Day of the Mist!

Finally, it was the third day of the camp, and from what my bomber clone was telling me, the attack was coming tonight.

And I was hyped!

If this whole thing goes well, I'll be done with my plan by the end of the year.

Of course that would require careful machinations to be put in place.

It also means I can't stop the League's attack today.

Not if I want to drag out AFO to get his quirk.

But that aside its was time to train and as they gathered up in the field, Aizawa-sensei strode out.

"Now, remember all of you, don't lose focus and move faster. No matter what you're doing, you should be aware of where you came from. Always keep in mind why you're sweating and why you're being nagged. Not to mention, all of you have to work harder.

In your batch of 40, only one student passed with full marks, Haru Shikimori.

By the end of the training camp, I expect you to catch up to him."

"That's not fair, he's got an overwhelmingly powerful quirk. Of course he got full marks!" Mina complained.

"If you had his quirk, would you be able to defeat three teachers alone?" Aizawa-sensei replied, shooting the protest down.

"No..but.." Mina muttered, before yawning.

"Sorry, I'm just sleepy. I didn't think the remedial classes would go on till 2 am and the training starts at 7 am so..."

She added, yawning again.

"Yeah..."Sero commented, yawning soon after as the contagion spread, eliciting yawns from everyone around.

Then reflect on why you are more tired than your peers!" Aizawa-sensei said.

"More importantly, everyone, tonight we'll have a test of courage with the classes pitted against each other!

After training hard, you can play hard!" Pixie announced.

"The carrot and the stick!"

"Oh, I forgot." Jiro groaned, "I'm not goid with scary things."

"Revelry in the dark..." the resident chuunibyou birdbrain added.

"They're letting us do the regular camping stuff too, huh?" Hiryu said, excited.

"I like the part where we are pitted against each other! I'll thoroughly humiliate class 1A!" Monoma cackled madly.

"Do your best right now!" Pixie encouraged.


"Where I came from...." Deku thought looking at Haru, by the forest cover, and notice a curious onlooker hiding in the shadows of the cliff face, observing him.

Kota peeked from behind the rocks, looking at me like a hawk.

"Heh, that's Haru-chan for you!" He thought as he returned to practicing.

After the training was done and the dinner was had, the classes assembled for the test of courage.

"Now that we've filled our bellies, its time for.." Pixie said, only to be interrupted by Mina and the remedial crew.

"TEST OF COURAGE!!!" Mina shouted gleefully.

"We're gonna test it!"

Suddenly, bandages wrapped around them, dragging them away, as Aizawa-sensei cautioned them.

"Not you guys. The extra lessons group will be having their classes with me now. Your training during the day wasn't enough so I have to use this time for it."

"You've got to be kidding me!" Mina cried, even as the bandages mummified her.

"Noooooo!" They moaned like banshees as they were dragged back into the building.

"That was ..something. Well then, onto the test of courage. The two classes will take turns scaring each other.

Class A is going first, so class B, go and prepare to scare the living daylights outta them!" Pixie said.

"As for class A, youre going to split into pair of two, by lotto. Come here and pick!" Ragdoll added, pulling out a box.

As we went picking the numbers, I got paired up with Shinso of all people.

"Uh..hey!" He said, shifting awkwardly.

"Hey! How you doing bud?" I said, patting his shoulder.

"Fine. I just wanted to thank you for the..." he said, as I slapped his back with the force a dumptruck.

"Ouch!" He cried, "what was that for?"

"There's no thanks in a friendship!" I answered, smiling brightly.

"You're a fucking weirdo, you know that?" He said, as a small smile threatened to break through his quivering lips.

What a tsundere!

"How cute! I guess that's why Kota's smitten with you! You really are as good as the news made you out to be!"

Mandalay said behind us.

"Auntie!" He protested as Mandalay ruffled his hair.

"I told you you'd find your hero one day!" She said, enthusiastically.

As the duos ahead of us went onto the path, I sensed the portals open up in the distance, as a purple mist behand to lightly pervade the forest, another section along the cliff face lighting up with blue flames.

Yes! Finally, I was almost getting bored to death!

But no more!

It's time for some action!