Leticia has been having good days ever since Hugh helps her with the chores and especially that the man actually had a talent in cooking which was unexpected.

It was funny at first because Hugh with a knife was scary but at a certain point the image that he would be clumsy surprisingly changed when he showed his cutting skills.

["Damn… you're like a masterchef!"]

["What? MasterChef?"]

["It means you're so good at what you're doing that you looked like a chef!"]

["You praised me too much… it's because you're a good teacher…"]

Leticia recalled the conversation she had that day when she first taught him what to do and the first steps when it comes to cooking.

The man actually was good at following instructions which was surprising as he had an aura that will be the one to give an order rather than receive one.

The steamy and creamy potato soup and sauteed chicken in thick soy sauce that was made by him makes Leticia drooled. Her hunger strikes on a different scale as the smell also makes her mouth water.

Leticia had a filling dinner that day and ever since then Hugh made an effort to cook.


It's been two week since Hugh helped her in the chores and everyday was exceptionally delightful for Leticia who gained a helper all of a sudden.

Today as well, she was looking at his broad back and seeing it you could definitely imagine how handsome he was if he turned around.

The rusty color that mistically shines in the ray of sunlight gives a familiar and cozy feeling for Leticia which also made her think that she's getting familiar with his presence as well as the scent that mixed in the air.

After a month and a half that Hugh resided in her house, the aromatic and comforting scent that resembles the field of Camellia flowers in the middle of the night sometimes lingers in her house.

She doesn't know if she was just hallucinating or it was just because the flowers outside her garden are starting to bloom either way it was something that Leticia couldn't help but to make her relaxed.

"You're early again today…"

She walked slowly towards the kitchen where Hugh was preparing the breakfast while she started to prepare to brew the tea.

"You know I could sometimes make breakfast too… you don't need to do it everyday."

Hugh slowly turned her head and looked down at Leticia as she was smaller than him and only reached his chest.

"I don't mind besides I don't have anything to do here… I atleast should make myself useful to you while you let me stay here." He said as he cracked the egg into the pan.

The sizzle of the oil as well as the scent that comes from the salt and pepper was making Leticia drooled.

It was just a simple sunny side up but because Hugh was the one making it the effect was simple eye-catching as the veins holding the pan seemed too sexy and alluring.

Leticia unexpectedly gulped at the view that she was witnessing.

'Waking everyday with this seductive view certainly would make anyone be in a good mood all day…' she inwardly thought as she savored the sight.

Leticia couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as the man that she thought would be a nuisance at first eventually became someone who became useful as well as comforting.

'Especially the food he prepares… sometimes it looks so expensive that I doubt myself if it was really the ingredients that I have in my kitchen and the most important was that it's so good that I always find myself full…' she continued to think.

"I finished the soup, can you taste this, Leticia?" Her reverie snapped as Hugh's face came into view as he held a spoon with the white milky soup on it.

Leticia only stared at him as Hugh blew the hot soup on the spoon.

'Damn… he's really handsome.' she commented inside her head.


"Oh… right."

She shakes her head as if to take her mind off his handsomeness and tastes the soup which he carefully blewed and placed near her lips.

"As expectedly, it's still so delicious!"

Hugh smiled to hear her compliment.

"You should sit, I'll prepare the table and the food."

He gestured to her to sit and wait for the food to be served.

"You're spoiling me, you know that?" She commented as she watched him place the plates with the food that he prepared for breakfast.

"I don't think this is considered spoiling…" Hugh replied as he sat opposite Leticia.

'If this is not spoiling then what is this?' She wanted to ask but just stared at her with her brows shooting up.

"I wonder what kind of spoiling is in your mind…" Leticia replied jokingly.

"Do you want to know?"

Leticia paused as the voice was serious as she glanced at him, she was surprised to see that Hugh was looking at her with a sharp gaze which made her gulp down her saliva.

"Ha-haha… I was just joking…"

"Is that so…?"

She nodded. 'Sometimes, this man could not really take a joke…' Leticia inwardly commented then smiled awkwardly.

"Let's eat…"

Leticia started to eat and savor the food that Hugh made while he was intently looking at her like he was thinking of something that she could not comprehend.


"What should I buy for dinner? Should I buy meat today?" she mumbled as she glanced at the shops on the market.

Leticia just got off early from her work at the orphanage and is currently looking at the food stalls.

"I think Hugh also needs a new set of clothes…" she thought as she started to wonder how many times he wore his old clothes as well as the spare clothes that Sir Lucio gave her.

She arrived at the clothes store and saw a lot of cheap clothes for men and women.

"Oh, Miss Leticia! What are you looking for? For a man or woman?"

Leticia noticed that the old lady was looking at her with a knowing smile which she found odd.

"Why are you looking at me like that Mrs. Smith?"

"What look are you talking about? I'm just looking like usual."

"No… there's something about the way you smile that irks me."

Mrs. Smith blinked at her straight forward words.

"That's right… you're always frank with your words."

"Don't change the subject Mrs. Smith… what is it, really?"

"Oops… I guess It didn't work ha-haha"

Leticia crossed her hand and looked at the old lady with impatience. Mrs. Smith was someone who always knew about the rumor in the town as well as the person who always loves to gossip. That was why Leticia was getting grumpy at her whenever she smiled like that.

"Okay… okay! This girl really has a temper, that's why until now you're unmarried."

"Stop changing the topic Mrs. Smith and just tell me what kind of rumor is circulating again…"

"You're really smart…" Mrs. Smith smiled. Leticia always had a rumor going on with her as she was an unmarried woman in a small town of Oakland and the people here knew right away the things that were happening. And Mrs. Smith was always the one to tell her in her face with no filter that was why Leticia knew right away why she smiled knowingly at her.

"Well, there's a rumor that a handsome man was living with you but they're also saying that it's scandalous since the two of you are not married."

Leticia just sighed. 'As expected, these people would always find things to talk about…' She rolled her eyes and breathed a long sigh again.

"So, who really is that man? Is he really your partner?"

"No, he's not… he's just someone I saved."

"Really~? Is that really all?"

Leticia rolled her eyes again. She knew that Mrs. Smith was someone who enjoys gossip but she was always thankful that she's someone who would tell it to her face and would not tell others without checking the facts.

And because Mrs. Smith was not concerned when she became frank or looked at her pissed, she was kind of comfortable to talk to her like this.

Leticia could only sigh as she found out that there's another rumor connected to her name.