Getting in it, by Donnit Shoddy.

I walked into the lab and opened the pod, as a thin mist flooded out, stinking up the place, and a purple skinned giant of a man strode out, withthe swagger of a true ugly bastard.

It looked at me confused, like a cat looks at a cup it's about to swat off the counter.

Yeah, I'm stopping it right now.

I held him with telekinesis as fear struck flashed in his eyes, and he began to cry like a child.

The surreal scene of a hentai ugly bastard crying like child reminded me again that he was but a child mentally, specifically grown impaired for easier indoctrination.

I sighed, and touched his forehead, implanting him with the trance program.

Instantly, he stood up straighter, shoulders wide, and began to smile.

I unhanded him as he knelt at my feet in reverence.

"Hmm...looks like the program worked." I said,

"Well then, show me your quirk."

He nodded.

Bringing up his arm, he pointed at the cardboard target I had prepared.

He focused as his finger shot out, swelling as it moved.

It hit the target, knocking it back, piercing through it and into the foam slates behind it, before exploding in a brief but violent pop, like a firecracker.

"Good enough. Can you do the same with your stomach fat. Think like a meaty whip from your stomach wrapping around someone."

He nodded again and pushed out his stomach, a nub forming on it, before extending forward in a flash, wrapping around the cardboard dummy, and exploding, destrupying the target and the surrounding flooring.

"Good. Very good. Now take this and go to the place it shows. Follow the instructions on the phone, it'll tell you all about it." I said, handing him a phone and a bag of necessities, a couple pairs of clothes, Hawaiian shirts and cargo shorts to be specific, a little bit of cash, fake IDs, an alcohol flask and the staple of every spy, sunglasses.

"Go now. You don't have a lot of time left to join in. And be convincing, got it?" I said.

"Yes, master." He said, in a very disconcerting voice.

Yup, no one's gonna suspect him of being a spy. Not with that voice and look about him.

With that done, I picked up my bag and made a beeline back to UA.

When I arrived, the bus was already waiting.

"Sorry, sorry. My alarm didn't ring this morning." I lied.

"Sure. Just get on quick. We leave in two minutes." Aizawa-sensei said.

I put my bag in the bed of the bus and climbed aboard.

Meanwhile, in the League's bar, a potbellied man in a gaudy Hawaiian shirt sat nursing a rum and coke.

"So, hows about it? Am I in or am I in?" The man asked.

"So, uh, Gudaru Hijikata, you have never been a villain before?" Kurogiri asked.

"Nope. But there's a first time for everything eh?" Gudaru said.

"And why do you want to join us?" Tomura asked.

"That's simple. You want to destroy society, I want to destroy society. We have the same goals, so I figured, why not?"

"And you want to destroy society because...?" Kurogiri asked.

Gudaru gestured at his body in general and replied, "Do you really have to ask? This and my suicide bomber quirk don't do me any favors in society. I just want to live a nice, easy life, but here, in this society, I can't even get a job because of how I look. And when a job offer does come, they cancel it after seeing my quirk!

I hate it. I hate being on government assistance. I hate the looks women give me as I walk by. The way they pull their children closer. Fucking bitches! I ain't gunna eat your kids! But no. Big, ugly, scary man must be a villain. So you know what, I'm gunna prove 'em right. Fuck this society! And fuck all of them!" He cried, slamming the glass on the counter, shattering it.

"Please refrain from doing that. Glasses don't grow on trees and neither does money." Kurogiri warned.

"Yeah, sorr-hic sorry." Gudaru replied.

"So am I in?" He asked.

Tomura looked at Kurogiri, who nodded.

"Yes, you're in." Tomura Shigaraki responded.