The night that Hugh came home from the Palace, dinner was about to be served.

"Did I come too late?" He asked as soon as he saw Leticia at the dinner table.

"No, you came at the right time." She smiled at him and Leticia asked the maids to arrange the seat of Hugh and prepare another set of plates and utensils.

Hans helped Hugh take his suit off. Meanwhile, the maids finished preparing another set of food for the Duke.

Hugh sat at the end of the table whereas Leticia was sitting at the right side. Suddenly, Hugh noticed that Anton was not with her which was unusual.

"How about the child?"

Leticia was about to put a piece of steak in her mouth when Hugh asked the question.

"He's upstairs. He's upset."


Hugh was curious since it was something that he didn't think of before. Since Anton was someone who stuck himself to Leticia wherever she was.