Project Y.

The boy conitued to stare at me, not dumbfoundedly, or in a state of sensory overload, but with very clear, intelligent eyes, as if taking in everything around him, constantly in a state of childish wonder.

It was no surprise to me either. After all, the only memories he had were those of following commands and understanding language, that came as presets in the incubation chamber.

It was made to create soldiers not living thinking beings. It was already a miracle that the boy wasn't braindead at birth with the amount of settings I had to alter to make this happen.

"Come. Let's get you cleaned up. You can't walk around naked now can you?" I said, extending it a hand.

The child ran over and grabbed hold of my hand with both of his, stumbling momentary.

After getting the boy cleaned and clothed, I left him in the lab, before returning from the kitchen with a hot meal, minutes later.

Nothing fancy, just cup ramen. But for just born boy, even that might be a bit much.

Just in case, I watched the boy slurp away at the extra spicy ramen without so much as a twitch.

That's the pain tolerance quirk acting up alright.

Next it was time for quirk testing.

I led him to a small testing room, the size of a small gym, and sat him down in the middle of the room.

"Now, uh.. let's call you Haruto, how about that?" I said.

"Haruto?" He repeated, tilting his head.

"Yes. Haru, Papa, " I said pointing at myself and then pointing at him, I said, "Haruto!"

"Haruto!" He repeated cheerfully.

"Good boy!" I said patting his fuzzy little head.

"Uuummm!" He chirped happily.

"Now let's test some of your powers okay." I said, bringing over a dumbbell weighing 18 kgs.

"Try lifting it." I said, showing him how.

He walked over to the dumbbell, and tried, failing.

"Okay. Now try with your back, like so. With some oomph. Come on. I know you can do it!" I encouraged.

He tried again, harder this time, and with great stress. Then slowly at first, and later with blinding speed, muscles buffed up in his arms.

He pulled and pulled, mustering all his willpower, when all of a sudden he launched the dumbell over his head, breaking a crater into the wall behind him.

That muscle augmentation, checked off the list.

Now, pulling out my phone, I showed him the video of bombers exploding.

"Now can you try to do this?" I asked.

He nodded obediently, closing his eyes, focusing with him, as he began to swell up.

I retreated as he burst with shocking force, shaking even the walls of the gym.

Blood spattered the walls, painting the room red. Thankfully, I had the wherewithal to put up a telekinetic barrier up, otherwise, I'd be bloodied too.

The boy's severed head lay at the edge of the room, with it's jaw almost blown off. But he was recovering, slowly.

That's bomb and healing factor. Check and check!

He moaned in pain.

"Papa! Papa!" He cried, choking on his own throat.

Why was Haruto in so much pain? It didn't look this painful when O'clock II did it.

Haruto continued to wail.

Well fuck.

I looked at him with pity. Maybe I should just put him out of his misery now. I thought.

But as I walked over, guilt overtook me. This poor boy was here, through no fault of his own. Rather the fault lay with me. No. It didn't deserve death.

Damn my weakness for cute and helpless things!

I made a decision. I'd help it heal and then adopt it as my own. If he didn't die, that is.

Then, the boy did something completely unexpected. He flashed over to me, just with the strength of his half blown up jaw.

It was overclock! The high speed quirk!

And I knew that I had hit a jackpot!

I ran over to him, easing his pain with trance.

"Shush, shussh, Papa is here. You're safe now." I said comforting him, as he drifted off to sleep.

I put him back in the pod, reactivating it to help him regenerate.

As he slowly regenerated, I ran through the possibilities using Laplace Junior.

Initially I had expected it to only have the bomber quirks, since only the bomber cells were parasitic and regenerative altogether.

But now with this new revelation, it had all changed. This was a revolution of possibilities.

If the boy could copy quirks via blood infusion, then, perhaps I would have my super soldier far earlier than expected.

But first, the theory needed to be tested. And verified. And I knew just the right blood donor for the job.