The rest of the tea party was normal after the Duchess excused herself and left the tea party early.

Even the Queen left after some time and now it's just Princess Elizabeth who hosts the party in the Queen's stead.

"You did a very bold move there."

It was Lady Josephine who said that suddenly, as she put the cup down and turned her head to the right where Leticia was sitting.

"I didn't say anything wrong. I just gave my opinion. Why? Did I say something wrong?"

Leticia tried to play it innocently. At some point, she became familiar with masking herself and playing the role of an innocent and sometimes naive lady that also has some kind of temper when provoked.

Leticia smiled knowing herself that she needed to do this for some time. 'This strategy won't last long…' she thought.

Then, Josephine replied. "You're right, you just give your opinion but it's not something that you should have done in front of everybody."