As the supposed family had a reunion amongst themselves, the expected warm welcome and the celebratory mood changed in a hundred eighty degrees.

Countess Lauren was looking at Leticia with a grimace. As soon as she saw her adopted daughter, she immediately informed them about her departure to the Village of Lesiya.

"Why would you go there? Is it because of what I and your brother said before?"

Of course, Count Remor had no clue about what they were talking about. He knew about Leticia's circumstances and why the Duke prompted his family to accept her. He also learned about her mysterious power as his wife gave her the gist of what was happening.

Still, he didn't know why Lauren was getting angry about Leticia.

"Leticia, you just arrived in the North! I'm pretty sure that by now the talks of the Duke and you arrive at the mansion had spread to the nobles. You need to establish yourself first here or else… it would be too late!"

"...too late?"