With the villains captured, the police arrived and arrested the crooks.
As detective Tsukauchi walked over, he saw me and Deku, and came over for a greeting.
"Oh! Haru, Deku! How are my favorite vigilantes doing today?"
"Don't patronize me please, Tsukauchi-san." I said holding my head and cleaning up a nosebleed that I gave myself to appear weaker and exhausted.
"Who pissed in your coffee?" He asked.
"Haru-chan is just angry because he has a headache from quirk overuse." Deku said.
"Hmm... I heard. You did good Haru. Sorry to bother you all so far, but do any of you know anything about the people who attacked you today?"
"Haru-san apparently knew one of them."
Deku looked at Haru in amazement.
"You did?" He asked.
"If you know anything, ..." Tsukauchi asked.
"Yeah. The guy who teleported them in is a guy called Kurogiri." I replied.
"Wait. That black mist...how did I not notice? And Kurogiri-san is a villain?" Deku asked shocked
"Who is this Kurogiri?" Tsukauchi asked.
"He's a loan shark up in Yokohama." I answered.
"Yeah, he..." Deku said before I gave him a look that said "Don't!".
He shut up immediately as he realised that revealing the location of the bar would put Himiko and Haruto in danger.
"What's that look about?" Tsukauchi asked.
Keen bastard.
"Nothing, just promised a source we wouldn't say anything about him to the police. Journalistic integrity and what not. But he's not a hard man to find. If you look around Yokohama, you'll spot him real easy. Not many mist people around and all." I said.
"Anything about this League of Villains group?" He asked.
"Not much. They were running a recruitment drive a couple weeks back. Didn't think much of it then. Apparently that was a mistake. Don't know much more than that." I said.
"I'll take your word on that." He said.
"Anyone else know anything?"
Most just shook their heads or said no.
"Well then, we're just about done here. Any injuries?" He asked.
"Only Haru-chan's headache and nosebleed and Mineta's well...." he said pointing to the diaper bowl on Mineta.
"Huh? Oh..oh. That's unfortunate. But if there's nothing serious then you can all leave. The bus will take you all back to the main campus."
We all boarded the bus as the atmosphere reigned thick. You could cut the silence with a knife.
Then Momo broke it.
"I'm sorry." She cried, tears pooling in her eyes.
"If I hadn't run out of ...." she began to cry.
Tsuyu hugged her and patted her back to comfort her.
"What ..what happened to her?" Kirishima asked.
"She ran out of juice when we tried to capture the teleporter. She's blaming herself for it." Shoji said.
"Look, Momo... it's not your fault. In fact it was thanks to you creating the knockout gas that no one got hurt. You saved us all today. And we'll catch soon. The police is on it. You don't need worry. You did the best you could in a bad situation." I comforted Momo.
"But..but..." she muttered.
"No buts. Look at me Momo." I said looking her in the eyes, "It's not your fault. Okay? You're a hero. You did good." I smiled warmly.
She nodded quietly and shifted into muted sobs of relief.
The atmosphere had lightened quite a bit by now, opening me to questions they had no doubt suppressed.
"Say, Haru, how do you know that black mist guy?" Tokoyami asked.
I looked at Deku, who nodded in agreement.
"Me and Deku found him when we were researching that case about drug trafficking in Yokohama a couple weeks back. He told us about how some unfinished projects were being used as drug dens in the area. That's about it. Nothing too special about it." I lied.
"That's where you got that commitee example?" Sato asked.
"Yup." I said.
"You mentioned something about an investigation. You do that often?" Iida asked.
"Yeah. I run a Utube channel where I post the results of investigations into different matters."
"We also put up songs!" Deku added.
"What sorts of songs?" Jiro asked.
"Why don't I just show you?" Deku said, proudly, opening up the Brittle bones series on his phone.
"Whoa! 1.8 million subs? That's a big channel. Why haven't I seen this before?" Kaminari asked.
"Well, there are over 12000 channels with over a million subs so it's actually very likely that you'd never find it." I explained.
"Hold on. Is that Deku?" Sero asked pointing at the video.
"Yeah. I wrote the song, he sung it." I said.
"The song slaps!" Kaminari said.
"That it does. We even got a publishing deal for it." Deku said.
"You guys did a lot of stuff before coming to UA huh?" Mina commented.
"What do you mean?" Deku asked.
"I mean, you cleaned Dagobah beach, did investigative journalism, acquitted Himiko-san, saved Tokyo from being blown up, caught an A rank villain, published books and songs, and who knows what else? It just feels like I didn't do anything at all in comparison." Mina said.
"Deku also saved Bakugo's life from a sludge villain." I added.
"I said I didn't need saving!" Bakugo shouted from the back.
"Such a tsundere." I teased.
"More like asshole." Kaminari said,
"But yeah. You guys have already lived an insane life. How are we supposed to compete?"
"Work hard?" I said.
"That's not just something that can be achieved by working hard!" Sero tsukkomi'd.
"Well, then I dont know how?" I said.
Iida meanwhile was steeped in deep contemplation.
"Are you sure I should be the class representative, Haru-san?" He asked out of nowhere.
Momo had stopped crying by now and looked up at Iida curiously.
"Why do you say that, Iida-kun?" She asked.
Iida didn't look at her though. He stared into the far distance as if recalling something.
"Today, when leadership was needed, I got stuck in fear. I...I couldn't lead. I failed everyone when I was needed most! But you? Haru-san, you took up the slack. You led us right into it and made sure we wouldn't panic. I ... I think you should be the class representative!" He said.
I sighed.
"Iida, who do you think needs water more. Someone who is thirsty or someone who just chugged down a whole bottle?" I asked.
"What even is that question? Of course the thirsty man needs the water more! How does this even relate to my point?" He asked.
"Iida, who needs a leadership position more? Someone who can already lead, or someone who needs to learn to lead?" I asked.
"Of course the ...Oh!...is that why you?" He asked.
"Yep." I said, taking on a sagely demeanor.
"Nah. He's just lazy. He doesn't want to do boring desk work so he's shoving it onto you." Deku said, instantly shattering any impression I'd made on them.
"I mean yeah, but you don't need to tell them that!" I protested.
"Hehehe. But where's the fun in that?" He said.
"You're taking off after the worst of my habits, aren't you?" I said, kneading donuts onto Deku's head, as the class chuckled in amusement.
That night, I administered Haruto with the blood, before returning home.