Blood of the covenant.

I awoke, feeling warm and noticably less gooey than I last remembered.

A woman was leaning beside me, fast asleep.

"My....Har....cha....not...goi.....way" she was muttering something in her sleep that I couldn't quite make out, but seeing the sign outside the room's window meant I was in the right place. Now all that was left was to convince them to adopt me with my new super skill - ultra cuteness!

I felt bad for using them and their child's memory like this. Or so I would say, if I was a wimp.

No. Morality is bullshit and means nothing in this new world. It's just a tool for the strong to keep the weak in their place while they keep doing whatever they want, without rebuke.

And to face a world of bullshit logic and dollar store morality, I would have to go beyond the limits of stupid societal concepts. Utilitarianism all the way baby!

I gently nudged the woman sleeping beside me. It was time for the first W of my new life.

Let's go.

"Ummumu.." she slurred awake.

Then she saw me, staring back at her with the most innocent big baby eyes.

And hook.

"Oh you're awake. You're awake! Honey! He's awake!" She screamed for her husband.

"What!? Hold on. I'll be right there." He responded from another room, as sounds of scrambling footsteps rang out on the tiled floor.

"Heeeyyy buddy!" He said, as he slid over to the couch opposite me.

"How are you feeeling? Does it hurt anywhere?" He asked, gently caressing my hair.

I shook my head shyly and shrunk into the sofa.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you." He cooed.

Yeah. That's exactly what someone who was out to hurt me would say. How was this guy even a parent?

"Don't worry." Said the woman, "It's going to be okay. It's all fine." She gave me a gentle hug, her bony sides grinding against my shoulders.

Honestly, she looked ragged, emaciated and sickly herself. And there were scars on her sides, peaking through slightly.

Fuck! Is that domestic abuse?

What kind of home was I coming into? Did the Other trick me? Dammit! Maybe I'll need to find a way out of here.

I began scanning the area for any escape routes. Not that there was much I could do as a two year old. Nevertheless, I wasn't going to give up without trying.

"Can you tell us what your name is?" The man asked.

I looked at him for a second, dazedly before answering, "Haru."

A look of shock spread across their faces.

Yeah. That was about the right reaction.

If my son died and then a baby his age came crawling over thta had the same name as him. I'd be spooked too.

"This is fate!" The woman cried.

"No. Wait." The husband replied.

"Do you know where your parents are Haru?" He added.

I shook my head and answered, "No."

"Can you tell us their names, then?" He pressed.

I shook my head once more.

"Do you know where you live?"

"No." I answered.

"What were you doing out there, last night? Do you remember why you were outside naked? Did someone kidnap you?"

I shook my head a third time, this time with added whimpering and sniffling.

"I don't remember!" I cried.

"Oh you poor poor baby! Come here!" The bony lady said, pulling him into her embrace.

The man kneaded his temples. This was not good.

His wife was growing attached to the boy. He could see it. He was almost certain she was going to ask him to keep him. And he was of half a mind to allow it. This past day he had seen her happier than the last 8 months combined. But what of his parents? Surely they would be looking for the boy. He couldn't rob another family for his own happiness.

As if on cue, his wife turned to him.

"Let's take him to the police. Maybe they can help us find his parents." She said with a smile.

His expression morphed into one of pleasant surprise and then of pride. Her pain was plain as day, on the tip of her tongue, in the light of her eyes and palms of her shaking hands. It pained her to give up her happiness. But even so she chose to be the bigger person.

A glad smile crept up on the man's face. He was truly blessed to have such a great wife.

He got up and called his friend in the police force. This was going to be a mess.

About a hour later, as I was eating my lunch, a knock rang out from the door.

And a man in police uniform walked in.

"Tanuma! Thanks for coming."

"You said something about a lost child?" Tanuma asked.

"Yeah. That's him."

"Can I talk to you? In private?" Tanuma gestured at the next room over.

"Uh..sure?" The man replied, following the policeman in.

Hmm. I need to know what they're talking about. But with this woman hounding me like an eagle? Not a chance.

I acted interested in the officer and stealthily leaned forward, pushing the bowl of pasta off the table.

"Oh no!" She cried.

"Sorry!" I added with haste.

"No. It's okay." She replied with a kind smile.

"Then...can I have some more pasta?" I asked the woman with puppy dog eyes.

"Yes. Of course you can." She said, piching my cheeks as a blush spread across her face. She skipped enthusiastically to the kitchen to make me some more.

Once she was put of view, I leapt off the chair and ran after the two. Pressing my ear to the door, I could hear a few words.

"What do you mean?" The man asked.

"I mean there is no record of a boy that age named Haru, anywhere in this whole district. For all intents and purposes, that boy doesn't exist! Tell me Fukaku, where did you even find him?"

"He just showed up at our house last night. He had a fever and blisters all over. And he was naked. This isn't normal is it?"

"No. It's not. What's worse is that when I checked the surveillance cameras across the area, there was no sign of any vehicle or residence. It's like he appeared out of nowhere. Trust me, the kid is shady as all hell."

"He's a two year old, Tanuma. How shady can he be?" Fukaku asked.

"You wouldn't believe the shit that goes on out there. Everything can be shady. And maybe not him. But whoever was behind what happened to him? Definitely shady as fuck."

"So what happens now? I mean to him?"

"Well, seeing as he doesn't remember anything, and has no ID, there's nothing I can legally do. And if we hand him over to the state, there's no telling what they'll do to find out where he came from."

"Then... do you think... can we keep him? Raise him as our own?"

"Look Fukaku, I know that thing with your son hit you hard but.."

"But what Tanuma? My son is dead, and now I have a chance to help a kid. One with the same name as our son. This has to be fate or a miracle or something."

"Listen Fukaku, I think it's best that we ..."

"No. You listen. Please. Tanuma. My wife. She's never been happier in the 8 months since the incident. This is a blessing. Please. I can't watch her heart be broken again. This is a second chance for us. Please. Can't you do something about it?" Fukaku begged, choking back sobs.

"Fuaaah!" Tanuma sighed, "Fine. I'll do something. But promise me this. Not a word of this gets out or all of us are going to jail. Get it?"

"Yes. Yes! I promise. Thank you. Thank you so much." Fukaku cried out in joy.

"Yeah yeah. Just keep your snotty nose away from me." Tanuma replied, with a flustered tone.

Yup that's my cue. I got up and ran back to my chair only to find the woman looking at me as I walked back over.

"Where did you go?" She asked, her hands on her hips.

"I was looking for the potty!" I answered in babyspeak.

"Did you find it?" She asked.

I shook my head.


"Alright. I'll take you. Come." She said picking me up by my armpits, just as the two men came out.

"Ao-chan. Can we talk?" Fukaku asked.

"Yes just one minute. I'll take him to the potty. Then we can talk." She answered.

"Oh sure. I'll see Tanuma out then." He replied, leading the officer towards the door. Then he turned and gave her a thumbs up, as her face lit up like a firework.

Once I was done pooping, I was back in the living room with the couple.

They sat me down opposite them, as they sat down on the floor. Then they asked me the question of the hour. And I knew. Step one of my plan had succeeded.

"Haru-chan. Do you want us to be your mommy and daddy?"

There was only one logical choice at this point. My answer was,
