Pak! Pak!

The moment that Lady Leticia hit Lady Rebecca's cheeks, the movements of the people came to a halt.

The orchestra stopped playing, the servants stopped walking, and the guests stopped talking to each other. 

All their eyes were focused on what the commotion was all about.

"Leti, are you alright? What the hell happened here?!"

As the Duke shows a face full of concern as he strides towards her and sees that his fiance's right cheeks were tinge in red.

And when he touches her, Lady Leticia flinches.


Everyone begins to conclude one thing as they saw how the Duke's forehead wrinkled in displeasure.

'The poor arrogant lady stepped on a landmine…'


The surrounding atmosphere hits rock bottom as the tension rises to new heights as time passes by.

"Who did this?"

The more the people shut their mouths, the more the hall felt suffocating.

Hugh's low voice rang inside the ceremonial hall.