With the Naruhata Blackout incident handled, Deku and I retired for the day.
Returning home, I hid the syringe of Rokuro's blood in the mini-fridge in my room.
Finally, I relaxed, letting up the telekinetic barrier I had had up for over 5 hours.
Exhaustion hit me in waves and I drifted off peacefully to sleep.
I awoke the next morning with satisfying pops in my bones.
"Uhm!" I moaned happily.
That was some great sleep!
After my morning routine, I left for my regular sunday exercises, and met up with Deku and Himiko at Dagobah beach.
It no longer looked like a dump, as clean white sands spread across it like pristine oceans of chalk.
Today was a great day. I could just feel it.
Himiko played in the ocean as me and Deku finished our workouts for the day.
Deku, with two whole years of proper nutrition instead of a measly ten months like in canon, grown into a fine muscular greek hero of a man. Standing at a good 5'7 instead of the canon 5'5, he could be mistaken for someone entirely different by someone who hadn't seen him in a year or so.
I wasn't far behind. Rather, I was even ahead of him. At 5'10, with lean, strong and chiseled muscles and washboard abs, I was already far above average for a japanese boy. Now if only I didn't have a hopelessly average face, I could've been an adonis.
But then again, I prefer this to being the center of attention as an ikemen.
Easier to hide in crowds and pull shady shit if you look like Joe Schmoe. Not so much if you're fucking Brad Pitt. Or Fucking Brad Pitt for that matter.
Post workout, Himiko came and sat with us as we recovered, fidgeting about, inching slowly nearer to me.
How cute!
But first things first.
"Deku, you up for running an errand?" I asked.
"Sure. What do you want?" He answered.
"A couple of ice packs, bandages, duct tape, and a WcRonald's joyful meal set. Actually, get 7. I'm feeling awfully hungry." I said, handing him the money for it.
"Alright. You'll wait here right?" He asked.
"Why is that even a question?"
"I know that tone of yours Haru-chan. You always say that when you want to do something behind my back. And also, because the last time, you buried me in the sand and left for two hours saying you'll be back in ten."
"C'mon. It was for your training. I totally didn't forget about you!"
"Yeah. That's what you said the other time when you left to get juice and then somehow ended up being over 30 minutes late. I even got attacked by a villain that time!"
"But did you die?" I teased.
"Ugh! I hate arguing with you! But if I come back and you're not here, I'll smack you all the way to tuesday!" Deku threatened.
"Uh hun? You will now eh?" I said, leaning towards Himiko.
"Fine! Go flirt with her to death, baka!" He said, before storming off.
That was ... odd. Has Deku become codependent on me or something?
I activated Laplace Junior and confirmed.
The answer was a resounding yes.
Apparently he had begun to see me as a substitute for a sort of twisted father/mentor/best friend figure.
And now he's probably afraid that a girl is going to steal his best friend away. How wonderful. So wonderful in fact that it was something a certain blond beanstalk was supposed to train out of him.
But what can I expect from small might. Of course he didn't notice this.
I asked Laplace Junior once again.
Will this be detrimental to my plans?
No was the answer.
Well then, that settles it. No need to fix what ain't broke.
Besides I'm sure he'll grow out of it in due time when he makes more friends.
[A/N : Insert Logan Michaels - Always Sunny meme.]
Is someone badmouthing me?
Anyways. Back to Himiko's situation.
"So...I found an apartment near here. The rent is.. well, cheap-ish. Wanna see?" I asked.
"Aren't we waiting for Deku-kun?" She asked grinning wide.
"We'll be back before he even notices." I said.
"Hehehe. Okay then." She said.
As we got up to leave, Deku jumped out from behind a nearby building and marched up to us angrily.
"So you were about to go off, weren't you?" He said, mad, hands on hips, pointing accusingly at me.
What are you, a housewife? Jeez.
"Fine. I'll tell you." I conceded.
"Tell me what?" Deku asked.
"Himiko's parents disowned her after the trial. We were just going house hunting. And I didn't think Himiko wanted you to worry. That's why I sent you away on an errand." I explained.
"Oh..oh! I am so sorry!" He said.
"No worries. Wanna come along?" Himiko said.
"Well then, let's go. We need to meet the broker at the shop." I said.
Back at the shop, the shopkeeper noticed us coming, and put down his cigarette. He did say he didn't want children to be around smoke huh? What a nice guy.
"Deku-chan, Haru, how are ya doing?"
"We're actually here for the apartment. For a friend?" I said pointing at Himiko.
"Oh! Aren'tcha that serial killer girl?" He asked.
"No more. I got acquitted!" She replied cheerily.
"Good on ya! Shoulda known you weren't guilty." He said.
"So ... the houses?"
"Ah yes! There's three apartments available. Two of them require paperwork and I'm guessing you don't want that?"
I nodded.
"Thought so. Here's the last one. A bit far off but it's a fine one. Figured you'd want this friend far and safe. Its on 54th street, in Kamino, Yokohama. Behind the station. The rent is upfront, first of the month. The guy who owns it is a decent chap. There's even a bar downstairs if ya want something cooked."
"And the name on the lease?"
"No need to worry, they'll forge some. Hell, they wouldn't even charge rent most of the time, but for appearance sake, you gotta, ya know?" He rubbed his fingers together.
"Yeah. Probably looks shady on an audit if there's renters living freely."
"Well then, that's great. When can she move in?"
"Today, tomorrow. Anytime really." He replied.
"How much stuff do you have?" I asked Himiko.
"Three bags tops." She said.
"Alright. Today will do. Can you inform them that we're coming? What's the owner's name again?" I asked.
"Shigaraki. Tomura Shigaraki." He answered.
I already knew the owner's name. After all, I had orchestrated the whole thing. From the tone and pitch of my voice, to the suggestions sent to the shopkeep, the urgency indicate through the conversational undertones and even the most opportune timing, making sure that only one place would be easily available. Fairly simple when using Laplace Junior's predictions.
Shigaraki's bar.
The easiest way to keep an eye on the man-child was to keep someone close to him. As the saying goes, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
And how much closer can I get than my future girlfriend's landlord!
And he wouldn't suspect a fucking thing. Neither would Himiko.
Perfect for spying on the world's most dangerous criminal. After all, what he doesn't know, he can't fight against. For all Shigaraki knows, I'll be the horny boyfriend that visits a bit too often.
Then when the time is right, not only will I be able to claim his life but also the government benefits for residents of the soon to be destroyed Kamino ward. And nothing tastes better than robbing the government of their ill gotten tax dollars. Except chocolate flavored double chocolate chip ice cream of course.