Interlude - Kiddo Surprise!

The next half month or so went by like whirlwind.

I spent the rest of it training with Haruto, socializing him, and fine tuning my rise by manipulating my throat to mimic voices, performing surgeries on flies and fleas. And of course, having naked funtime with Himiko, lots of it too. A bit too much in fact.

I was almost addicted to it before the auto defense trance protocol jerked me back into place. Unfortunately for Himiko, she had no such luck.

She whined for two whole days about not doing it enough.

Deku on the other hand ran a marathon between his training with small might to control one for all, and his contract work with Kurogiri, nearly wringing himself out.

Another thing that happened was the flowering of the rebirth tree.

I had planted the seed of rebirth I had recieved all those years ago in the corner of my farm and had fed it my psi for over 8 years. Now it finally grown into a tree and borne fruit. fruit as in a singular fruit, a peach, overflowing with psi.

I plucked it with great care and gingerly took a bite.

Instantly I felt a rush of power like no other, sending me staggering.

Immediately I started using burst stream and absorbing it into my body, nourishing me like a miraculous elixir of legend.

My psi reserves grew 10 or so fold in an instant, and I could feel my body become stronger, faster, and more likely than not immortal.

As I finished earing the fruit, I felt little less than invulnerable.

Over the course of the next week, I absorbed the psi completely and experienced a qualitative transformation.

Just what I had planned. For eight straight years, without missing a day, I had fed it my psi with the idea of the peach of immortality. And now, consuming it, I gained the innate physique of a sennin of legend. Immortal, unkillable, invincible, godlike with the world at my fingertips.

Good. Finally my cheat had arrived!

As for the seed? I tore open my chest and stired it within, merging it with my right pec as a secondary heart like psi storage tank.

As I saw the wound sew itself shut within microseconds, at will, joy filled me.

As the days of the limbocation came to a close, I returned to Himiko's one last time before the semester started.

And after a wild night together, I prepared to leave, for the first day of class.

"Don't go yet.." Himiko moaned, still half asleep.

I kissed her gently on the forehead.

"I have to. Can't miss the first day of class can I?"

"Ummu!" She pouted.

"Now now. Don't pout. There's breakfast on the table. Eat it while it's warm." I said.

"Yay!" She cheered, running over to the kitchen, butt naked.

As I put on my shoes, I checked the time. 4 am. Still enough time for breakfast.

I sat down with Himiko by the table, as she relished the french toast I'd made.

"Himiko, listen." I said, "Starting today, I won't be able to visit you."

"You don't need to remind me." She said, disappointed.

"So before I go, I'll tell you what to do when you get to the job with Kurogiri, alright?"

"Yeah. Whatever." She muttered.

"C'mon. It's not that bad. I'll try to visit every sunday." I said.

"You don't have to sit alone all day in this isolated part of town! You get to be out there, with all your friends. I don't even have any friends anymore!" She snapped.

"Oh..I'm sorry. I didn't consider that. But you know, I might have a solution to that."

"You have a solution for everything don't you?" She snarked.

"Don't knock it till you try it!" I said.

"No thanks. Just because I haven't tried eating lava doesn't mean I should try it." She replied.

Haanh! I sighed in exasperation. She was taking on all the worst parts of my personality just like Deku.

"You know what I meant." I said.

"Yeah, that you did!" She smirked.

"Look, I said I'm sorry. Okay? Now do you want the solution or not?"

"I guess." She replied.

"Then get dressed. And be quick. I need to be at UA in 3 hours."

"On it!" She cheered and ran to get dressed.

Shortly after, we arrived at the underground compound, as I told her to wait outside.

I made my way in, finding Haruto playing with the blocks I had bought for him.

Hearing me approach, he looked up and lit up with joy.

"Papa!" He said, running up to me and jumping in my arms.

"Haruto! How has my lovely little baby been?" I said, pinching his nose.

"I ate! Pizza! And saw SuperHusky!" He said.

"You did?! Isn't that great?"

"Uhum! He punched Catterman like so! Woosh! Bam!" Haruto said, as I carried him out to meet Himiko.

"Uhuh.." I intoned, "Say, how would you like to meet Mama?"

"Mama!" He said.

"Yes. Mama! Do you want to meet her?" I asked.

"Yesh!" He said.

I walked over to Himiko, who was staring wide eyed at Haruto, like a child seeing his first magic trick.

"Whose kid is that?" She asked, warily.

"Mine." I replied.

"Haruto meet Mama!"

"Mama!" He said, looking her eye to eye, something he had learnt from me.

"What!?!?" Himiko cried in shock.

"Follow me, I'll explain." I said.

After a long explanation, she calmed down and sat down in the underground bunker lab, Haruto lounging in her lap.

"So. Now you won't feel alone right? And he can be our child. Like a test kid, for when we have our own." I said.

"He is a very cute boy!" Himiko said, playing with Haruto's hair.

"So..?" I prodded.

"Fine! I'll adopt him too. But that doesn't mean you're off the hook. Now even more so! You need to come and visit, every saturday and sunday. Without fail!" Himiko decreed.

"Yeah sure. I was gonna do that anyways." I muttered.

"Hehehehehe." She giggle happily, pinching Haruto's cheeks.