[Bonus Chapter] HUH? IS THAT REALLY HIM?

For easy reading: (') - this if for inner thoughts, (") - for present conversation, ([ ]) - and this is for memories or past conversation. And everything else is in third person perspective narration.


Leticia blinked her eyes and looked outside the window.

She sighed as each passing sight passed her eyes like a fleeting memory.

"I really left my home huh…"

Things happened so fast that Leticia just found herself in a carriage leaving the South territory.

After three days that she agreed to what Hugh suggested, things went at a smooth pace. She packed the things that she thought were necessary for her trip and left the things that she could get in the Capital.

Hugh made Mike her escort while he left and told Leticia that he still needed to settle things in the South before he could follow her in the Capital.

Before she left, Leticia and Hugh were standing in front of the rented carriage where Mike was sitting beside the coachman.

Hugh held her hand and unconsciously caressed it using his callus thumb while he looked at Leticia with warm eyes as he saw her off.

["It will take me two weeks… no, give me a week to settle things here after that I'll immediately follow you. I also send instruction to my servants that someone important will arrive so, you just need to wait for me there."]

["Wait… I need to live at your house?"] she asked in confusion.

["Yes! it would take a while before I could give the things I promised you. So, for the meantime, just live at my house and when I come back, I'll immediately settle it."]

Leticia squinted her eyes in suspicion while Hugh only gave her a smile.

But that suspicion disappeared as Letica thought that it was normal that he needed time because the things that he promised were not something that could just appear in thin air so suddenly.

Especially that Hugh promised to provide her with a house and a job. ['That's right… those things takes time.']

So. Leticia didn't ask things anymore and just nodded her head before she said farewell.

["No, just take your time preparing it. I'm the one who needs it so I'll patiently wait. I'll be waiting at your house so, be sure to safely return"]

Leticia smiled as she gave her goodbye. She knew that she was going to impose on him and she's not so shameless as to ask for more, so she just agreed to it.


Mike, who was in a daze, questioning if what he saw was real, was contemplating if it really was the commander that he knew.

After he watched a scene that he never thought he could witness, especially in a front row seat, was astonished at how his commander acted.

'Who is he? Is he really the person who doesn't have an inch of interest towards women? Am I hallucinating?' Mike asked himself.

Who's the commander of the Black Stallion Knights? Of course, it's his Excellency, Duke Hugh Naville of the Northern Duchy.

And who is he? Even if he's the illegitimate son of the former King he's still the youngest sibling of King Matthias IV and the second in line for the throne. Besides he's the owner of the North, and the grim reaper of the battlefield.

There was a lot of weight to his name, he always acted noble and never got too close to people and knew how to use his authority without a single thought.

And even the other aristocrats thought that he was hard to approach because of his noble aura as well as the rumors that circled around him.

Still, he's the most eligible bachelor of the noble society. He got the looks, the position, the lineage, the skills, the money and the authority.

But there was never once he gave the impression that he would be interested in seeing women. So, there was never a scandal about him.

'But what was that? He held her hand like it was the natural thing to do… and Miss Leticia seems to be fine with it like it was nothing. Is there something going on between the two?'

Mike squinted his eyes as they reached the gate of the South.

'I need to do my best to protect her and get on her good side… we might have a future mistress soon.'

Mike smiled as the hooves of the horses felt like a drum that was stating the beginning of an interesting future ahead.

"I can't wait…" He mumbled.


Clack! Clack! Clack!

A fast moving horse made a loud clacking sound as it approached the campsite at the border of the South next to the Gloakman Kingdom. The guards ready their weapons and point it towards the person riding the horse.

However, when they saw the person riding it, the guards guarding the camp narrowed their eyes to see a shining raven hair swaying against the bright sun.

He was wearing a simple shirt but his build cannot be hidden as his lean muscle was wrapped in cotton like it is customized just for him.

"Huh?" The guard who has good eyesight clearly sees the one approaching.

"Isn't that the Commander of the Black Stallion Knights? What's he doing outside the base?" the other guard asked as he was confused since when the notorious grim reaper went outside without them knowing.

But their thoughts were cut off when they saw the cold stare of Commander Hugh that sent shivers to their spine. They immediately bowed their heads and stepped aside to make way.

Hugh arrived at the campsite on a horse.

The knights who were sharpening their swords, minding their own business or doing training stopped when they saw the horse and the person riding it.

They were shocked to see their commander getting off because they never saw him leaving.

"Huh? Commander?" One of the knights unconsciously called.

Austin, Salis, Justine, and Michael, who was also shocked to see their Commander parading like nothing happened, welcomed him without a change in their expression.

"Welcome back, commander!" Austin said and saluted to their Commander. Salis, Justine, and Michael bowed their heads following Austin's action.

The knights who were confused at first got their wits together and greeted their commander too.

"Welcome back, Commander!" the knights shouted.

Hugh glanced at his knights with his icy aura pressuring them.

The knights of the South, even if they didn't get locked eyes with the notorious Grim Reaper of the Battlefield, his presence alone sent shivers to their spine.

Meanwhile, the Black Stallion Knights who're more prone to their cold Commander's aura were more nervous than usual because they immediately noticed that something was wrong.


They unconsciously thought about the hellish training that they experienced every time their Commander was pissed.

"Everyone get ready!"

Everyone flinched when they heard the calm commanding low tone with sharpness mixed into it. The knights who knew what that command indicated immediately answered.

"Yes, Sir!"

The knights scattered and Hugh walked towards his tent. Austin and Salis followed their Commander while Michael and Justine immediately left to command the knights.

"Austin, report everything. Don't leave a single thing out! And I hope that you resolved what I asked because you will know what will happen to you if not."

Austin smiled like he was not affected by Hugh's numbing pressure that he was exuding while Salis gulped down the lump that was clogging his throat and wiped the sweat forming on his forehead.

As Hugh entered and sat, he leaned and gave them a glare.
