Duke Hugh entered the throne room with Knight Salis and Knight Mike following him.

There, King Matthias IV was waiting patiently for his arrival with a dignified smile pasted on his face.

"If it isn't the Northern Duke that helps eradicate the bandits in the South Territory." The King said with his arms open suggesting how he warmly welcomes Hugh's arrival.

The aristocratic faction of Queen Matilda was also there witnessing Duke Hugh's dignified arrival with their disdainful look. Particularly, Duke Harper was looking at the Northern Duke with scrutinizing eyes.


Duke Harper can't help but to click his tongue seeing that Hugh arrived with such dignity when he's just an illegitimate child of the former King!

The coldness in Hugh's eyes made Duke Harper seethe his teeth as he felt that Hugh was looking at him like he was a small rock on the side of the road that he didn't need to take notice of.

And because Hugh had a bigger build and taller than him, Harper was more aggravated by it. And the anger once again rises to another level.

Especially that he's accumulated another honor to his name. Duke Harper whispered to himself, "That's right, you should enjoy this while you can." He smirked and looked at Hugh's back.

Meanwhile, Hugh walked past Duke Harper and arrived in front of the King.

"I greet His Majesty, the Ortis symbol of Strength, Prosperity and Luck." Duke Hugh said as he bent one of his knees, brought his right hand to his left chest and slightly bowed as he reported to the King.

Salis and Mike also did the same and greeted the King after Duke Hugh.

"We greet His Majesty, the King. The Ortis symbol of Strength, Prosperity, and Luck."

"You may rise." Said by King Matthias IV as he acknowledged the presence of the three men. "What news did the Duke of North bring for me?" the King added.

Hugh stands and looks at His Majesty who is sitting at his throne and looking at him with fondness.

"I brought news of the successful eradication of the bandits of the South."

"That's good! That's good!" King Matthias IV said with glee. "You've never ceased to impress me my brother!" The King added.

The aristocratic faction of the Queen pursed their lips when they heard how the King recognized the Duke with such closeness.

However, they didn't see the secret glance that the King and the Duke exchanged in the split second that everyone was murmuring to each other.

It is a secret that the bandits were actually armies of the second prince of the neighboring kingdom that was preparing for a civil war in their country.

Anyway, the King was so ecstatic that the younger brother that he's so fond of was now in the Royal Palace again with a successful subjugation that will bring another honor to his name.

He came down from his throne. The royal mantle over his shoulder, cascaded over his broad back that seems to say how reliable, wise, and strong he is as a King. As the red cape touched the carpet floor, and the golden crown that was embedded with expensive Khaslika gems that was so hard to mine and manufacture that only a handful was successfully processed into a rose-like colored stone was placed in the center of the crown. It symbolizes the King and all the former King's authority.

In front of Hugh, King Matthias IV put his hand on Hugh's shoulder as he said, "I'm always delighted whenever I learn that the Duke will visit the palace. Especially when you always come with such great news to share with me." He merrily laughed out loud as the atmosphere brightened with the King's joyous bearing.

But one person was not having a joyous moment.

Duke Harper clenched his fist seeing how the Duke of North was being showered with such compliments by the King who was said to be stingy when it comes to complimenting his vassals.


"What should we do now, Duke?" Said by Viscount Jeremy, who belongs to the aristocratic faction of the Queen.

Duke Harper and the Viscount already left the throne room as the meeting ended and they are now currently at the rose garden of the Rose Palace.

Viscount Jeremy can see how Duke Harper controls his temper while making sure that everyone doesn't see it. He has been friends with him since they were in the academy, so he knew how the Duke was always being compared to the monstrous Duke of North who gained the title by his own hands at the age of 18.

Meanwhile, Duke Harper got his title when his father, the former Duke of the West died five years ago when he was 25 years old.

It was a coincidence that two gentlemen received the Duke's status in the same year but because of how controversial Duke Hugh got his title Duke's Harper's succession was buried in the mud. Besides, his sister, the Queen, was also at odds with Duke Hugh that it added fuel to the flame.

As the Viscount was recalling the past, Duke Harper answered his question. "First, we need to pacify her majesty. I'm sure she's boiling in anger right now."

Duke Harper furrowed his brows while Viscount Jeremy sighed and replied, "You're right…"


Now, Duke Harper and the aristocrats will keep quiet for the time being as the center of attention was once again with the Northern Duke.

The King smiles inside his parlor. With him was Count Norhas and Duke Hugh.

"I did a good job, right?" He asked as he sipped his whiskey.

"You didn't need to do that, Your Majesty." Hugh replied.

"Your Grace, we know how capable you are but His Majesty stepping in and reminding everyone how close you two are would make them quiet for a while."

"Chancellor Norhas is right, Hugh. You should know that you would be the spotlight again this time. I'm not sure what kind of tricks would the Queen do and her faction at the Banquet again but it's better to give them warning that you're someone who's not to be messed with as you have me at your back."

Hugh only looked at King Matthias IV as he gave him a smirk that was implying how small a gesture could become his weapon.

"Besides, we know that another attempt had been made in the South." the King added.

The atmosphere became serious and silent.

King Matthias IV looked at his younger brother and based on how he still had the nonchalant expression that either gave him an answer or he was just being ignored, he just knew that it was true that Hugh was being targeted again.

"It's her, right?"

So, the King just asked. He knew immediately who would be the one behind it all. It was too easy to realize based on the attempt that has been happening for years.

"Of course, who else but her?"

"...Heh!" King Matthias smirked as he took his glass that was half empty near his lips before he continued, "She never ceases to amaze me how greedy she had become for power."