While I slept, the world changed drastically as Japan became the only free democratic country remaining in the world as my new gods proceeded to take over the rest of the world, forming armies of All For One users to enforce their will.
Japan on the other hand returned to a semblence of peace and even then, it remained plagued by villains, the ones that had just broken out of Tartarus with the help of the final Shigaraki clone, the only one left.
Heroes who had previously stuck around, retired en masse, bringing down their numbers to a mere 2000.
Another interesting develipment was a growing cult formed in my name as Gentle spread the video of my fight against Shigaraki.
I was hailed as a god and even the government had to acknowledge in no uncertain terms that I woukd be the deciding factor to life in the new world.
But all of that didn't matter as much as the birth of my son, during my fight with Shigaraki, one that I had missed.
I did not miss the birth of my son. I would never!
Using a clone disguised as a janitor, I was present for the birth of my son.
And he was the cutest little thing ever.
When he grabbed my finger, holding him in my arms, I felt, so happy I could cry.
It was mine. All mine. I had made this thing.
A feeling of love rose from deep within me.
And I swore I would protect it till the end of it's days.
Yes, it's days. I was immortal after all, the kid very well might not be.
And so, slowly and steadily the years passed with my power and influence growing all across the world.
Aizawa was suspicious at first, but he had an unfortunate accident on a foreign trip to China, and stopped being a problem.
As promised, I rolled the heroes intot he police force, with a choice, stay independent and get corporate money, at the cost of losing occupational immunity or join the police and keep it along woth a generous salary from the government.
Most chose the latter and the rest slowly grew out of it.
Deku married Uraraka and lived happily ever after, as I dragged the world into the space age, making humanity, finally a interplanetary species.
Three hundred years, I stayed on this world, until finally we conquered the entire galaxy with FTL quirk drives and nanomachine teleporters.
Finally, when I had everything I needed, I returned to the old farmhouse, now a museum of my life, visiting the graves of my parents.
They'd lived a good life and I hadn't fully taken ove rthe world until their death. They died proud parents of a hero.
The least I could do for the people who loved me unconditionally, a boy with no past, without question.
A tear rolled down my cheek, as Himiko, now as immortal as me with a careful blood transfusion, hugged me from behind.
"It's time. Are you ready to come with me on a multiversal adventure, Himiko? You could be leaving your homeworld forever!" I asked.
"Yes. I would love to." She said, kissing me deeply, "It's not like I can just let you grow another harem across the multiverse willy nilly now can I?"
"You knew?" I asked.
"Of course I knew. What, did you think I wouldn't suspect how Melissa and Aiba just became pregnant with immortal babies? I'm not an idiot, darling. It's obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together!" She replied.
"Then why?" I asked.
"Because I loved and still love you, more than I love myself. Besides, I know ypu never loved them the way you loved me. I could feel it in your eyes and your mind. You never looked at them the way you looked at me. Completely smitten, like a puppy. I couldn't be mad at you after that!" She said, caressing my face.
"Ehem!" A voice came from behind us.
"Papa, mama if you're done flirting, can we get going, the portal is taking a lot of my power here!"
"Yes, yes. Let's go Haruto. Eri! Come, let's go!"
I entered the muktiverse portal with my new family, disappearing from the world, leaving it better now than when I had found it, a veritable utopia.
The End.
Thank you all for reading.
This chapter was a bit rushed, but as I said, I'll probably come back in the future and rewrite some parts of the last few chaps.
Until then, I would like to thank my loyal readers, without whom this fic would have probably ended up dropped at chapter 30.
Thank you to Atomicforce, whitedevil, Sorcen, Useer, nacht, weebprince, closed pervert, weirdo, kanira and all of others I failed to mention.
I will be writing a couple of new fics.
One in mha again, this time with a better ending than this crap one.
And another one in the marvel cinematic universe.
Sorry about this rushed end. I kinds got burnt out on this fic.
It won't happen again.
I'll be better.
Anyways, see ya guys on another fic, at another time.