The next day, Shoto didn't come to school as the news of Endeavor's death has broken out.
Poor sod, having to grow up so fast.
But that's none of my problem!
For me, something more important is looming over the horizon.
Or rather, over my desk.
It's a letter.
Early in the morning, I was handed this letter by Mirio, with a request for secrecy.
Scanning through it revealed exactly what I'd expected and set up over the course of the past three years.
A request for a meeting and a contract for information on the League's movements and plans.
This was what I'd intended with my revelation of my info gathering skill during the Shie Hasseikai raid, and my consistently stellar reporting and vigilante work.
Now, with Hawks, their spy in the league, dead, they had no choice but to come to me for help.
Not to mention, I was, at least in the minds of the people, the future symbol of peace. So they wouldn't leave me out even if they wanted to, especially in such times as these when heroes had begun to 'retire' in large numbers ahead of schedule.
I guess there's only so much they can bear, what with the attacks on the HPSC, the constant threat of the league and the sword of damocles that is Stain's movement hanging above their heads.
No wonder so many heroes cracked under all that stress!
All according to plan!
Once school ended, I found Mirio waiting for me at the gate.
"Ready to go?" He asked.
"Yeah, just a minute, I'll get something from my room, then we can leave." I said, trying to find any excuse to get a moment's privacy.
"Oh! I'll come with you then. If you're going back to the dorms then I might as well change out of the school uniform." He said.
"Yeah, sure." I replied and off we went.
Once I was in my room, I cloned myself with Ectoplasm's quirk and sent one clone with Mirio, one to Jaku as a scout and finally, I teleported myself to a nearby hotel for some sexy times with Himiko.
Why did I make plans with Himiko if I was going to have a meeting later?
The thing is, I didn't!
The whole meeting thing came out of the blue.
I was expecting call from Sir Nighteye in about two days or so, but damn, were they forward with it.
The bodies aren't even cold and the investigation is already being moved along!
Now, I couldn't refuse a date with Himiko because I promised to be a better boyfriend and I am a man of my word; so here we are.
My clone in Jaku on the other hand landed on top of step leading intot he main gate of the hospital and walked up to the reception.
"I have an appointment with Dr. Garaki?" I said.
"Your name sir?" The secretary asked.
"Harukaze." I answered.
She picked up the phone and rang the doctor, before ushering me in.
"I see. Please head in, sir." She said.
I nodded and walked in.
"Is the report ready?" I asked.
"No master. You specified a timeline of two days. I have the information but the report won't be ready till later today or early next morning."
"That's fine. Just tell me the figures." I responded, and began to relay the information directly to the people at Sir Nighteye's agency.
"Yes master. The Paranormal Liberation Front has amassed a force 90000 strong, with a good 40000 more on the way.
Their strongest quirk users aside from the league are Slide'N Go, with a sliding quirk. He is a battlefield tactician and envoy.
Then there's Geten, an ice quirk user. He can't produce ice, but rather he can reduce the temperature of liquids till they freeze and then controls the already frozen mass. His range is exorbitant, and his power is very versatile.
With enough water, he could go on fighting for days.
Next is Trumpet. He's a politician and has the quirk Incite, which can manipulate the emotions of people who listen to it.
In addition to these, they also have a puppeteer called Skeptic who can create copies of objects and people as puppets under his control. His true power is unknown.
Finally, there's their old leader, Re-Destro, with his quirk, Stress. He gets more powerful the more stressed he becomes."
"Good enough. When will they be here?" I asked.
"In a week. They'll begin their assault with an attack on Tokyo and Tartarus simultaneously.
But there is nothing to worry about. I have implanted the explosives in him. Here's the detonator." Garaki said, pulling out a button from his drawer.
I stuffed it into my pocket and teleported back to my secret apartment, leaving it in a safe there.
"I'll leave then. I'm sure you can handle the rest, yes?" I asked.
"Yes master, worry not. I'm capable." Garaki replied, as I dematerialized the clone in a puff of smoke.
Back in the hero office, Nighteye pondered over possible counters to their powers.
"Don't you have any other information?" Rocklock asked.
"My informant is a low ranking member in the PLF. He isn't privy to most of what goes on in there. I'll try to get in touch with someone higher on the food chain, but for now that's all we have on them." I replied.
"No. That's more than what we have on our files. Thank you for your help, Shikimori-kun." Ryukyu praised.
"No problem, miss Ryukyu. Anything for justice!" I said.
"Now all that remains is to gather the banners." Edgeshot suggested.
"Yes." Sir Nighteye responded finally back in the conversation.
"Send word to all hero agencies and hero schools.
Anyone with a license and some even without need to be recruited into the effort and fast."
He looked at the one HPSC staff in the room and asked.
"How fast can you issue temporary hero licenses?"
"That depends on how many we need." The staff member answered.
"Nearly 4000." Nighteye replied.
"That's too much!" Rocklock protested.
"No. It's too little. There are give or take 7000 heroes and another 3000 students and civilians with useful quirks who'd be willing to volunteer.
We still don't know how many of them are secretly part of the PLF, so a conservative estimate puts our forces at about 6000, against their well over a 100k. This isn't a villain fight Rocklock, it's a war! And we're losing ground fast!" Nighteye shouted.
"Maybe, and I say this with a heavy heart, we should recruit from the mafia and yakuza, in return for blanket pardons?" Fat Gum suggested.
"No! Even if it's a war, that's crossing a line! Besides, we'll have the help of the police and the military.
Especially, if this is a civil war, then the military will have no choice but to mobilize." Rocklock argued.
"There isn't enough time. We'll atmost get help from a portion of the police force, no more than 15000, 22000 at most if we include the local military battalions. The rest will likely be sen to guard the cities and enforce wartime measures across the nation.
Expect curfews and food shortages.
And that's if we win.
What we stand to lose, is far more than that!" Nighteye warned.
"Then that's that, isnt it? The solution is simple. Just use me!" I said.
"What do you mean?" Fat Gum asked.
"If we create a mobile task force with tranquilizer rounds, and get me in a chopper, I can handle about 2000 people at a time. Then it's as simple as point and shoot. Rinse and repeat!
Besides, these villains aren't soldiers, they're civilian activists. They'll fold like wet paper at the slightest bit of resistance. The only ones we need to be worried about are the officer ranks and above. And they number in the hundreds, maybe thousands at most. It's not as bad as it seems, really!" I assured.
"If you say so, I suppose." Nighteye relaxed a bit.
"Well then, I'll take my leave. I have an investigation to run and homework to do. Sayonara!" I said, before walking out the door to a small goodbye from Sir Nighteye.
"Truly exceptional, that brat!" Rocklock said as I left.
"You're right about, gulp, that!" Fat Gum replied swallowing a mouthful of takoyaki.
Once I was out of view, I dispelled the clone and returned to the dorms, retiring for the day.
The next week was going to be hectic as fuck, what with the civil war, collapse of society and the birth of my baby boy. Not to mentions the midterms! I have yet to prepare for those!
And with small worries in my mind, I fell asleep, even as the world went to shit around me.