My very own Scp 682?

I was sitting on the water tower roof in Musutafu, observing the city as usual, practicing the first condition for my new ultimate ability, Mortal Severing.

To refine the body into that of an immortal sennin, the first precondition is to possess a heart unmoved by a thousand misfortunes.

And so, here I am, observing the misfortunes of the people, without moving so much as a muscle to help them.

I watched as traffic jammed due to a villain crew robbing a jeweller, which then caused a tall lanky man to be late for work. He then ran into a short man in boxer shorts who then, in turn snubbed a coffee shop worker on his way out and ruined his day.

The worker went on his lunch break hours later, kicking a bag of trash to went his anger, only to break the thin plastic, launching a heroine needle right across the street, hitting a little girl clean through the arm.

I activated Red Reality to see the effects.

Yup. It's a HIV needle. Welp. That girl's life is officially fucked. But then again that wasn't my problem.

I looked out across the city again, as a boy pushed his friend into the lake as a joke.

The ducks in the lake fled in fear at the sudden disturbance, stopping a jogger in his tracks. He stood there as they made their way in an orderly fashion, across the park to the other pond, quacking loudly all the way.

Just loud enough apparently that he didn't hear the football hit a bee's nest above him. But he certainly felt the sting. Within moments he was dead of anaphylactic shock.

Across town, near Musutafu private middle school another incident was taking place, as a pink haired girl broke up a fight and then bizzarely, started to break dance with the combatants. Shortly, they split as the two boys who were fighting left to get lunch, while the girl and her friends left to visit a cake shop nearby.

As they walked away, a boy glanced at the girl, longingly? Was it longing? I didn't know. And I didn't bother to confirm.

The girls made their way across a couple of blocks before the pink haired girl left to gonto the toilet. The other two girls waited by an office building for their friend as a car sped by at full speed, scaring the girls into backing into the office overhang's shadow. Then the street shook in the semblence of slow, deliberate footsteps, cracking at every thump.

The hulking behemoth of a man emerged from the street behind the speeding car, walking out onto the road leisurely, in the manner of a man who knew himself to be invulnerable.

He turned the corner, looking around quizzically before spotting the two girls by the overhang.

Yes. He nodded and moved towards them with purpose.

Across the street the boy with the do-me eyes walked out, spotting the giant headed for the girls from his school.

His expression morphed, first to anger and then to morbid fear as he stood there, frozen in place.

Hold on! This seems awfully familiar for some reason. I wonder why?

Laplace Junior, which had been active this whole time chimed in.

Inciting incident. It answered.

Whose inciting incident?

Then, it came to me, even as the ability answered.

"Eijiro Kirishima!"

Shit! How could I forget this? Man, that's lame.

Still, should I stop him now? After all, Gigantomachia was a valuable asset to my future enemies.

On the other hand, helping them would reset my progress in the new ability to the beginning.

Yup. No question. Machia dies today. Can't take a chance with someone that powerful.

I activated remote control on my clothes as it rocketed me across the city, landing gently, right behind Kirishima.

Time to fuck the timeline even more!


Even more so because I could use this to eliminate Gigantomachia before he became a league asset.

I strode past Kirishima, with great confidence, walking right up to Gigantomachia.

".....ringer Hero Agency?" He asked the petrified girls even as they trembled in place like wet cats.

"Hey!" I called out.

Gigantomachia, about to reach for the overhang, turned to face me.

"It's that way, about a mile out. Come, I'll show you." I said, walking past him, cheerfully, leading him on.

Gigantomachia stood there, looking at me like he had never seen a human before.

"You coming?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied, following along me quietly, by the side.

I motioned the girls to run with my hands behind my back, to Gigantomachia's blind side.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Ashido Mina arrive at the scene.

Sorry Mina! But I'll have to steal your glory here. But believe me, it's for the greater good. No, the greatest good. That being my benefit!

I led Gigantomachia across town, using backalleys and byroads until we reached the small patch of forest behind UA high.

Gigantomachia looked around in confusion.

"This isn't the Spring hero agency?" He growled, half questiongly.

"No it's not!" I replied.

Time to cut me a pair of giant pork chops.

"Get busing dying!" I said as I activated Birdseye, covering the whole region with my eyes, projected onto every available surface in a quarter mile radius.

Immediately, Gigantomachia attacked, swinging his arm at me, like swatting away a fly. Only he didn't.

Or rather couldn't. He was rather preoccupied after all.

A halo of piss yellow rings formed around him, holding him in place as I activated remote control on his teeth.

"Graaaargh!" He screamed. Instantly, I pulled his mouth shut telekinetically.

"Now now, we don't want to disturb the good students at UA do we now?" I flirted.

With great exertion, I uprooted them, drawing first blood.

Man are these gums strong! It felt like I was uprooting a forest down there.

As soon as I was done uprooting the teeth, another set began to grow through.

I call Haxx! This is such bullshit! Instant regen is a broken power! Please nerf!

I steadied my now trembling arm, programming the removed teeth. They began spinning about an invisible axis, faster and faster, until they became a blur in and of themselves.

Then I launched them, straight through his throat, half of them to his heart and the other half to the brain.

Let's see you recover from that, bitch!

Another couple of seconds later, Gigantomachia shook like a leaf in a hurricane, spitting blood and guts everywhere. And teeth. Those teeth.

Fuck! What are you, SCP-682? You fucking monster!

"Well, well well." I monologued, like a cheap b-movie villain, "That just gives me more opportunities to test out my powers."

I pulled out a bottle of botulinum. Easy enough to get from a botox clinic. A little bribe here, a disgruntled employee there, and bada-bing bada-boom, anything is possible!

I shoved the toxin down his throat, and buried him neck deep in solid rock, before knocking him out with a well timed tooth-saw to the brain, this time locked in place with impromptu rock rods. No more spitting them out like a bad case of whooping cough.

Next, I pulled out a box of iron shavings, forming them into a rough analog of the destructo disc, overflowing it psi, reinforcing it beyond belief.

Slowly, and with great relish, I dug out chunks of his flesh, bit by bit. Surprisingly, the cut flesh didn't regenerate. it was more of an internal regen factor or maybe a regen tactile field. Chunks broken off lose their breaker state and stop regenerating.

"Interesting... what else can you do, my dear hard-to-kill bigfoot?

Shoot lasers? Poop cannon?

We'll see....."