Tuesday morning at the Church of Saints, the priest as well as the sacristan all gathered for the morning prayer.

"May the Goddess Maia bless you and your future ahead…"

"You as well. May the Goddess Maia bless you with happiness …"

Left and right, all of them greeted each other with high spirits.

The Bishop that will lead the morning prayer walked in. Immediately, the air surrounding the prayer hall felt more divine.

The third rank in position entered and walked towards the altar. His white robe and red-golden linings indicated that just like everyone in the prayer hall, he was someone who pledged his life to the church of Saints.

The only distinction about him and the other bishops was the scriptures written in their sash worn over their neck as well as a colored cumberband that tell which rank they occupied. For the five bishops of the Church of Saints, their cumberband was silver, red, blue, yellow, and bronze respectively.