The death of the clones.

"You! Die!" He cried, alerting the other Shigaraki behind him, as 11 bolts of lightning descended, passing through Mirio harmelssly.

"You missed!" Mirio mocked, before disappearing underground.

"Hrrngh! You, the fifth one!" He called out to the Shigaraki with an armband reading '5', nearby.

"Go back to base and hunt down the ones that killed those two.

Suddenly, another bubble dissipated at the edge of the battlefield.

Another one dead.

Shigaraki, scanned the surroundings, spotting Best Jeanist and Death Arms, dead, as a flash of green disappeared into the rubble of the buildings beneath him.

These bastards!

He let out a primal roar in rage, slamming the rubble with lightning, when, from the city centre, a mountain of ice erupted.

Right below a clone.

This can't be a coincidence. They couldn't have known about the cloning plan. Even I didn't think about it till this morning. So someone must have rallied a team to do this, in this chaos of a war.

Only one person could have come up with such a plan!

It must be that damned Haru Shikimori!

Just the thought if that boy sent Shigaraki into a rage.

a spout of steam exploded from within, like an ice volcano, burning the Shigaraki above, momentarily disarming his bubble, as wooden stakes creeped out of the many icy spouts, skewering the clone.

In one last desperate attempt, the clone burst forth with decay, shattering the ice, and crushing Kamui within.

"Kamui!" Shoto screamed, as he ran into the rubble melting away the ice, revealing Kamui's corpse, well the top half-anyway, decayed in a gradient, circles of disintegrated tissue running in concentric patterns like a tree.

"Go meet your friend in hell!" Came a voice from above, as lightning strike after lightning strike landed on his position, burning Shoto to death, without so much as a scream.

Shigaraki number 5, then looked at the direction of the headquarters as another two clones died.

"Just 4 more left. Then I'll be the true Shigaraki!" He muttered under his breath, when all a whizzing sound hit him and so did a fast disintegrating candy colored bullet.

He watched as his feet began to turn into the black goo that made up his body.

"No! No! Nooooo! I don't wanna die idont wanna dhhhhhie!" He cried, as his vocal cords melted mid sentence, and he fell to the floor.

On the Northeastern edge of the city, on the roof of Detnerat co., Lady Nagant, unloaded her chamber.

"Five down, four to go."

She muttered, taking aim at the Shigaraki in the vanguard, waiting for the right moment to take the shot, amidst the many quirks being thrown around wildly at him, but to no avail.

She could have dealt him a killing blow way earlier and easier, if only Haru hadn't forbidden her from revealing her presence in the war.

"Too early!" he said, "Not while the HPSC still holds sway over the nation."

And he was right. If they knew that she was alive, they'd go to any lengths, stop at nothing trying to recover her, back into their service.

And so she was stuck, watching waiting.

Meanwhile, on the front lines, Shigaraki was racking his brain for any solution to the phasing problem.

Then it hit him.

Suddenly, he swooped low, grabbing one of the younger heroes.

A student from UA. The gravity girl.

"Hey you blond little shit! Come out and fight me straight or she dies!" Shigaraki cried, undoing his decay bubble, as Mirio emerged from the ground, shooting up into the sky to assess the situation, and took in a deep breath, before scanning the area, spotting Uraraka in the hands of Shigaraki.

His expression turned grim at the sight, as he landed on a fallen building, maintaining his permeation everywhere except the soles of his feet.

"Let her go!" he shouted, "I'm here!"

"And you won't run away, now will you?" Shigaraki asked, growing a rivet out of his hand.

"No. I'll stay right here. Just let her go!" Mirio assured.

"If you say so!" Shigaraki replies, knocking her out and dropping her.

"No!" Mirio cried as he dove into the ground, before rushing out towards her.

Just as he was about to reach her though, Shigaraki taunted, as he aimed the bony rivet at Uraraka's back.

"Not so fast, now hero!"

"Damnit!" Mirio shouted in frustration, as he dove right through Uraraka, grabbing a nearby construction iron, before solidifying.

Now, with him holding the wrought iron rubble, and his phased out legs still in Uraraka's stomach, he undid his quirk, as the property of repulsion activated.

And since he wasn't moveable, the force of repulsion sent Uraraka flying in the opposite direction, out of the range of the rivet, even as it pierced Mirio through, skewering him to the ground, his intestines hanging out, torn to shreds.

"There we go, you little rat! You got what you deserved! This is the price of being a hero!" Shigaraki reveled as he slowly walked over to Mirio.

From corner of his eyes, Shigaraki spotted the last of the clones die as another bubble disappeared.

"Tch!" He clicked his tongue, "No. I can deal with that later. As long as Twice lives, I can make more. But you!"

Shiagraki turned to Mirio.

Kneeling down, he shifted Mirio's face towards him, as he continued.

"But don't worry. You won't die a heroic death. I know a very good doctor not far from here and he's gonna make it all better.

He'll turn you into everything you stand against, into a perfect Nomu, slave to my commands!"

Mirio on thenother hand just smiled defiantly in his face.

"Go ahead and try." Mirio replied, spitting out some blood right onto Shigaraki's eyes.

"But I don't think you'll have much success."

Mirio snickered, in between pained gasps, looking past Shigaraki.

"And why do you think so?" Shigaraki asked, laughing aloud.

"Why?" A voice came from behind him, accompanied by confident footsteps.


Shigaraki recognized the voice, and leapt back, turning to face the man he'd dreamed of killing many times over.

He who stood as the polar opposite of himself, the new Symbol of Peace.

"Shikimori Haru!"