In the underground bunker lab, I set up 10 clone pods active, preparing for a long gestation.
In each of them, I inserted complex zipped packets of trance programs that would slowly unravel in their growing conciousness, making their roles, personalities and loyalties preset to my preference.
Each of them would form a new pantheon of godkings and queens in the wake of the oncoming collapse.
And for that they'd need the most suitable handpicked quirks.
Precisely for that reason, I'd spent the last few days traveling the globe, copying quirks, destroying preventive measures, contingencies and mutually assured destruction protocols, and dismantling secret agencies with carefully placed mind control.
Can't have paranoid dipshit politicians turning the world into the picture perfect nuclear holocaust out of desperation, now can we?
In South America, I empowered cartel leaders, and initiated a coup, destabilizing the continent.
In the USA, I decayed their entire pentagon server and file storage, before doing the same at Langley.
No more CIA black ops for you!
After all, if I left them to their own ends, they'd probably figure out my plans and poison me and my clones to dead.
Or just nuke us.
It wouldn't work on me of course, but it'd suck to lose a couple of cities to them.
And I'm not in the business of losing.
With a tweak here, a coup there, the recipe for a perfectly cooked worldwide societal collapse was on the stove, simmering to a delicious climax.
With collapse would come anarchy and a bew era of villainy.
And once anarchy took hold, the people would scream out for a saviour, any saviour.
And just like Napolean, my new gods would emerge; dictators, yes, but vastly better than the lawless dystopia lingering beyond the edge of the abyss.
And with that, in a single month, the whole planet would be handed to me on a silver platter.
"Grow well, my children. Soon your time in the sun will come!" I said, running my hands across the pods, hardwiring their quirks into the embryonic genome.
I looked at my notes again, as I picked out the right quirks for them.
After all, if they're too strong and unapproachable, their citizens will lose hope.
And if modern China and it's Lying Flat movement have taught me something, it's that hopeless citizens are not productive citizens.
I would do dictatorship right, by guaranteeing the citizens their small, common freedoms, and dangling the hope of a regime change in front of their eyes, with a heavy, heavy dose of propaganda, the news media constantly sensationalizing even minor events, pitting the citizens against each other, while my rule is secure. Not out of the goodness of their hearts but out of their fear of the other side winning.
Of course, there would be no other side, so to speak.
There'd be only the obe side, mine.
After all, if it works for America, it'll work for me.
I began sticking the notes on the pods, for ease of access, whenever I came back to check on them.
Blood Emperor
-Blood Bomb
-Flight via Wings
-Dragon Scales
-Weather Manipulation
-Muscle Augmentation
-Air Walk
-Danger Sense
-Solid Air
-Dark Shadow
Mama Flora
Dark Delver
-Poison Gas
-Plasma Beam
-Lizard Tail Splitter
-High Spec
-Queen Bee
-Fiber Master
-Razor Sharp
-Horn Cannon
-Bullet Laser
Frost Sovereign
-Metal Manipulation
With that, I made my way to the final spot. No, not some secret black site or canon relevant location.
Rather it was a graveyard.
I walked up to a particular tombstone, and activate a mixture of quirks, producing a chamber of pitch black, created using among others, the quirk Blackhole.
Using the sheer force of gravity the chamber exerted, I diluted the time ratio between the inside and outside to a 1:1000000000.
Taking a seat, I spent the next 31 years completely mastering all of the quirks now at my disposal, even as my stockpiling quirks evolved further and further beyond their canon limits, evolving into newer, better ones.
Finally, I exited, looking not a day older than 16, a la, psychic immortality.
With a thought, I excavated the grave, pulling out a plain but solid wooden coffin, with a Japanese flag and medal on it.
Carefully putting the flag and medal aside, I opened it, revealing a corpse on nearly complete decay, clothed in officerial garb, pinned with full military honors.
Not that it would have soothed her pain when she was alive. The blood on her hands wasn't something she could wash away that easily.
Yet today, I was here, and with my power nothing was impossible.
I placed a hand on her chest, creating a monochrome bubble, as the world within began to reverse, her body returning to her previous state along with it.
The dried summer grass turned green, then budding, and finally, sunk back into the ground. The uniform repaired itself where the worms and termites had eaten into it.
The woman's body, well, un-decayed, flesh appearing out of thin air, pulling itself together onto her bones, blood flowing back into her rejuvenated veins, turning them from a rotten green to a bright, lively red.
Then came her skin, fat and tendons, realigned in their right places. Her arms twisted in unholy formations before twisting back the right way.
Her skull reknit itself from the 100 or so shards it had broken into, and cerebral fluid filled it, nursing her rapidly regrowing brain tissue.
Over her head, her candy colored hair regained it's subtle luster.
Finally, a dull thump rang out, faintly from her chest. Then another and another, and until with a great heave, she breathed again.
Lady Nagant. Back among the living!