The news broke inside the mansion faster than lightning that the fiance of the Duke was sick and suddenly fainted. 

Salis, who learned about what happened after his training with the Knights as well as Austin immediately went to her room but stopped the moment that a familiar face stepped out.



"What are you doing here, Bishop William?" Austin asked after Salis and William uttered flustered moans as they saw each other.

Hans was also there but didn't say anything as if he was in deep thought.

"Sir Hans, are you okay? What about the lady-?" Austin asked and William chimed in.

"Are you two here for the Lady?" William suddenly said. 

Salis knitted his brows and looked at his clothes that were disguised as a messenger.

Now that they looked at him, the vision of his younger self rushed through thor memory like it was just yesterday when he was running all around the camp trying to help anyone that was injured.