"I'm pregnant." Himiko said.
I looked at her aghast, as my parents spit out their coffee, reducing my mother to coughing fits.
The noise from the coughing woke up the kids, as the two of them walked out in pajamas, rubbing their eyes.
"Mama, are you okay?" Haruto asked, until he saw me.
"Papa!" He cried, jumping into my lap.
"Papa, you're staying with us right?" He asked, as my parents almost rolled over dead.
My mother forced her coughing to stop with sheer force of will and grabbed a nearby newspaper, rolling it into a stick.
"Haru! What is this?" She said, slamming the news roll onto my head.
"Ow, momma! No. They're ju-" I said, as another bonking landed on my head. Then another, until my father stopped her, pulling her back to the couch.
"Haru, whose kids are these? And don't say yours! I am not an idiot. These two are at least five years old.
Neither you nor Himiko could have possibly conceived them. So the truth, Haru. No more lies, understand?" He said.
"Yeah, of course. But they are my children, Papa." I said, as Haruto interrupted.
"Papa? But I thought you were Papa, Papa?!" He said, confused.
"No, Haruto, I'm your Papa, and he is Papa's Papa." I said, as he ran the hamster wheels in his brain trying to rationalize it.
Meanwhile, I returned to the conversation with my father.
"As I was saying, they are my children. Use your quirk and see if there is something wrong with what I said. See for yourself." I said.
He nodded in agreement.
"You see, they have had a... rather horrific childhood." I said, showing him Haruto's scars.
"That's horrible. Who,... what sort of parent would do that to their own child?"
"Bad ones. Very bad ones. And the government wasn't helping. I checked. Trust me, I checked. No one, not heroes, not the police. No one wanted to help them.
So I had to take control of the situation. I couldn't just see it happen and turn a blind eye. So, I adopted them. Well, not me per se, since I'm still 15, but Himiko did. At least with us they'll have a decent childhood."
For a moment, there was an uncomfortable silence in the room, as Eri crept closer to me, and sat by my side.
"What about the baby in Himiko then? In fact, Himiko, where are your parents? What do they have to say about this?" My father asked.
Himiko looked downcast, and made to speak, before I put a hand on her shoulder.
"I'll tell them. Don't force yourself."
She nodded as I continued.
"Himiko....made some mistakes. Her quirk went out of control and she hurt some people. She was acquitted of all charges of course, but her parents, they disowned her for it."
"I'm sorry." My father said, as my mother did the the same.
"Why didn't you tell us about this before? How long has this been going on? Don't you trust us?" My mother asked.
"I just didn't know how to tell you. I didn't know how you'd take the news." I said.
"You didn't trust us is what! We'd never disown you, Haru. Believe me, we love you more than we love ourselves." My mother said.
"Now I wouldn't say that.." my father joked, only to get smacked on the head with the newspaper roll.
"Jeez, take a joke Ao-chan!" He said.
"This is no time to be joking." She said, "And this is no place to raise children! All of you are coming to the farm with us. You're too young to be doing this. Focus on your studies. We'll take care of them." She said, grabbing Eri from the couch, and sitting her in her lap, even as Eri squirmed uncomfortably.
She looked at me pleadingly.
I sighed.
"Momma, Eri is a but uncomfortable with strangers. Can you give her back? She's not liking it." I said.
"No." She said, looking at Eri, " Don't worry Eri-chan, I won't bite."
Eri begged me with her eyes desperately, as she went into a panic attack.
I rushed over and pulled her away and comforted her with pats on the back.
"Eri-chan was abused by her guardians. Severely abused. She has PTSD from her time as a captive. It's not good for her health to be thrust into unfamiliar situations alone." I explained, gently.
"I see. Sorry, Eri-chan. I won't force you. Will you forgive me?" My mother asked as Eri slowly calmed down in my arms.
"Eri, won't you forgive grandma?" I asked as Eri nodded softly, before clutching to me with a death grip.
My mother cooed at being called grandma, as my father looked around, accounting for the items in the room.
"Okay then, pack your bags. We're going to the farm. Haru, help me put these in the trailer." He said, pointing at the furniture.
"No, papa, the furniture is the landlord's." I said.
"Even the bike?" He asked.
"No. Not the bike. That's ours."
"Alright. I'll take this down. You bring the rest of the stuff."
Himiko nodded, and walked into the bedroom and started packing the essentials.
As I picked up the bags and headed down, my father pulled me aside.
"Haru, you're going to take responsibility for this, right?" He asked.
"I will adopt the children too, if that's what you mean?" I said, acting innocent.
"You're a smart boy, so I didn't think I'd need to tell you about it, but here goes." he said.
You need to marry her, Haru. Be a man about it."
"I'm fifteen, Papa. I'm too young to get married!" I protested.
"Not too young to be playing in the bedroom though, are you? Besides, you don't have to do it just yet. Just be ready for it when you're of age." he said.
"We'll see about that." I said.
"No, we won't. And before you say anything else, there's no negotiating this. I said it and it's final, understand?" he said, sternly and walked back up the stairs without waiting for an answer.
Upstairs my mother called me.
"Haru! Come up here for a minute?"
I walked up and saw my mother holding a glass cylinder.
Uh oh! That was the cylinder we used to incorporate quirks into Haruto.
"What is this thing? And why does it smell like spirit and" she sniffed closer, "...is that blood?"
"Uhhh...that's uh, an test tube. Himiko was doing an experiment for a school project, about forensics. Right Himiko?" I said, looking at her.
"Uh yes. I mean yeah, uh a project. I was uh, testing the rate at which blood decomposes in forensic sites under different conditions. Don't worry, it's all my blood!" She stuttered out.
Fuck! Why did you need to stutter all about it?
Will she even believe it anymore?
My mother nodded in understanding.
"It's good that you continued your studies, even after what happened. That's admirable. So, this project is over right? Do you still need it or should we just leave it here?" she asked.
She believed it? She really believed it?
I checked with trance and to my great surprise, she actually believed it!
Holy fuck!
Was it because of the roller coaster of revelations that she'd gone through today?
Or something else entirely?
I didn't know and honestly, I didn'tvcare at this point.
"It'd be a waste to just leave it here. It wasn't cheap after all." I said, taking it from her, before she could get any more ideas.
Soon we packed up and left for the farm, and one of my worries was taken care of likety-split.