratched her cheek as her introduction was more simple and short as she anticipated.

'There's nothing really I could say…' Leticia predicted as much but learning the reality that there was nothing in this world that she owns except for her life and her small house, she felt somewhat dejected.

Hugh, who noticed that Leticia stopped talking as if she recalled something unpleasant, decided to speak in return.

"I'm… Hugh."

Leticia tilted her head when she heard him paused like he was contemplating to tell his name.

'Although… why do I feel that I heard that name before?'


Leticia then remembered that there was a notorious noble whose name was so famous that simply saying it would send shivers to the people.

"You have the same name as the North Duke!" Leticia exclaimed while Hugh only stared at her like he expected that she would compare the name to the notorious grim reaper of the North.

Leticia watched his expression that didn't even change after she blurted out her thoughts. 'Ooops… maybe he hates the comparison?' she concluded.

She placed her cheek on the back of her palm and stared at Hugh. Now that she thought about it… 'the way he conducted himself earlier while eating seems like a person who learned etiquette.'

From the way he scoop the soup to eating the salad it seems like he mastered table manners.

"Are you an aristocrat?"

Leticia just let her mouth run wild, she at least needed to know what kind of person she was letting in her house sleep.

But contrary to what Leticia thought, Hugh only stared at her, again.

'Seriously, is there something in my face? Maybe my beauty? Well, I suppose I can't help it if this handsome man also found my face appealing.'

Leticia's thoughts were running wild.

Well, it's fine as long as it stays in her mind.

'Maybe they only have the same name… besides he has rustic brown hair and eyes while the Duke has the famous black hair and eyes that he inherited and signs as he's a descendant of the Royal family.'

The thoughts didn't linger any longer in her head as Hugh spoke.

"Thank you for taking care of me… I will make sure you are compensated for this."

"... Sure" Leticia just answered. She saw Hugh's eyes with so much compassion that she felt that she should just agree at this moment.

"Anyway… What are you doing in my garden injured and unconscious like that?"

'...do you know how much damage you did to my vegetables?' Is what Leticia would really like to convey but of course she stopped herself. The man in front of her was still injured and has only gained his consciousness.

'I'm not that evil but I need to know what he was doing in the middle of the night and how he was injured…' Leticia continued to think.

"I'm part of a mercenary while we are crossing the border, bandits attack us." Hugh didn't bat an eye as he was giving her an explanation close to what really happened.

And contrary to what Leticia thought that Hugh was maybe a rich nuevue crushed as she heard the explanation.

"I see… What about your friends?" She asked warily.

"Friends…?" Hugh asked, bewildered at the word that she used.

"Oh… I mean your companion."

"They're fine… they're strong."

Leticia was expecting some more explanation but seeing the look in his face that seems to have conveyed everything that he needed to say, Leticia stopped.

'He's a man of a few words huh… well doesn't matter.' Leticia thought to herself before she proceeded to the important question.

"I know this is sudden but what are you planning? Do you need help to find them? I could ask some guard at the market to look for your companions or send them a letter. They must be worried. And if you need money for travel expenses then I could help you with that, just tell me."

The look in Leticia's eyes changed into sincerity with a little bit of sharpness. Hugh doesn't know why he found himself looking at those golden eyes as if he was about to be sucked in it.

"Do you have anything in mind?" Leticia continued to aske. Seeing this, Hugh pondered for a moment, the lady in front of him didn't give any subtle talk, instead straightforwardly asked him the questions of what his plans will be.

She decided not to pry any longer. Leticia knew well that prying could make someone anxious, and like her, she also experienced scrutinizing eyes when she set foot in the town although after a while they warmed up to her because they learned that she was not someone who would harm them.

But of course, this is a different story, he's a mercenary. And mercenaries are someone who would kill as long as they are paid a hefty price. She could not risk that kind of situation even though he's injured. She doesn't know the man well. It's better to be safe than to be sorry.

Of course, Hugh knew that he could not stay with an unmarried lady for long, there would be rumors that could have affected the future of the woman in front of him. But for some reason, Hugh thought that it would not be bad to have a rumor associated with Leticia.

"They must have gone back to where we came from. I think it would be best for me to travel alone after I get better…"

Hugh then paused as if he had an idea. "If it's possible could I stay here until my wounds healed?"

He knew that it's better to quickly leave his savior's house and get back to his knights. But he decided he wanted to be here for a bit more before he goes back to becoming a Duke again and seeing and meeting the nobles who would only think about how to use one another.

'At least here I could breathe for a while… before I take those fools to the gallows...' Hugh thought to himself. Of course, before he could do that he needed the permission of the owner first. And looking at her who is in deep thought, Hugh thinks that he needed to push it.

"It would be bad if I died along the way because I strained myself while traveling so, if it's not too much I will stay here until my wounds close. And when I go back I'll definitely make one of my companions bring back the reward..."

Leticia was deeply in thought when she heard the rational explanation that Hugh gave. And besides, she couldn't just turn a blind eye towards someone injured and he said that she would be compensated which Leticia thinks that it's best to accept it.

After a long pause, Leticia nodded her head and spoke.

"Alright… I guess that would be the best for you."

"Thank you for your generosity, Leticia."

Leticia opened her eyes bigger as she heard him utter her name. The low voice that was emotionless before had now a hint of sincere gratefulness.

Leticia then extended her hand towards Hugh, who only stared at her porcelain hand.

"It's a welcome handshake… Since you need to recuperate first, I guess you need to stay here for a few days until you get better and your companion finds you. Let's get along well in the meantime..."