"I should just kill all of you~"

At that moment, Tristan lowered his defense and suddenly looked elsewhere, and pointed his sword towards Josephine and Nina. Leticia, who reached for the dagger under her skirt immediately used it and inflicted injury in his hand.


Leticia quickly escaped after Tristan slightly loosened his grip on her shoulder. In an instant, Henith flung him out of the tent which caused a loud collision.

Leticia, Nina, and Josephine took the opportunity to get out of there! 

"Let's go!"

As soon as they got outside, they saw people who seemed to be the ones who caused this attack, confronting the King.

The Royal Knights were there protecting the King. The other nobles were also circling the King to protect him.

Josephine saw Lucas amongst the people that were protecting His Majesty as they also tried to escape from the situation. 

"Protect the King!"