The night seems to lullaby Leticia as it accompanied the warmth that comes from the fireplace. 

However, it wasn't enough to erase the thoughts that lingered because of an earlier situation that took place.

She tossed and turned around at her bed.

'He's jealous?'

Leticia couldn't help but ask herself.

She sighs. "Haa… No. Maybe, it's just nothing..."

Leticia wanted to convinced herself.

She looked up at the ceiling as she pulled the sheets until it covered half of her face.

"This relationship would only last for three years. Let's just focus on that…"

Even though Leticia had some doubts and had the pieces to solve the puzzle, she will ignore it.

There's nothing good, if she asked Hugh what his reaction was about. 

Because sooner or later, this relationship will end and they will go their separate ways.

Leticia suddenly thinks about her dream.