"Did they leave already?"

Direck didn't need to look back to know who it was that suddenly appeared because there was only one person who would suddenly pop out like this out of nowhere.

"Yes, they left early this morning," Direck said while his eyes were sharply staring into space.

He wasn't very fond of the sudden visitor.

"What a shame, I didn't get to see her." The man replied.

Direck rolled his eyes while his back was facing the man leaning on the house's pillar.

"If you have nothing to do here you should leave now. I'm busy."

The man gasped and touched his heart like he was hurt. "Such harsh words. How could you say that to me? The person who helped you leave that place you called hell."

Direck immediately scoffed at what the visitor said.

"Ha! Stop holding the same thing over my head. You didn't even help in the crucial moments."

"But I still helped. And that's what's important."