Leticia woke up by a blinding light that touched her face. She stretched her hands and pulled herself up from the bed.

Still yawning, she approached the window where she could see the stable of the inn at the back where she saw Mike already up and was tending to a horse.

"Wow, he's an early bird…" She commented. He's still wearing all black that covers half of his face. Leticia wonders what Mike would look like if he wears different colors. "Would he look less scary…?"

Leticia can't help but smile when she thinks about it. Even though she became familiar with his stature and the way he talks with her, there were still times when she got startled whenever she caught Mike looking at her with fierceness.

"It's like he's waiting for me to make a mistake…"

Then inside the stable she saw that Mike was brushing a color brown horse, "Is that what we'll use to go to the capital?" she wanders because she doesn't know how to ride one.

"I still have a lot of things to learn from this world…" She said and turn her back from the window

She turned around and looked around. The room that she was staying in was furnished with a bed, a cabinet, a table and a chair.

A necessary piece of furniture for a person who's going to stay for a couple of days at the inn. The room was cleaned, indicating that the staff always do their job with excellence.

Leticia was so tired the day that they entered the town as they were riding the carriage for a few days and only stopped when it's time to eat and sleep. She hadn't gotten a full sleep for a few days because she's not used to traveling.

That was why, the moment that she saw a bed, she immediately jumped to it like a child. Leticia got a whiff of the white sheets that cover the bed and she couldn't help herself to snuggle her face at it as the sheets smelled like it was dried in the sun mixed with the scent of the garden that was full of flowers, she couldn't help but be entranced and succumb to her desire to be just lay there.

And the result was, of course, an early trip to the dreamland!

She took a few steps and reached the chair where her black coat was draped and her small bag hung.

She immediately wears her coat to run down at the stable and helps Mike when suddenly someone taps on her door.

Knock Knock!

"Who is it?"

"Good morning! This is Mary from the inn, I brought a basin of water as you said."

Knitting her brows, Leticia repeated Mary's words " I said? But I just woke up?" She then opened the door.

What welcomed her was a teen with shining hazel orbs paired with her blonde hair tied in a ponytail. She was dressed in a one piece beige with an apron for the outer layer as protection to her clothes whenever she roamed around the inn.

Mary's look reminds Leticia how the women in this world typically dressed. Just like what she's wearing under her coat.

Mary was holding a wooden basin, half full with warm water, and a towel that was hanging on the side. She was flustered when the door opened and saw Leticia who just got up.

"Huh? Oh… I'm sorry did I wake you up? I mean the one who asked me was a man… umm what's his name again?" Mary tried hard to remember Mike's name that just passed by her ear when she was doing her work earlier.

As Leticia was just looking at her, seeing how she struggled to remember the name of the man who asked for a favor, Mary can feel her face getting ripe like a tomato as she fidget trying to recall the name and why she's there, "Oh…? Was he called Michael? No, I think it's something else…" She scratched her face with her free hand.

"His name was Mike…" Leticia couldn't help but give the answer as she saw how flustered the child working at the inn was.

Leticia giggled when she saw Mary with a look of 'savior' written all over her face.

"Yes, that's him! The one that looks like someone who got something on his ass!" Mary was so excited to hear his name that she just uttered what came to her mind. Leticia laughed out loud as she heard Mary describe her escort, Mike.

Embarrassed at how it sounded, Mary was again flustered! "Anyway, he asked me to get water for the person in room 15. I thought he's here… so… anyway, here! The water!"

Mary handed the wooden basin to Leticia and ran through the hallway…


Mary was shocked to see the person that she was just talking about. Her face becomes a full ripe tomato as she runs down the hallway onto the ground floor.

Leticia just watched her back and when she saw Mike walking through the hallway and approaching her, she couldn't help but laugh out loud as she recalled what Mary said.

"She's so honest... I can't! Ha-hahaha!" Then she looked at Mike's face, "It's true…!!! Ha-hahaha!"

"What? What's true? What is it? What's so funny, Miss Leticia?" Mike asked with his brows narrowed together.

Whenever Leticia looked at Mike, she always got this feeling that he looks like someone but she never reached the answer so when she heard Mary's words she could not contain her laughter.

The way he crumpled his face looks exactly like someone got something on his ass. And this time, Leticia laughed so hard.

"Ha-hahahaha! Oh my g… ha-hahaha!"

Mike could only look at her with confused eyes as he watched her cry in laughter.

'She's weird… She's definitely weird!' Mike thought as he shook his head and turned her back at her and went to his designated room.


Leticia leaves her room with her small bag hanging on her shoulder and goes to the stable where she saw Mike waiting for her.

"Are you sure that you had enough rest? We could still relax for an hour or two." Mike said with his low serious tone.

"I'm fine, I'm not here to sight see… besides, Hugh said that he'll be arriving shortly after us."

Mike flinched when he heard how she addressed the notorious Grim Reaper of the Battlefield without honorifics and with a soft tone.

'It's like something is crawling up my skin whenever she mentions the Commander's name without fear.' Mike thought.

Leticia noticed that Mike's countenance paled, she tilted her head to think, 'Did I say something wrong?'

Meanwhile, Mike was still thinking about something and didn't notice that she was looking straight at him.

'I wonder what she will do when she learns about the Commander's real identity…' He looked up and saw that she was looking at him but still continued his thoughts, '...will she run away?'

'Should I tell her the truth? Or should I let it be?'

But then Mike recalled that Duke Hugh never told him to keep it a secret. He scratched his head as he was frustrated.

'I'll just do what was ordered and let the Commander deal with it. It's his problem anyways…'

Mike ended his thoughts and hopped on the horse. He extended his hand to her, looking all confused at him.

"We'll both ride this one, or do you know how to ride one?" He asked.

Leticia shakes her head to answer.

"I see... "

She then gave her hand which Mike pulled her up. She successfully hopped on the horse with Mike on her back.

"It will be uncomfortable but please endure it for a bit."

"Oh… don't worry about me!"

"Then, if you get too tired please notify me, we could at least take breaks in between."

"Thank you, Sir Mike! You're so nice!"

Mike was flustered and his brows shot up as no one ever told him such a thing.

'How am I nice? I just did what was ordered,' he thought. 'She's really weird!'

So he ignored her praise and continued to notify her about their trip.



Hello guys! I found out about the summoning pens and the golden ticket! Yup, I'm so late knowing about it!

Anyways, I thought that I need to do something about it so, every 20 summoning pens, I'll release one bonus chapter and If I get 40, I'll release two! so on and so forth... And for the golden tickets i learned that it's the new voting system where u rank up to the golden ticket ranking! I'm so thankful for the people who gave their golden ticket for support! You guys made me happy!

And for the fans who gave their power stones and bought a gift for this novel, many thanks! You guys are so supportive :)

That's all, enjoy reading! :)