Fight on! Shounen!

"You ready?" I asked.

"As ready as can be." Deku replied with a wince. I looked down to see him pinch his finger on the tasers.

"Damn it Deku!" I coated my hand in psi and pulled his finger out before he shocked himself half to death.

"Don't be nervous. And it's okay even if you lose.I won't hold it against you." I reassured him, patting his back.

"No..I don't want to lose. The trust you've shown in me... I don't want to betray it!" He replied with determination.

"Then go get 'em tiger!" I answered with a smile.

"You bastards done with your loser talk? Can we get to the part where I crush Deku already?" Bakugo mocked.

I sent a glare his way. Can't let this dumbass ruin my plans of controlling Deku. If he wasn't such a child of destiny, I would've already gutted and dumped him halfway across the country.

"Sure. Get in position. At the count of three." I said.

The two of them walked across the footpath and down onto the beach arena of trash that we'd made for today.


Bakugo started creating small sparks within his palms as Deku switched between his footing.


Bakugo crouched in a runners pose as Deku steadied himself onto his left foot in a sideways horse stance.


Bakugo bumrushed into the fight with a wide rightward swing, explosion lighting his path.

As he was about land a hit, Deku fell backwards, launching a fist right onto Bakugo's stomach, barely avoiding the explosion by mere inches, it's heat singed his muddy green hair.

Bakugo's expression morphed shock and awe and then into panic as he launched himself off course with his left.

Immediately Deku rolled away into further, throwing up sand into Bakugo's eyes. And just in time too as an explosion landed at his position sending a burst of sand into my eyes.

"Fuck! Keep the fight to yourselves dammit!" I cried, even as I projected an eye into the sky to see what was happening.

Deku dodged Bakugo's explosions repeatedly, rolling away each time as they struggled on the beach, littering the sidewalk with shells and rocks.

I moved away from the fight, just as Bakugo's fist landed on Deku's calf.

"Tcshhhh!" He mummed in pain.

"I got you now, DEKU!" Bakugo screamed in delight, raising his right at Deku.

"No U!" Deku replied, and lurched forward pushing Bakugo into a bear hug.

"DEKU!" He screamed, shoving his explosion into Deku's side in an attempt to get him off.

"Yaaarghh!" Deku shrieked in pain as blood dripped from his side.

He tried to trip the switch for the taser only to miss it in the struggle.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked cockily. Then he spotted the hooks dug into his shirt. Bakugo's expression soured like week old milk.

He tore out his shirt with blinding speed, getting the taser hooks off him.

Trapping his leg against Deku's, turning them over, now with him on top.

He began to pummel Deku into the sand.

"JUST GIVE UP YOU QUIRKLESS SHIT! YOU'LL NEVER WIN AGAINST ME!" Bakugo shouted, shoving another explosion into his stomach.

"No!" Deku answered, pushing Bakugo onto his back against the sand. He pulled back the hooks, and shoved them into Bakugo's cheeks in a desperate move, slicing his lips.

"I won't give up! Kacchan! Because someone.." he cried, tears pooling in his eyes, " .. finally believes in me!"

He tripped the switch finally, giving a tearful but triumphant smile, the taser shocking the both of them.

"Ghraaa! NO. NO. I CAN'T LOSE TO YOU!" Bakugo screamed, landing two more explosions into Deku before collapsing beneath him, in a heap of burnt flesh and molten sand.

I sighed.

Dumbasses! Now I was going to patch them up. Increasing my fucking workload.

Police sirens rang out in the distance.

Fuck! Who called the police?

"Hey! You two!" I called out to Bakugo's lackeys, startling them out of their daze.

"Pick up Bakugo and follow me!" I said as I ran to lift Deku's limp body off of Bakugo, dragging him across the beach and into town. As I left, I pushed down a bag of firecrackers and model rockets onto the sand and ran.

Just as we made it out sight, a police car stopped by the impromptu arena.

Hopefully my ruse would work and they'd just leave with the confiscated fireworks. But that remained to be seen.

In the second hand shop, I was being stared down by the shopkeep and the police as they had caught onto our trail.

"So...." the officer probed.

"Yup! We were just playing with fireworks. But then Bakugo had the idea that we should put together all the pop bombs and blow them up to make a huge sand volcano. But when he used his quirk to blow them up... uh... it was too big. Like whoom!" I gestured.

"That's all?" They asked, clearly still suspicious of my story.

"Uhuh!" I nodded innocently.

"Then why are you so calm about it? Aren't you afraid of being punished?"

"Why would you punish me? I wasn't the one who did it? It was Bakugo! He has the explosion quirk. You can check!" I said.

"Yeah, we'll see about that." He replied coldly.

The officer made a call to check my story.

I wasn't worried. I had prepared for it. When you make a lie and add a truth at the end as a qualifier, then people tend to believe the lie because when they check the one part of the story that can be proven and it turns out to be true? They just assume that whatever else you told them must be true as well.

The officer came back after the call and nodded at his partner.

"Don't play such dangerous games again, or next time all of you will get punished. Understood?"

All of us nodded vigorously in agreement as they left.

Once the officers were out of view, the shopkeeper pulled Deku out of a nearby closet, and placed him on a bench.

"Now, you want to tell me what really happened?" He asked.

"Well...." I replied.