The dining area seems to look too full with two grown men sitting across from each other and only the table separates them from one another.

"I'll go make some tea for now… Sir Lucio, you'll be eating dinner here, right?" Leticia asked while smiling as she looked at him.

"Of course… that's what I came here for!"

While Sir Lucio and Leticia had a nice atmosphere surrounding them, Hugh silently observed the interaction of the two with his arms crossed.

Leticia only informed and told him that the man was here to check up on her as he always does. And from how built Sir Lucio was as well as the sword hanging from his waist as well as how he dressed, Hugh had an idea of what job he had but what he didn't understand was why he needed to check up on Leticia.

'Does that mean if I'm not here, he would visit Leticia's house like this?'... That thought crossed Hugh's mind, even though he knew that the man looked like he was sincerely thinking about Leticia's safety and she also seems to trust Lucio, Hugh was still not comfortable with it.

Meanwhile, Leticia and Sir Lucio ended their conversation and when she was about to leave, Hugh unconsciously held her hand.

"Huh? Hugh, do you need something?"

It was too late when he noticed that he grabbed her wrist.

"Oh... should I help you prepare?" Hugh reacted a bit late but he found an excuse for his sudden action.

"It's fine, it's just tea, it would not take long to prepare…"

"No, I mean dinner… should I help you make dinner?"

Leticia was getting confused at Hugh's enthusiasm to help her and how he was talking too much unlike when they're together alone.

'What's gotten into him seriously? He's not one to act like this… he usually just observes me from afar while I do the chores around the house. Hugh would help sometimes but I never let him do the heavy tasks because of his injuries but what should I do? He really looks like he wants to help…' she had thought as she stared at his black orbs that seemed to have been desperately pleading.

"I guess… okay! I'll ask for your help making dinner." She couldn't help but answer his expectations. Hugh seemed satisfied when he heard her answer and let her hand go which she takes as an indication that she could now leave the two behind.


Sir Lucio who had been watching Hugh the moment that he steps in the house was looking more baffled at the interaction that just happened between Leticia and the man that she saved.

The first impression that he had when he saw Hugh, who welcomed Leticia the moment that the front door opened, was a kind of man who was cold, stern, as well as unfriendly. Though Hugh was different towards him as Hugh only looked at him with a piercing gaze that size him up from head to toe. Lucio was sure that Hugh found him unpleasant.

Besides, he doesn't know why but the moment that he saw Hugh, he had this feeling that his demeanor was not someone from a mercenary which was known for their roughness and rudeness towards people who were not their client.

'Is it because she saved him that's why he's not rude with her? Or is it because he's not really a mercenary?'

Lucio was someone who always tends to observe people as it was part of his job as a patrol guard. He sometimes recognizes nobles who always disguise themselves as commoners blending amongst the crowds to experience and explore the downtown.

And what he noticed was that the man in front of him walks, sits, and talks like someone who was trained in etiquette. And mannerism is something that cannot be changed in a day so he was sure that Hugh must be a person who learned it at least.

So, Lucio thought that Hugh must be from a fallen noble family and becoming mercenary was one of the ways of acquiring a mass amount of money although it also had a high risk of danger.

'But why do I feel like there's something more?' Lucio who was still looking at Hugh was contemplating why his instincts right now were telling him that the man that Leticia saved was not ordinary.

'Am I overthinking this?'

Besides what Lucio also found interesting was that Hugh's gaze would always follow the shadow of Leticia with tenderness but when he entered his field of vision, the warmth in Hugh's black orbs would turn cold.

It was ridiculous how different he acts towards Leticia and how his actions towards Lucio were so different. He's still a guest of Leticia so Lucio expected that Hugh would treat him with hospitality.

'But I guess not…?' Lucio thought as he leaned back at the chair and crossed his arms.

'It's as if he's wary of me and will bare his fangs the moment I make a mistake but when it comes to Leticia he would gladly wag his tail like an obedient puppy…' Lucio smirked which Hugh noticed and the light smile that was pasted in his face instantly vanished.

'Would you look at this..'

If Lucio was not someone who encountered different kinds of people, he would immediately become intimidated by his gaze that was looking at him like he was ready to smashed his face in the ground.

The silence and stillness that envelops the two seems to crept in which also affects Leticia who was busy preparing the refreshment. But of course, Leticia decided to not intervene and focused on brewing the tea.

And then, Lucio decided to break the ice. "Are your injuries fine now? Leticia told me about what happened..."

Hugh looked straight into Lucio's eyes. "As you can see I still need some time…"

Lucio's brows went up as he checked out Hugh's body condition but wherever he looked at his appearance it seems to him that Hugh looks alright and it doesn't seem like he's someone who was at death's door.

"Is that so…? Leticia also told me that you have a company that must have been looking for you… shouldn't you contact them and tell them that you're fine? Or should I assist you with that? I'm a guard, I can help looking for someone just tell me their names-"

Hugh was getting irritated whenever he heard the name of Leticia come from the mouth of the man in front of him but still he keep it to himself.

"Thank you for your concern but I'll take care of that myself…"

Lucio was cut off. He doesn't know why but his suspicion that Hugh was wary of him seems to be right. And it seems to him that he was trying hard to conceal something from them.

"I know that you have reason as to why you suddenly appeared all blooded like that but you don't need to be so wary of me… if you don't trust me then at least trust Leticia who introduced me to you. Besides, Leticia should be the one to be wary of you but because she said that you seem trustworthy I needed to make sure that what she said was true..."

Hugh, whose face devoid without emotion the moment Leticia was out of sight was still coldly looking at Lucio.

"Then, aren't you the one who doesn't trust her?"


"You just said it yourself, old man. I should trust Leticia who introduced me to you… then, shouldn't you do the same?"

Lucio became quiet when Hugh retorted with sarcasm.

"I don't know what you want to hear from me, old man... but don't make an excuse with Leticia's name mixed in. Don't preached what you can't do but I guess like you I trust her but not you…" Hugh leaned back against the chair as he looked straight into Lucio's eyes with arrogance.

This time, Lucio felt the pressure that he emitted. It was akin to someone who had authority and was accustomed to give orders.

"Is that so… but I also don't trust you. Leticia is a kind person to everyone so I will not tolerate anyone who would abuse or will take advantage of her."

Lucio who was slightly intimidated by his piercing gaze also gives his all to stare at him straight in the eye. Lucio has a large build although his opponent also has a huge body like him, he thought that he would not lose and so, he also takes this chance to also look intimidating to give his warning a fairly scary effect.

However, contrary to his expectation that it would frighten Hugh, his reaction was different from it. Hugh just gave him the silent treatment with an indifferent look.

At the same time, Leticia finished preparing the tea and placed it in front of the.

"Did I miss something?" She said as she sat down beside Hugh.

She looked alternatively and thought the atmosphere was different from the way that she left them earlier.

"Oh… umm… did the two of you fight or something?"

"Of course not! Why would we fight?" After Lucio reassured her, he sipped the tea that Leticia brewed.

"Oh… this is good."

"Right? It was a chamomile flower that came from my garden…"

Leticia was happy that the tea she brewed was praised and she couldn't help but look at Hugh who also picked up his cup and sipped the hot tea.

"How was it?"

Hugh glanced at her before he gave his opinion.

"It's brewed splendidly."

She doesn't know why but hearing it from someone who always looked stern and cold praised her work made her extremely pleased.

"Is that so… I'm glad."