We sat in the auditorium, amid shuttered whispers, as Mic explained the rules. I looked around and tallied all the major characters from the series. All of them were accounted for.
Good. My reckless actions didn't twist the canon tomeline too much.
I heaved a sigh of relief.
Just as Mic finished explaining, the points systems, and after Iida's outburst, he said something that wasn't said in canon. Something I'd brought on.
"Remember students, no cameras are allowed in. We have been informed that a particularly notorius social media influencer and vigilante is attempting to enter the course. And while we can't legally bar him from entering the academy through the proper channels, we can prevent and disqualify anyone that pulls mischief in the tests. So be warned!" He threatened.
Heh! As if you pansies could catch me if I wanted to film something in here.
I wouldn't of course. The test was already difficult enough with only using one of my abilities. After all, the more hidden trump cards, I have, the better. Might as well not make it any more troublesome by adding the risk of being caught and disqualified.
That could derail my entire plan.
"Now please proceed to your assigned test zones in an orderly fashion. Starting with student assigned zone A. Roght this way." He pointed at the auditorium exit nearest to the podium.
As I made my way down the aisles, Deku in tow, being careful not to openly associate with me, for fear of being found out, a hand grabbed my shoulder.
I jerked away instinctively, almost tripping, before turning around to see my guest.
It was a girl with beige, straight hair, now missing their characteristic frayed ends.
The blackheads on her nose were all but a memory and so were the dark bags under her eyes. She looked like a completely different person now. I guess having someone to look good for does that to you.
"Hey Toru! How you doin'?" I said, flashing her a classic Johnny Bravo smile.
"Hehehe. I'm just fine. Listen, before I forget this again. Can I have your number?" She asked handing me her phone.
"Sure!" I said, logging it in.
"Thanks! See you later. Best of luck in your exam!" She said, running away to meet her group.
In the distance, with her group, I spotted the class pervert of canon, Minoru Mineta. Guess all the loser quirks are put in one batch to fight like a makeshift Gu pot, huh? Strongest of the weakest survive.
Seems fair enough, I suppose. More rational than I would've imagined them to be too. But then again, they weren't the top hero school for nothing!
I exited the auditorium and followed up with Deku at the bus stand.
"Alright Deku. Today's the day. You got your gear checked?" I asked.
"Yup! Triple checked. No issues."
"Good now remember, the robots have an off switch by the back. Avoid the blows, swing around back, and switch 'em off. Don't try being fancy. Your tasers don't have infinite batteries, understand?" I said.
"Yeah. I get it." He said.
"Then repeat it to me." I asked.
"Avoid getting hit, switch off from behind, rescue people for extra points." He parroted.
"Good! I know you'll do well." I comforted.
He nodded with a smile.
"Let's Go!" I said, raising my fist.
"Plus Ultra!" He replied, fistbumping me.
We entered our respective testing grounds.
Time to show the world. I am here!
I pulled out the skate wheels embedded in my custom order shoe-cum-roller skates, and got in position.
Mic walked up to his post in the tower and announced.
"Ready? Go!"
And go I did, weaving past the other, notably Kaminari, and Sero, as I swept through the city, immobilizing and switching off bots, saving students caught in over their heads and being sure to show how my definitely one and only quirk worked into as many surveillance cameras as possible. Best make an impression. And a strong and steady one at that.
I figured, Aizawa would have a rather visceral reaction upon seeing my quirk, what with me having left him and Ingenium to hang in the middle of a terrorist attack for over an hour.
That should be enough to make an impression. I'm sure the other teachers would be curious to know who gave the dry eye man such a scare.
I jumped over a robot, freezing my shoes in midair, one at a time, climbing it's chassis, before immobilizing it's head as it rushed forward, decapitating itself. Stupid bot.
I was gaining points fast and emptying the ground of targets faster. That couldn't possibly be good for the other students. That made me certain that they would release the zero pointer sooner than later. And boy oh boy, was I right. Not sooner than I had spoken it and the ground burst open, as the zero pointer stood up, supporting itself by its arms, pushing on buildings.
Alright, alright, alright!
Time for some theatricality!
I saw a boy trapped under the rubble from the robot's support.
I ran towards him, even as the robot began it's charge at the nearest target, me!
I slid up to the unconcious boy, lifting the rubble off of him and hauling him onto my shoulders in a fireman's carry.
It was then that I noticed his face. It was Monoma. The power copier.
He slowly nudged awake, even as the giant robot bore on us.
I acted scared and ran along, carrying Monoma, showing myself to be at great strain in doing so.
After all, self sacrifice = rescue points. And the youthful display of sportsmanship was a definite ten from Midnight.
The robot got closer and closer to me, gaining on us at a frightening pace, befitting a junk pile it's size.
I appeared conficted as I put down Monoma by the curb.
They must be thinking, 'Oh! So he's abandoning the boy to escape on his own!'.
That's how I'd get them!
Against all expectations, I turned around and walked back towards the robot, capturing it's whole figure in my sight, as I activated my ability, Immobilization Eye.
The robot stopped mid swing, it's arms inches away from my face, purposefully of course.
Now that's what I call a performance!
As the bell rang to signal the end of the exam, I acted hurt and fell onto my knees, looking back at Monoma, as if to see if he was safe.
Really just selling the act here.
Then, using trance on myself, I fainted.